This article is about the history of IGG. For the principle of dialectical centrism which we uphold, see Stalinist Golden Center. For a general overview of Infrared, see the Infrared page.)
History[edit | edit source]
Origins[edit | edit source]
Infrared began in 2015 as a research and study collective of five people (eventually growing to twelve), which was not public or outward-facing in any way. The original group included Haz Al-Din, who was a young autodidact in the fields of history, philosophy, and politics. Some of the group's members were also members of the DSA in 2016, and most (if not all) supported Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential election.
After the 2016 election, the group, having been influenced by Reza Negarestani, the New Centre for Research and Practice, and accelerationist Twitter groups, decided to take up the torch in the aftermath of the Sanders campaign. Having read religious texts, the entire Western canon of philosophy, the classics of Marxism-Leninism, much of the influential historical and fictional literature that exists worldwide, and postmodern/accelerationist theorists, the group returned to Stalin's works and gained a "new conception of the masses", from which Infrared (and it's worldview, Infrared Vision) was born.
It wasn't until the summer of 2020, during the COVID lockdown, that Infrared decided to go public as a media group, with Haz as their public face. Haz started streaming in late 2020, while he was still in law school and trying to write a book summarizing his political views. Due to insomnia, Haz decided to stream to fill his nights with productivity, reasoning "if these online media personalities are going to keep me awake at night, I will face them head on". This was when Infrared coined its tagline and defined itself explicitly as a political tendency: "Marxism-Leninism in the age of multi-polarity and the post-COVID world."
Infrared soon made a miniature video essay series called "Infrared Vision" and featured serialized pre-recorded Infrared episodes with some of the groups members and contemporaries, such as Fan Wennan, Xiangyu, and Ilya Medvedev. During this early (public) period, Haz and the Infrared collective were focused on clarifying theory and philosophy to the public and the American "Left". Unfortunately, some early viewers became deranged haters because they couldn't understand it, and Haz eventually had to declare: "We cannot clarify forever." During the pre-Twitch period, Haz debated some of these haters, leftists, and whoever else would debate while streaming using StreamYard. All of these YouTube videos would be uploaded on February 21st, 2021, the same day the IGG Discord server was founded.
Following this came the Twitch period in the winter of 2020-2021. Haz aimed to conquer Twitch by continuing to debate streamers and others on the platform, agitating twitchpol and garnering clout. Haz said he needed to "pump the garbage to get the economy going" -- he had to do more debates and dramatic, controversial, inflammatory stuff to get attention on Twitch.
During the Twitch period, Haz first debated smaller leftists who were easily dispatched. Soon, though, Haz debated Xanderhal, Vaush, and Destiny all in one weekend, crushing them all. He and Infrared saw these and other "left-wing" influencers as the degenerators of the authentic left-wing political tradition and audiences who otherwise might have been drawn to such historically constituted left-wing politics.
The Infrared (IGG) Discord server, a hub for discussion and debate, doubling as a library, and tripling as a venue for sharing all sorts of art and culture, was started on February 24th, 2021. This would grow to become the publicly accessible body of Infrared, and thus we also chronicle its development in its manifold interconnections. The leadership (moderators, showrunners, etc.) made the important decisions behind the scenes, especially at first. People were allowed to say whatever they wanted both in the server and on social media. This led to a lack of discipline which gradually became corrected over the following three years, especially due to Discord's restraining terms of service.
In the early Infrared Discord server, there was a small population and people were interviewed when they joined, and the server was invite-only. The original mod team was comprised of redlibs, and so was most of the server. During the first five months of the server, old-guard tankies and leftists comprised the server, generally. Then, from July to August 2021, the "esoteric ideological jungle" broadened the server's scope, which then spanned the entire political spectrum. This era is sometimes seen as the Early Golden Age of Infrared as a period of genuine "mob rule". No one ideology or tendency was dominant; Infrared was also not being targeted yet. The server in it's embryonic stage-- as a microcosm of all politics-- was freer to debate with few server rules, ToS, and little oversight of server activity by the core/high-ranking server members. Such an all-encompassing stage was possible in the first place because the IGG Discord server was not designed to be an echo-chamber like DGG or other leftist circles online; it was designed to be a place for debate and development, which is why the official positions of Infrared often juxtaposed people in the Discord server, whether they constituted a majority or minority.
By the time Infrared was banned from Twitch, Haz had built a following of a few thousands, with a regular live viewership of 100. Moving solely to YouTube streaming and video production, Haz continued to debate streamers and Breadtubers, and put his book on hold.
Haz started his rise by debating Breadtubers and Destiny orbiters who were defending the establishment. In a single weekend, after only a short time streaming, he debated Xanderhal, Vaush, and Destiny all in one weekend, garnering tens of thousands of views overnight.
[Haz vs Xanderhal - FEBRUARY 21ST, 2021 (date of upload)][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Vaush - FEBRUARY 21ST, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Destiny - FEBRUARY 23RD, 2021][edit | edit source]
Haz continued debating anyone who was willing to challenge him from any point of view, and of any level of notoriety. However, he focused mainly on leftists because they were the ones claiming to be "progressives", claiming to be "left-wing", claiming to be "Communists". These redlibs, as well as anarchists and terminally online liberals, were claiming the nom de guerre of "the real revolutionaries", while being unlearned, conceited, smug, undisciplined, dogmatic, one-sided, spiteful, and all other kinds of poor "revolutionaries."
[Haz vs Socialism Done Left - FEBRUARY 24TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Sondsol and Dylan Burns - MARCH 2ND, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Fellow Traveler - MARCH 6TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
Haz streamed a conversation with Caleb Maupin, the founder of the Center for Political Innovation, which allied with Infrared based on a shared view of Breadtube's controlled demolition of left-wing politics and online political discourse. Haz would be attacked by Breadtubers for years to come in waves, which Infrared views as a coordinated attack when taken in conjunction with evidence that monopolist NGO networks actively suppressed Infrared and other truly left-wing dissidents.
[Haz vs Jolah - MARCH 12TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Canzuck and co. - MARCH 14TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Destiny II - MARCH 27TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Sondsol II - APRIL 7TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Destiny III - APRIL 28TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
In June 2021, Black Lenin started clipping Infrared stream highlights and posting them to YouTube. He joined Papi Chulo, who had been clipping streams and uploading them since early 2021. In April 2022, BeyondLiberalism began clipping and uploading Infrared streams and by 2023, MiG and others would also help create YouTube videos of stream highlights. These channels also produced meme videos of Haz and Infrared. Combined, they accrued hundreds of thousands of views.
[Haz vs Zoran Zoltaneous - JUNE 22ND, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Jackson Hinkle vs Vaush - JULY 10TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
On July 17th, 2021, Haz's debate with Canzuck was turned into an animation by YouTuber wow_mao, garnering millions of views. This video introduced thousands of people to Infrared and Haz al-Din. This led to more opportunities for Haz to debate prominent leftists and other online personalities.
Once the wow_mao video blew up in July of 2021, Haz gained enough clout to really establish his presence on Twitch. During this period, Haz collaborated with Logo Daedalus, KantBot, and EdBerg, all of whom were highly influential for Infrared (especially Logo) and associated with an alternative political twitter discourse circa 2015, known as "frogtwitter"; Jon Zherka also associated with Haz, inviting Haz onto his stream multiple times; and CPI founder Caleb Maupin became an ally against Breadtubers who were now attacking Infrared. Haz held Infrarumbles (groups debate nights) where he met and featured Jackson Hinkle, who eventually gained enough clout (between debating on Twitch, his interviews with Jimmy Dore and others, and his reporting on the false flag chemical attack in Syria) to debate the milquetoast Democrat whiner Sam Seder in January 2022, who conceded the debate to Jackson.
[Haz vs Dylan Burns and Co. - JULY 24TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
The leftist streamer Hasan Piker watched Infrared around this time, and Haz resonded to his attacks on IGG throughout August of 2021.
[Haz vs Perspective Philosophy - AUGUST 8TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Perspective Philosophy II (moderated by President Sunday) - AUGUST 15TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Rem - SEPTEMBER 3RD, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Kevin Castley - SEPTEMBER 9TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz and Logo vs Keith Woods and Joel Davis - SEPTEMBER 12TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Jason Unruhe - SEPTEMBER 29TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
Though the CPUSA 2036 initiative to reclaim the CPUSA by 2036 was already a meme floating around Infrared, the directive was formally established in October of 2021. Infrared sleeper cells populated the CPUSA from top to bottom, and were following orders to conceal their beliefs in order to not be purged by the establishment-aligned Party leadership. Some allies of Infrared left the Party prior to the operation to form PCUSA, or explored other leftists organizations like PSL to see if they had any salvageable membership or political functionality (they didn't).
[Haz vs BadEmpanada - OCTOBER 7TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Rainer Shea - OCTOBER 10TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Esha K - OCTOBER 18TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Destiny IV - OCTOBER 31ST, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Haz & Jon Zherka vs Destiny and Ahrelevant - SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
[Jackson Hinkle vs Dylan Burns - SEPTEMBER 28TH, 2021][edit | edit source]
On January 3rd, 2022, Haz was suspended from Twitch after he made fun of ("harassed") Twitch streamer BadEmpanada.
[Haz vs Destiny V (IRL) - JANUARY 17TH, 2022][edit | edit source]
Soon enough, Infrared entered a new chapter. On February 24th, 2022, Russia began the SMO into Ukraine. That same night, Haz said "Vladimir Putin is good", and politics changed dramatically and rapidly in the following weeks and months. Old Twitch politics died, Russophobic hysteria ensued, and Ukraine propaganda began littering online political discourse, which had achieved a new level of emnity. The death of Twitch politics was exemplified by the debate between Haz and Jackson & Dylan Burns and Destiny on the SMO's justification.
Haz and Infrared saw the political paradigm shift after the Russian SMO began in Ukraine, and how neo-Nazis who refused to debate were only the precursor to something larger and more sinister latent within American and international politics. The Tech Transparency Project, an NGO funded by George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, reported Jackson and Haz to (Amazon) Twitch for "spreading disinfomation" about the Ukraine war. Jackson and Haz were banned from Twitch almost immediately, using this report as proof of their duplicity.[1][2]
Jackson, meanwhile, began blowing up on YouTube for his daily coverage of the Russian SMO, garnering millions of views and hundreds of thousands of followers. This caused Jackson to get banned from YouTube for "spreading disinformation about the Ukraine war", and he subsequently started streaming on Rumble. Haz moved to streaming on YouTube full time. Infrared members were expected to step up, "follow the example of Comerade Rev", and begin writing and promoting Infrared through slogans, art, and other content. Orvo created the MAGA Communism slogan, which trended on Twitter for a month straight.
[Haz and Jackson vs Destiny and Dylan Burns - MARCH 3RD, 2022][edit | edit source]
The old Discord server got nuked in May 2022, and nearly the entire historical record of IGG was destroyed along with it. Some even say it was worse than the destruction of the Library of Alexandria. The original Discord server was mass reported by the tyrannical Discord mod named Gaga-- a Pakistani redlib-- and her friends. She attempted and failed to dox Haz after losing over a dozen debates to him. Nobody was safe from the clique from August 2021 to February 18th, 2022. They rode to server popularity by disguising woke ideas as Marxist, then slowly using them as pretext for enforcing such ideological slop, similarly to how Nazis co-opted Communist and Marxist language to infiltrate undisciplined or inexperienced groups. During this time of woke anarchy, degenerates flooded the server ranting about their sex lives and doing vile things; it is not remembered by IGG as a noble or aspirational time whatsoever.
In the midst of this long tyranny was a short, light-hearted period surrounding the IGG member Duck Society and his domination of the server with his silly "Duck lobby". Duck Society had been in the server for a while, spreading his meme ideology of Duck supremacy; with newfound serverwide popularity, however, he expanded his meme to the "Goose deepstate", and reacted to things cryptically with duck emotes. When questioned on its meaning multiple times by Infrared showrunners, Duck refused to give an explanation, and likely never will. The duck meme would remain an insider joke cemented in IGG history for years.
During this entire time, Haz was struggling immensely on a personal level as well as in his leadership role. He had chronic insomnia, was distrustful of others, and openly said the only thing driving him at this point was growing and building Infrared. IGG frustrated Haz, trying to give advice or armchair therapy. Haz even tried edible gummies to help him sleep, but said they "made him dream weird stuff." Haz ultimately overcame this just as the IGG server overcame this period of tyranny, both coinciding with the beginning of the Russian SMO in February.
For one day there was no server for Infrared on Discord; Duck and a few others started an unofficial server, which eventually fell apart and was abandoned after the new official server was founded.
The new server was created on February 18th, 2022. The interview process to join the server ceased. All talk about the aforementioned clique was banned forever. From February to April 2022, the server was dominated by a new group, the "patriotic socialists" and "left-theocrats". This period of the IGG Discord server was characterized by its rank-and-file members still unsure of their actual beliefs, still bouncing from one trendy thing to the next. The "patriotic socialists" were gorillacels-- a term invented by Yossarian meaning dumber gorillas-- who were unable to respond to rightful criticisms that they came off as American chauvinists, instead using the "patriotic" label to deflect. "The "left-theocrats" were cringe as well in their own way: they attempted and failed to synthesize religion and Marxism, instead sloganeering and espousing sophistry.
During the same period came the war between East Asians and "Abrahamics" in the Discord server. The "Hyper-War" was a short period where East Asians and East Asian diaspora struggled against the "Abrahamic" members of the server. It was started by an "Abrahamic" bragging about the amount of believers in God in China, which led to an explosive reaction by a member of the discord, Korean Bolshevik. It was all downhill from there. The war was mainly about the East Asians going on long rants/lectures about respecting East Asian sovereignty and emphasizing the different civilizational reality of their region. They went on about how East Asia was more "atheistic" or even "pagan" in the Abrahamic sense of the words. It always seemed to get worse as these conversations went on with many sides weighing in on the conflicts. Eventually, when one of the main propagators left the server, the wars ended, putting to bed another unfortunate chapter of IGG.
[Haz vs Asatar Bair - MAY 14TH, 2022[edit | edit source]
[Haz and Jackson vs Destiny and AdamSomething - JUNE 6TH, 2022][edit | edit source]
[PatSoc Split][edit | edit source]
In the spring and summer months of 2022, Infrared was associated with people who claimed the label 'Patriotic Socialists', or "PatSocs" for short. This term was originally a reference to National Socialism, sometimes shortened to ""NatSoc", used as a derogative against socialists who are patriotic. Infrared rejected the label since socialism has always been patriotic, allying with the Patriotic Social-Democrats temporarily against the pan-leftists attacking and conflating the two groups. These PatSocDems, as they were called, went on to attack Infrared for not supporting the artificial open society erected and managed by the bourgeoisie. Their patriotism was false; the spinelessness of those who would like nothing more than for "socialist" Rockefeller and Ford Foundation-type groups to "end the culture war" and manage the transition from the concrete working class to the neutered and idealistic "inclusive working class".
The dualistic rule of both these PatSocs and the "left-theocrats" in the IGG server would soon meet its demise. The left-theocrats, unable to reconcile religion with ideology, became regular theocrats. Meanwhile, the PatSocs went extinct from the server after Haz's April 22, 2022 stream debunking "patriotic socialism".
Haz formally dismissed the remaining PatSocDems in his scathing article "On the PatSoc Split" from July 19th, 2022; analyzing the adjacent historic development of the Stakhanovites (the industrial working class supported by Stalin) and the vydvizhentsy (professional, bureaucratic, revisionist elite class) of the Soviet Union, and addressing both the essence and substantive arguments of the PatSocDems exhaustively.
Some of these PatSocDems were affiliated with parties, such as Andrew Saturn, who was affiliated with the Socialist Party of America and the Green Party. Some of them, like Saturn, seethed at their obliteration at the hands of Infrared and Haz Al-Din. Saturn, a man with children, spent months on Twitter lying about Infrared and coping, even going so far as to attempt to dox Haz, reveal his real name and where he lives. Instead, Andrew harassed a random family from Dearbourne, convinced that Haz was actually some normal guy named Adam Tahir. He proceeded to harass and leak this Tahir guy's address, insisting he was Haz.
Andrew Saturn was not the only PatSocDem who contracted Infrared Derangement Syndrome. Johnny Socialism became possibly more obsessed than Saturn. Johnny spent the next two years (at least) vowing to destroy Infrared and the Khan. He regularly posted about IGG and even specific members from behind a block, claiming that Jackson Hinkle was a CIA agent propagandist and that IGG was a fascist psyop against "true" Communism (the open society). Unfortunately, the subsect of pan-leftists who believed this dwindled evermore, and the equation of real socialist patriots like Infrared with national socialism was no longer viable for them.
During and following the PatSoc split, Haz was beginning to ruthlessly critique leftists and Breadtubers once and for all, though he had already been critiquing them throughout 2021. The most notable Breadtubers included were the crew of The Deprogram (Hakim, Yugopnik, and JT aka Second Thought); Luna Oi and her sexpat husband NonCompete; American sexpat BadEmpanada; and "investigative journalist" Ben Norton, formerly of The Grayzone.
The principle contradiction between Haz and these Breadtubers was Infrared's acceptance of socialist patriotism, which Breadtubers reject on the dogmatic notion that one cannot have any patriotic feeling for a nation with an oppressive or imperialist state. Their overall outlook is described in detail by Lenin in his 1920 pamphlet "Left-Wing Communism: an Infantile Discorder".
Haz explained the Western Left's state in June of 2022 as "Pro-US intervention social democrats" like Vaush or Luna Oi, vs. "Pro Third World social democracies" like Vietnam or Bolivia. He says "The pro-Third World social democrats are basically against direct forms of US intervention. However, the majority of the US ruling class has come to realize that direct US intervention harms unipolar imperialism. These same people protested the Vietnam War in their youth. This has earned them the wrap of being 'anti-imperialists.' Luna Oi, for example, opposes DIRECT US intervention. Yet silent about things like the IPEF, and is also an ideologist of American soft power. Hakim is similar. Both defend American UNIPOLARITY. The Hakim and Luna Oi faction opposes this, but both factions: are firmly embedded within, and presuppose US Unipolar imperialism, and base themselves in the Soros Open Society, are social democrats. The fake-ML faction are somewhat similar to NATO-left. They want to weaponize state power to enforce the open society values. The fake-MLs want to do it at home (such as supporting Trudeau against truckers) while the NATO wants to do it BOTH at home and abroad."[3]
In the IGG Discord server, from April to July of 2022, a few characters roamed about and became known figures. A server member named Kaiserberg became incredibly popular after months of server members calling him "Kaiserbot" for his uninteresting messages. Showrunners talked to and about him, people laughed at everything he said, and his word was gospel. This was the only cult of personality Infrared ever had, and it was a meme. Kaiserberg was put in the server's quarantine until people rioted for his freedom in general chat.
Around the same time, a Bengali going to college in Canada named Omni JarGo demonstrated on multiple occasions that he had dirt on people, exposing them in struggle sessions. Omni became known in the server for an unorthodox method of developing Infrared's collective consciousness in the long run. He spread a fake book around the server by Pol Pot called "Theory of National Identity and Social Cohesion", which led leftists in the server to claim they read it to look smart. This was an important thing for Infrared to experience, as it curtailed the number of people who simply postured like they were well read in the server and who were accepted as allies by rank-and-file Infrared.
From April to October of 2022, the IGG Discord server experienced a new popular rule, led by followers of Lyndon LaRouche and pseudo-philosophers. While Infrared agrees with some of LaRouche's work and is affiliated with the Schiller Institute, we distilled what we absorbed from LaRouche down to its good and useful elements unlike those LaRouche loyalists/dogmatists of this period. The pseudo-philosophers, who were in the server for a while as a loud minority, would jibber and jabber on and on to ultimately say nothing. These people rarely read what they spoke about and learned almost solely from osmosis. The upside of this period was Haz making new acquaintances and some Infrared members producing high-quality content.
[Infrared/CPI split][edit | edit source]
After Center for Political Innovation founder Caleb Maupin was revealed to have lecherously blackmailed members of the group in September of 2022, Haz waited to respond in the lotus garden for two months. He finally responded in November, announcing that Infrared was no longer affiliated with Maupin and reacting to the implosion of CPI. Because of Infrared's condemnation of his actions and dissociation with CPI, Maupin eventually joined leftists in attacking Infrared.
On September 18th, 2022, Haz published his Substack "The Rise of MAGA Communism", explaining the meaning of the "MAGA Communism" slogan. Barely any of our opponents read it, and those who did weren't able to grasp it, calling us "NazBols", fascists, and third positionists. Leftists refused to debate citing "platforming" Nazis, while rightists acted as if we weren't worth their time. Some tried to tell Haz he would "get punched in the face" if he spoke to MAGA; later that September Haz went to a Michigan Trump rally and spoke to MAGA people, who overwhelmingly agreed with him (some even despite his use of the word "Communism").
Orvo coined the term, but the notion of MAGA Communism can be traced back to what Logo dubbed "Ron Paul Maoism" in 2021. The idea behind this was to show that libertarians, like Ron Paul, have historically progressive ideas, but must use Communist strategies to properly implement them. In Logo's own words, "Ron Paul Maoism is when China & Russia work together, making a new global reserve currency on the Gold Standard. You need Communism to end the fed. It's that simple." He also said, "Ron Paul Maoism is the alternative polarity of AutLeft/LibRight representing the Puritan-Borderer alliance against Cavalier-Quakerism. This entire culture war is between Pagans & Catholics (same thing). The other polarity is the dialectic of Communists & Libertarians over concrete economic issues [...] This alliance became activated during covid. 2020 this became clear [...] I saw the most tankie of tankies & the Ron Paul institute have the same position on vaccine mandates while the Jesuit Doctor Fauci had Anarchists calling the police for mask violations."
In essence, MAGA Communism was supposed to provoke people to think about the working class, which largely adopted the "MAGA" slogan, as the basis of a new and authentically revolutionary (left-wing) movement among the American exo-peasantry and proletariat. MAGA, as distinct from its mascot, Donald Trump, we believe, contains the kernel of proletarian consciousness. After all, Karl Marx wrote that the masses who embrace Communism come on the scene initially as anti-Communist backwards agrarians.
In the Discord, some Infrared members/allies were simply unable to grasp or articulate the meaning of this slogan, instead believing it to mean pure support for Trump or calling Trump a genuine Communist. Over the following year, Haz would spend some time clarifying its meaning in interviews, Twitter posts, and other venues, which put the internal debate to rest and unified Infrared's conception of MAGA Communism. During a livestream, and later quoted in an interview with The Guardian (May 2024), Haz said "When you go to McDonald's, you don't go for the clown, you go for the burger." This made the slogan click for any remaining doubters or misinterpreters of MAGA Communism, and after this hit piece was posted by The Guardian, Haz allowed one final large response on June 2nd, 2024.

On October 9th, 2022, Haz and Jackson met in San Diego to stream IRL in front of TwitchCon 2022 at the San Diego Convention Center. There they found three of Destiny's streamer friends and confronted them, scaring the crap out of the skinny weak losers. They then trolled attendees outside, and soon got bored, continuing the stream with Zherka briefly and settling in at a cigar lounge in footage which would become so iconic it would be shown on CNN in 2024.
On October 15th, 2022, Haz spoke at the Schiller Institute event in Manhattan, opening further diplomacy between Infrared and the Institute.
From October of 2022 to March 2023, a broad period ensued after a takeover of the server by Jehu Eaves, an unknown online figure who promotes his understanding of capital's augmentation in the 21st century, and the independent research collective RTSG. RTSG was bound to take over, but Jehu's clique was an added suprise. Jehu's main follower, Rev Laskaris, coined the phrase "Communism is free time and nothing else", and showrunner Karim acknowledged the influence and importance of "Jehu thought" in IGG by compiling Jehu's works. Members of the Discord would debate for months about whether or not Jehu was correct about automation, productivity, and free time, and ultimately this ushered in a clearer view of what Communism means for the future lives of everyday working people. Fundamentally, this coalition of high-level researchers from RTSG with Jehu's followers was fruitful for the collective, as Infrared clarified that (re)industrialization and a centrally planned socialist economy will increase productivity, therefore freeing up time for people to spend on family, friends, travel, learning, art, etc. Such explanation served to distinguish Infrared further from leftists who are "anti-work" and/or anti-industrialization, and deepened the collective's analysis of capital by accounting for cryptocurrencies and other hypermodern developments.
The coalition between Jehu's camp and Infrared was still strong until the leadup to the 2024 elections, according to Jehu himself. The united front drove the pseudo-philosophers and the broader LaRouche lobby from the IGG Discord server. However, Jehu's influence on Infrared dwindled following the conclusion of automation and free-time debates, and it never reached the level of importance for Infrared that Logo or other thinkers have. Following the 2024 elections, Jehu's loyalty to MAGA caused him to turn on Infrared.
On November 1st, 2022, CPUSA held a meeting of party leadership to discuss how to deal with Infrared and Operation CPUSA 2036. Haz obtained an invite to the Zoom call and was able to listen in before confronting and terrifying Joe Sims, Taryn Fivek, the others. This is where the classic Infrared donation sound comes from - it was Joe Sims exclaiming "Oh my gawd!" Haz also told them "We are in your party," which also became an Infrared meme signifying CPUSA 2036.[4]
In the Discord server, in December of 2022, IGG member Mammoth declared a "mammoth deep state". It became a serverwide meme, but didn't produce any real change or lobby within the server. Mammoth remained a dedicated IGG member who debated in voice chat until he disappeared. At the height of his popularity, he received his own emote, a reference to the elusive mammoth deep state meme which signified infiltration or trolling about infiltrating organizations.
On January 11th, 2023, Infrared was banned from YouTube for a week. Haz made a Rumble account and streamed for the week on Rumble.
[Haz vs Drew Pavlou - JANUARY 12TH, 2023][edit | edit source]
Also in January of 2023 VenturCommunist, aka Ruth (real name Jacob Bellone), contracted Infrared Derangement Syndrome. He began nonstop tweeting at Infrared and it's allies, to the point where, as of January 2024, he directly tweeted at or about Infrared/ACP/Midwestern Marx and their members 400+ times (not counting replies in which he debated members, likely totalling more than 2,000 tweets over 2 years). Jacob would later be doxxed, his name, face, home address, and job revealed. He refuses to debate anyone except through tweets, and is best described as a Trotskyite and a narcissist.
[Haz vs President Sunday (Vaush moderating) - MARCH 10TH, 2023][edit | edit source]
In May 2023 the Infrared YouTube recieved another strike from the video platform. This caused Haz to stream briefly on Rumble again, and it was during this time that the Infrared Rumble archive was started. Fed up with the censorship on YouTube, Haz decided to begin streaming on Kick in mid-May, which was started by censored streamers Adin Ross and Sneako partnering with developers to create a free-speech alternative to Twitch (in the same way Rumble became the uncensored alternative to YouTube.)
In early June 2023, Infrared released merchandise for the first time -- white baseball hats with "INFRARED" and an Infraglobe on each one. They sold out in just a few days.
[Haz vs James Lindsay - JUNE 2023][edit | edit source]
James Lindsay is a public figure associated with Jordan Peterson and other "intellectual" anti-Communists. Lindsay, an outspoken opponent of "(woke) Marxism", spent the first two weeks of June 2023 on X railing against Marxism, which he usually describes as "woke academic post-modern mind-virus". After some banter and critique in James' replies from Haz and other Infrared members, they challenged Lindsay to debate Haz. Lindsay dismissed and blocked them. Haz quickly wrote a formal and lengthy response on X, entitled "Why Marxism is not Woke", released on June 23rd, 2023. Lindsay unblocked Haz simply to quote tweet and publically scoff at the thread, proceeding to reinstate the block immediately after.
Following this and other rebuffed challenges against the likes of Lindsay and Peterson (who also blocked Haz without response), Haz announced that Infrared's siege on leftists had come to an end and made way for a new crusade; If only the rightists were offering arguments and ideologies/worldviews which had gone unchecked, unaddressed, or unanswered, then that is where Infrared would develop and find strategic progress, mainly combatting lies and slander about Communism. Though Haz had already begun this vast rightward critique, nominally against anarcho-capitalists/libertarians and streamers like Sneako, Lindsay and Peterson's ignorance signified it's coming realization. The era of Infrared clarifying theory and practical knowledge to leftists died simply because the milieu of leftists who were engaging in debate with IGG had been addressed time and again, and all that remained of them were a few sore, irrelevant agitators and NAFO bots. Meanwhile, rightists, whether "paleo-conservative", "Christian", libertarian, etc were willing to debate Haz since he drew a line from the very beginning, with Infrared distinct from academic Marxoids, third world Maoists, and trendy internet LARPers like Breadtube. In addition, the shift was a correction of the (by then) outdated focus on targeting leftists, a correct assessment as that following October X was overrun by neo-Nazi accounts, some gaining massive views and engagement, and Infrared would have to take a hardline golden stance against their chauvanist deceptions.
The only one who loudly refused to debate Haz was Nick Fuentes, who, at the time, was just gaining momentum online. Though Infrared and Haz himself have debated countless of Nick's followers and associates, he still dodges a one-on-one debate with Haz. Fuentes in the summer of 2024 thus contradicted his own previous statements that he is willing to debate Haz. Furthermore, later, in September 2024, Fuentes would ignore a two-on-two debate offer from Eddie Liger Smith, which would have pit Haz and Eddie against Nick and a partner of his choice.
James Lindsay would later unblock Haz in late December 2024 just to narcissistically gloat about how correct he was about Haz, whom James still refused to debate or directly respond to in any way.
[Haz vs Orthodox Canonist - JUNE 17TH, 2023][edit | edit source]
Over the summer and leading up October of 2023, IGG promoted African self-determination and African multipolarity as a civilization state after the revolution in Burkina Faso, led by Ibrahim Traoré, as well as Julius Malema's Economic Freedom Fighters in South Africa.
On July 10th, 2023, PraxBen, a liberal political TikTok influencer, claimed he could defeat any communist in a debate as he joined the IGG Discord server. He was faced with one of the Khan's greatest warriors, Karim, and ragequit the debate as many IGG members watched. Haz would later debate him on October 10, 2024 in Manhattan.
[Haz vs Keith Woods - AUGUST 2ND, 2023][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Patrick Casey - AUGUST 4TH, 2023][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Matt Taibi - AUGUST 28TH, 2023][edit | edit source]
In September 2023 Infrared became multipolar: new (unofficial) IGG poles were founded as IGG France (Infrarouge), Nordic IGG, and the Eureka Collective (Australia). These organizations became offshoots which still coalesced in Infrared but were determined to apply Infrared vision (Infrared thought) to their local conditions. Nordic IGG and the Eureka Collective advocated Nordic and Australian civilization states, while all three promoted Communism Marxism-Leninism in the multipolar world.
[Haz vs Jay Dyer - SEPTEMBER 28TH, 2023][edit | edit source]
After the October 7th, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, Jackson again provided daily hour-by-hour, day-by-day geopolitical analysis through X and Rumble. Just like when Jackson gave live coverage on the Russian SMO in Ukraine, he again went viral, becoming the most popular X account in the world. Jackson reached 2 million X followers within a week of the initial news and did the rounds on numerous shows.
Meanwhile, the Khan declared the becoming of a new era of Infrared, asking "What would Xi do?" Haz was streaming every day covering the Palestinian genocide and offering philosophical and political analysis. After the October 7th attack, neo-Nazis took over X, and Infrared's campaign against them intensified. The Khan contemplated in the lotus garden, and soon emerged with a directive: RTSG and Karim were to publish formal refutations of claims by the neo-Nazis. RTSG followed up, releasing a two-part megathread on X (and Substack) refuting anti-Jewish and anti-Communist "Judeo-Bolshevik" theory pushed by Hitler and his followers (such as Nick Fuentes). There was no response; the neo-Nazis ran away from the articles by RTSG and Karim's wisdom on Islam and philosophy.
Such work by Infrared's leaders inspired and resurrected Infrared's general research and academic work, and led to the Infrawiki's reconstitution as an institution of the collective. Serious scholarship and wiki building were sure signs of a refreshing motivation and discipline within the collective. All religious jibber jabber and discrimination was banned from the IGG server in the name of anti-dogmatism and anti-factionalism., while real and open religious debate flourished. Prominently, the few Zionists who debated were debated right out of the server, and the debates between "Abrahamics" of Infrared flourished. The debates and discussions on the history of Islam and the Arab world similarly became commonplace in the server.
Moreover, the discourse shifting focus primarily to the Abrahamic religions and the Arab world's role in geopolitics, Karim and others from Infrared took up the same task as the left-theocrats from earlier in the server. However, in stark contrast to both the left-theocrats and the Abrahamics of old, the neo-Abrahamics possessed deep and profound respect for Eastern civilization and were able to successfully synthesize religion and Marxism. This led Infrared to promote the unity of Marxism and faith, explaining that Marx, Stalin, and others were religious (dialectical) materialists, and that the foundations of dialectics are to be found in ancient religious texts. More Christians, Muslims, and Jews of various sects joined the collective and united against their common enemies, namely historical nihilism taking the form of Zionism.
[Haz and Jackson vs Ed Krassenstein - OCTOBER 27TH, 2023][edit | edit source]
[Jackson and Haz vs Phil Labonte - SEPTEMBER/NOVEMBER 2023][edit | edit source]
Phil Labonte is a libertarian and anti-Communist who is part of Tim Pool's podcast circle. On September 6th, 2023, Phil was scheduled to debate MAGA Communism with Jackson and Haz on Tim Pool's podcast on November 3rd, 2023. However, just a week before the debate was scheduled, Phil, who was talking an incredibly voluminous amount of trash on the duo from Infrared, claimed he never agreed to debate Haz. Jackson gave proof refuting Phil's claim that he didn't know Haz would be there, and showed that Haz was always supposed to join the debate. Instead, Jackson went on Timcast alone, it was rescheduled, and Haz went on Tim Pool's show the following week to debate Trevor Laudon and Tim Pool, since Phil Labonte bitched out.
Through November and December of 2023, Haz did as Lenin did, went off into his cave and wrote laboriously his book. Because of this, he streamed less, but in addition to important media work and his book, Haz was also laying the groundwork for this new era of Infrared: the return to focus on leftism, another lengthy chapter in Infrared history. In the midst of his writing, Haz also travelled to Russia for a conference with Jackson, at which they spoke to Dugin. Around this time Jackson also began contacting and speaking with the Houthis, Arab analysts and journalists, and doing more interviews with both independent and corporate media. Jackson and Haz went to China as well around this time. When they returned to America, Haz sought to become more professional, stop swearing so much, etc.
In the leadup to the debate between Haz, Trevor Loudon, and Tim Pool, someone from Infrared nearly sabotaged the opportunity for Haz to go on Timcast by being undisciplined and unwise in an X space. VoidBourn is a well-known and well-intentioned member of Infrared who had major aesthetic appeal and potential to be a major IGG influencer, but this incident traumatized him. He deleted his X and Discord accounts, only to be seen again in December of 2024. This was extremely unfortunate, but served to usher in a period of reflection in which Toplop and other showrunners addressed people representing Infrared and still being unprofessional and undisciplined, to the point where it had nearly hindered a major opportunity for Haz to reach wider audiences.
This incident led Infrared lurker Aeon Animus to become highly influential for a short period of time, for having brought VoidBourn's lack of discipline to attention. Aeon wrote extensively on religion and its interconnection with hallucinogenic substances, and was close with an Infrared-deranged hater, SpaceLaRouche, who turned on IGG and became obsessed with it after he was dismissed from the Schiller Institute. Aeon would, over the winter of 2023-24, continuously give unsolicited advice to showrunners and prominent figures in Infrared, recommending they run for office for certain legal immunities and schizoposting about the Mossad. His absolute stupidest take was that Infrared was alienating Nick Fuentes and his audience when we should have been working with them. Everyone ignored him or laughed him off for the most part, some even calling him a narcissist for acting like the smartest guy in the server. This was the most doomer discourse to plague the server since the refounding of the IGG Discord server, but it was contained, and Aeon was almost completely ignored from then on.
[Haz vs Tim Pool and Trevor Loudon - NOVEMBER 10TH, 2023][edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Orthodox Canonist II - DECEMBER 26TH-28TH, 2023][edit | edit source]
During this period of revitilization, research, and rigorous thought for Infrared, the Infrawiki gained new prominence. On January 13th, 2024, Haz created the infra-wiki channel in the server, and the site was collectivized with the help of showrunners. A major overhaul swept the site, deleting many of the wasteful, unprofessional, or unnecessary pages, including those related to Caleb Maupin and anything else which was not directly relevant to Infrared. Showrunners also helped to vet editors for the wiki since there were multiple attacks from wreckers trying to destroy pages, in addition to Infrared members creating or editing pages poorly. This channel in the Infrared Discord server was popular for about a week following its creation, but soon a small circle of administrators and other volunteers were the only regular contributors to the site. This group consisted of Infrawiki (Enigma), ComeradeBanana, Darg, Priyan, Sully, Amirio, Alcazar, Kenigma, and others. However, the workload could not fall to this small group, and the Haz's call to "mobilize the entire community" to delete pages was no impetus for Infrared members to continue developing the Infrawiki. Some of the most important and voluminous pages of the wiki, namely the Glossary, this page, Immanuel Kant, Federal Reserve, Palestine, and others were created by this tiny fraction of Infrared which maintained the site. Among this group there was little communication, which led to an extremely decentralized group which hardly "overhauled" the whole wiki, as was intended. Infrawiki, aka Enigma, a longtime member of Infrared since the early original server, wrote the code for the wiki and maintained it until this point, and soon explained that his WeWrite application would eventually become the new Infrawiki.
That January, a member of Infrared named Kodalong became a meme inside IGG when he stood trial for ban evasion in the Discord server. The trial was streamed and took place in the Discord server. Kodalong was found guilty of multiple counts of ban evasion and sentenced to be banned forever, but Infrared members trolled each other by using his name or profile picture.
On January 23rd, 2024, Jackson and Infrared showrunner Grayson Preutz and Jackson were interviewed by Chinese news organization and podcast Guancha, solidifying Infrared's popularity among Chinese netizens.
Haz began regularly appearing on TV on Russian Today through the next few months, offering geopolitical analysis and other reflections on the widening war in the East.
Haz and Jackson gave a speech at Emory University on April 28th, 2024 which was coordinated with Norman Finkelstein, who was supposed to follow them. They spoke poingantly on the genocide in Gaza and the enablers of Israel in the US government, as well as their liberal college student collaborators who melted down about Jackson and Haz speaking on campus. Norman freaked out at Grayson, who set up the whole event, because the speakers before him "glorified" October 7th (by making the same arguments Norman did all the time in interviews and elsewhere online). Norman refused to speak and Jackson and Haz were banned from Emory University.
In the mean time, Infrared forged sudden yet iron-clad coalitions with genuine anti-imperialists who were attacked by Western leftists. The X meme account Pamphlets, Midwestern Marx, DDGeopolitics, and others unified with Infrared in a growing consensus against the "pan-leftists", who attacked all of them in much the same ways. Such attacks basically consisted of meltdowns about these people critiquing the Western left and being genuine Marxist-Leninists, although Pamphlets sometimes posted cringe.
On May 24th, 2024, Haz and Jackson held a live event in Dearborn, Michigan to launch their think tank, the Institute for a Free America. At least a hundred people showed up from all over the country and a party was held after a speech from Haz and Jackson. CNN's disinformation reporter Donie O'Sullivan showed up to film, where he met Charmhole, a weirdo who associated himself with Infrared and basically had a CNN documentary made about him, as if he was the average Jackson Hinkle supporter. When the documentary released later that year in September, it didn't mention IGG or Haz (who had a cameo) and made Jackson look normal and relatable. Charmhole subsequently began posting about how much he loves Nick Fuetnes and Groypers, revealing to anyone who didn't know him prior that he was an infiltrator and a wrecker who aligns more with neo-Nazis than the working class itself.
The Institute for a Free America served as a more informal organization, with Jackson and Haz promoting an anti-imperialist platform and giving a lecture on the relationship between the universal, globalist occupation of America and the American Revolution, on the one hand; and the particular Zionist occupation of Palestine and the guerilla war against Israel on the other. However, a formal organization was about to take root that June.
The Khan gave orders to all taqiya practitioners within the CPUSA to sharpen the contradictions between Party leadership and clubs at the 32nd Convention (June 7-9, 2024 in Chicago), by way of voting on Resolution 5. This resolution's passing would have meant the CPUSA officially take a hard line against Israel and the Zionist duopoly, but instead Joe Sims and the corrupt leadership changed the rules of the convention and circumvented democratic processes core to the Party. In the aftermath, many of Infrared's sleeper gorillacels agitated among CPUSA rank and file, and 29 of the Party's clubs were dissolved for contradicting leadership on Resolution 5. Months later, Haz would reveal that Operation CPUSA 2036 was still in effect with many sleeper gorillacels still in high-ranking CPUSA positions. This was a massive L for the former Communist Party, as they revealed themselves to be the nakedly Zionist lapdogs of the Democratic Party.
From the ashes, on June 21st, 2024, American members of Infrared and Midwestern Marx formally united under and co-established the American Communist Party. This created massive controversy on X from all sides of political cyberspace, trending for over a week. However, the Party's foundation truly carved a golden center path of the Party between the "left" and right opposition, and doubly refounded the old Communist Party of America. (See ACP for more information)
Haz began to stream less and focus more on leading the Party and balancing his duties. He made more statements and worked behind the scenes mainly. With ACP in the picture, the Infrared Discord found a renewed motivation among its members. The "original content" channel was filled with people creating and critiquing each other's agitprop for ACP, attempting to nail down a general aesthetic going forward not only with ACP, but with Infrared too. Again the level of seriousness and the aesthetic bar were raised for Infrared as a whole and as a sum of its parts-- RTSG was the main cultivator of this sleek, professional new aesthetic sense.
It was around the same time that long-time Infrared member Volkvulture, known for never losing a debate due to his vast knowledge, sources, and debate style, became a meme which even spread outside of Infrared. Volk never posted on X, but debated countless people via replies. Volk would simply say "what [I/he/she] said is true" if his opponent failed to address his argument repeatedly or was trying to troll him. Volk's infamous profile picture of Joeseph Stalin smirking had become an iconic symbol of debate mastery in Infrared. Stickers and multiple friendly copycat accounts were created in honor of Volk, including a Bengali Volkvulture. Meanwhile, over the summer of 2024, Infrared members such as Karim, Rev, GhengisKanye, and others regularly went viral, as did RTSG's main and news acounts.
Nikki Kirgin had a decent online following of a few thousand and was already an influencer associated with IGG, but she went viral over the summer of 2024 for founding the Hegelian E-Girl group, holding a founding party in New York City in August. However, the group didn't last long with others backing out over simple disagreements and dogmatisms, which Nikki responded to with a lengthy critique. Infrared initially supported the group, but once the split occurred there was no group to even evaluate. Nikki continued to associate herself with Infrared until online evidence confirmed that she was acquainces with some self-hating Jewish neo-Nazi woman. After this became known, Infrared's members immediately expelled her from the Discord server. Nikki deleted her X account thereafter and claimed she was taking a break from the internet, leaving with a rant on her Instagram account.
Infrared members were branching out on X and hosting huge spaces. One of the most important spaces of this time was the September 1st, 2024 space entitled the "Court of the Lotus Flower: From Buddhism to Mao". This space was incredibly enlightened, consisting of Karim, Calliouness and guests, and discussing Buddhism, electoralism, the future of America, and Chinese Communism. This not only became a meme-- the Lotus Court was a reflection of both the reconciliation of eastern religions with Marxism, as a development of this phenomenon; as well as the return to Eastern philosophical tradition which Logo evinced throughout August, September, and October of 2024.
[Haz vs Andrew Wilson -[edit | edit source]
[Haz vs Colin Boyingdale - SEPTEMBER 2024][edit | edit source]
On October 7th, 2024, Jackson rebranded, launching his new show Legitimate Targets on X and Rumble. He began streaming from Moscow, where he spent a lot of time for diplomatic and journalistic reasons related to ACP, as well as personal reasons. Around this time, Haz also began flying between America and Russia more often, both to spend time in the Donbass on the ground, and to take part in diplomatic activities as chairman of ACP.
[Haz vs PraxBen - OCTOBER 10TH, 2024][edit | edit source]
With the election propaganda and jibber jabber in full swing before November, Haz took a position against voting, and explained that ACP would build its reputation and Party discpline before running or endorsing any candidates in American (or Canadian) elections. The "do not vote" discourse was co-signed by Haz and John Molera among other thought leaders in the weeks prior to the 2024 presidential election, and was promoted due to Infrared's general stance against the duopoly and bourgeois electoral politics. Jehu, in defense of MAGA, began critiquing Haz and ACP for this stance, claiming that ACP was turning on MAGA, alienating MAGA, and making the Party look like leftcoms. An informal debate was held in the general chat of the Discord and a pragmatic Golden Center concensus was agreed upon on the eve of election day. The party's line on Trump's victory was to remain oriented against the ruling class steadfastly - against the right-wing tech-industry monopolists gaining influence in the new administration such as Elon Musk and Peter Thiel.
Throughout November of 2024, Haz and other ACP members debated haters in X spaces, including young self-proclaimed "communists" and KKE supporters. ACP thoroughly wiped the floor with these opponents. Haz and Eddie debated together and began collaborating on stream more often.
[Haz and Eddie Liger vs Pumfee - NOVEMBER][edit | edit source]
[Haz and Eddie Liger vs RedAndrou - NOVEMBER][edit | edit source]
Following the US elections, Infrared continued combatting smears and lies against the ACP and its members while agitating online around President Trump's cabinet picks and transition back into the White House. Jackson and Haz posted on X claiming that MAGA was sold out again by Trump, who put in his administration American Zionists and some clowns (though some picks would spell disaster for the deep state and establishment political illusions) Meanwhile, in mid-November, DSA began attacking ACP on behalf of the Democratic Party. Infrared opened a second front: both the neo-Nazis and Zionists, on the one hand, and the leftist critics, on the other, would be slain. In the leftist camp emerged again, hilariously, Caleb Maupin and the refounded CPI's Maupinites-- now adopting the title of "innovationists" while criticizing the only real Communist movement and party in America, the ACP.
Meanwhile, the unfolding events throughout the Arab world, and particularly the coup of Assad's Syria and the collapse of the Axis of Resistance served as Infrared's main geopolitical focus for the rest of 2024. Still, Infrared held an anti-terrorist, anti-NATO, anti-Zionist, and therfore an entirely anti-imperialist line. Infrared maintains the Syrian "moderate rebels" to be terrorists who serve unipolar geopolitics through proxy war and terrorism, and sees the Syrian people (just as it sees any other people, respectively) as the true telluric authority over the Syrian nation.
In mid-November Haz went live on Tiktok to debate alongside Eddie Liger. After some hilarious debates, Haz was banned for a week. He started hosting debates on TikTok again in December of 2024.
On November 25th, 2024, world-famous rapper Drake donated $250 (50 subscriptions) to Haz on Kick.
Infrared stood with the Romanians and Georgians against the attempted color revolutions by the US and NATO, meant to provoke Russian political forces just as Ukraine sought to provoke Russia militarily since 2014.
On December 19th, 2024, ACP brought food to the striking Amazon Teamsters workers across America, and walked the picket line all day. While they were on the ground supporting union labor, leftists - who supported the Starbucks barista strikes - attacked the ACP once again as "reactionary" and "right-wing" for supporting efforts by the Teamsters.
Jackson Hinkle, on behalf of the ACP, assisted the KPRF in sending an aid package to the citizens of the Donbass on December 23rd, 2024, including food and medical supplies.