The Soviet Union, officially the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was a socialist state in Eurasia that existed from 1922-1991. The USSR synthesized Marxism-Leninism, was the primary actor that defeated fascism in WW2. However, the USSR tragically fell to revisionism in 1956, causing systemic stagnation and bureaucratization across the 1960s-1980s. These all resulted into its ultimate downfall in 1991.
Established by the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) in the aftermath of the Russian Civil War, the USSR was led by Vladimir Lenin until his death in 1924. This period set a precedent for Leninism as a tradition and model for how socialist states should function. Joseph Stalin came to power after Lenin and began a process of mass industrialization, which was pivotal for the USSR's victory in the Great Patriotic War against fascism in 1941-1945. It was under Stalin that Marxism-Leninism completed its synthesization with Russian civilization and tradition. During Stalin's era, religion was reconciled with communism, and the precedent of socialist patriotism was reaffirmed. Stalin's death in 1953 led to a usurpation of the country by Nikita Khrushchev, who altered the class character of the CPSU and the Soviet state by replacing the dictatorship of the proletariat for a social-democratic All-People's State in 1956.[1] These revisions turned the country towards social imperialism. The Khrushchev era ultimately contributed to the death of the country in 1991 due to the a wave of historical nihilism, foreign ideological infiltration, covert color revolutions and final capitulation to the West by Mikhail Gorbachev.
The USSR continues to have a strong legacy among the post-Soviet states. To this day, the USSR is remembered as the greatest time in history according to 75% of Russians, 54% of Belarusians, and an uncalculated majority of Kazakhs.[2][3][4] Vladimir Lenin has a 56% approval rating in Russia today.[5] Even higher, Joseph Stalin has a 70% approval rating in modern Russia.[6] Stalin's approval in Georgia and Armenia also remains relatively high, at 45% and 38% respectively.[7]
Stalinist era (1924-1956)[edit | edit source]
Stalin continued the model of Lenin, applying dialectical materialism to the Soviet situation. [8]
"Nowhere is it said that I am a pupil of Lenin... In fact I considered myself, and still consider myself, a pupil of Lenin. I said this clearly in the well-known conversation with Ludwig... I am a pupil of Lenin’s, Lenin taught me, not the other way around. He laid out the road, and we are proceeding along this cleared road." - Stalin
Using Marxism, Stalin turned the Soviet Union from a backwater of poor peasants to an industrial superpower capable of steamrolling Western Europe (even able to defeat the British Empire after WWII[9]). This industrialization did not require sacrificing lives, unlike the industrialization of America[10] or Britain[11]. It was done to make the working people richer, rather than the bourgeois owning class.
The USSR invited foreign capital, then copied their production techniques. (China used the same method with Deng Xiaoping's Reform and Opening Up, where foreign companies had to surrender IPs in order to come to China.) However, Western countries soon placed embargoes on the USSR, trying to stop its development.
Internally, the USSR initially used private enterprise to develop, under the New Economic Policy (NEP). But major companies were placed under state control.
Labor discipline was strict, and labor became intensified. But unlike in capitalist countries, the benefits went to the people. Therefore, the workers created the Stakhanovite movement, volunteering to work extra hard for the people's profit. Stalin encouraged this movement, and made sure workers were rewarded for their hard work, by expanding the piece-wage system (paying people for product, not time). Workers also got good bonuses for overtime.
Thanks to communism, working hours were cut in half. Under tsarism, 12 hours a day, 7 days a week was normal. Communism mandated that 7 hours a day, 6 days a week become standard. Stalin consistently fought for raising wages and lowering prices,[12] saying that it was necessary to reach higher-stage communism.[13]
Collectivization[edit | edit source]
While state-owned industry dominated the cities, the countryside saw rising inequality. Kulaks, rich peasants, were buying up other peasants' land, since they could afford the best farm equipment. Poor peasants were left with nearly nothing, effectively becoming slaves of the kulaks. Kulaks also gained political power by paying off corrupt local leaders.
Poor and middle peasants wrote to Stalin asking for help. Collectivization and later dekulakization were fundamentally a bottom-up movement.[14]
In 1928, Stalin's solution was to support the formation of collective farms by offering free tractors, via the Machine Tractor Stations. He believed that collectivization must be voluntary.[15]
The central Soviet leadership sent 25,000 Komsomol (Youth League) members down to countryside to check on local leaders.
Some local Party leaders were too eager to maximize collectivization, and forced peasants to collectivize by denying them water or education. Kulaks supported this since it made collectivization unpopular. So did right-wingers like Bukharin, in secret.[16] In response, Stalin denounced the forced collectivization, as well as hasty collectivization in areas that had no material basis for collectivization and were just collectivizing things on paper.[15] (The material basis for collectivization is to have the means of production exist collectively, such as tractors.)
Forced and hasty collectivization were reversed. Some areas lost collectivization numbers at first. Then, collectivization accelerated once again.
Kulaks began to sabotage collective farms. In some cases, middle peasants alienated by forced collectivization did too. Animals were slaughtered and crops were burned, which, with the drought in 1932, caused a famine. (Even British anticommunist reporter Gareth Jones, who is considered the first to report the famine in the West, wrote that animals were killed in sabotage.)
Kulaks even organized uprisings and entered open warfare with working peasants. Nikolai Bukharin and his Right Opposition in the Communist Party secretly supported them against Stalin.[16]
To feed the cities, grain was confiscated from the countryside. Feeding urban workers was considered a priority over feeding the countryside, since the latter produced its own food. Confiscation also prevented grain speculation (hoarding grain to sell at high prices), which would have starved the poor.[17]
Dekulakization was carried out against the wreckers whose sabotage had contributed to the famine. Stalin and the Politburo also purged inept local leaders who had continued forced collectivization.[17]
Famines[edit | edit source]
Famines had been a regular thing until collectivization. Peasant famines would happen every drought. Poor workers were also on the brink of starvation.
Russia and Ukraine saw famines in 1901-1902, 1906-1908,[18] 1918-1920 (the Civil War), 1920-1921, 1924, and 1928.[17] All had environmental causes.
Ultimately, collectivization allowed grain to be stockpiled. This meant drought would not cause famine.
After collectivization, drought struck again in 1936, 1939, 1946, 1948, and 1984. Besides 1946, none of these were famines.[19]
1946 was the last famine in the USSR, after the Nazis had depleted Soviet grain stockpiles for 4 years. (The USA expected the USSR to starve during the war, but it lasted until after.)
1991 was the last famine in Russia (post USSR). It was due to capitalism taking over.
Manmade famine myth and Ukrainian "Holodomor" myth[edit | edit source]
There is no evidence that Stalin or any Soviet official wanted to starve people.
Ukrainian Nazi collaborators began to claim that Ukraine was specially targeted by the USSR for famine.[17] There is zero evidence of any discrimination against Ukrainians by the Soviet Union.
Kazakh people have found it offensive because they were also hit hard by the famine. So was south Russia. Really, all peasant regions suffered. The grain was exported to the cities. This was not done to starve people, but to feed the cities. Stalin did not devour all the grain himself.
Trotskyism and the Purges[edit | edit source]
Stalin's most famous opponents were captivated by idealism over what the USSR should be, unlike the pragmatist Stalin, who worked with what it actually was.
"Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please; they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing already, given and transmitted from the past." - Marx
They blamed Stalin and his allies for every imperfection in the USSR. As they opposed the leadership, they began to degenerate into opposing communism. They secretly conspired to take out Stalin. They began working with British spies and Nazis, assassinating good communists, and even terrorizing innocent Soviet civilians. This is the degeneration of Trotskyism.[20]
The Left Opposition[edit | edit source]
Trotsky wanted to invade Europe, Iran and Afghanistan to spread communism. Stalin wanted to build communism in one country.
Stalin recruited many workers to the Party, then held a referendum on Trotskyism. Over 90% of the Party voted against Trotsky.
Trotsky continued to organize his faction against Stalin, taking over printing presses to complain about Stalin. He worked with Zinoviev and Kamenev, forming the Left Opposition.
In 1929, Stalin allied with Bukharin against the Left Opposition. Trotsky was expelled from the USSR. Zinoviev and Kamenev were expelled from the Party.
Ryutin Affair[edit | edit source]
The opponents of Stalin rallied against collectivization, blaming Stalin for the famine. Some communists, like Grigori Tokaev who would become a British spy, became convinced Stalin had to go. [21] Left oppositionists like Zinoviev wanted to collectivize earlier, but now they allied with Bukharin, who didn't want to collectivize at all. Both could blame Stalin for collectivizing at the "wrong time".
Bukharin's people had been secretly supporting forced collectivization in order to discredit collectivization. They also secretly supported kulak uprisings. [16]
One of them, Martemyan Ryutin, wrote a pamphlet and a 200-page manifesto demanding to remove Stalin by force, reinstate Trotsky, and slow down industrialization and collectivization. Many of the opposition read it and did not report it to the authorities.
When this came to light, Stalin demanded that Ryutin be executed, but he was only sent to jail. Zinoviev and Kamenev were expelled from the Party again.
Secret opposition[edit | edit source]
The opposition to Stalin decided they had to get together again. They secretly formed the Bloc of Oppositions.
Documented evidence of this Bloc existing in 1932 came to light in 1980. Until then, Western historians claimed Stalin made it all up. After the evidence came out, Trotskyist historian Pierre Broue was forced to admit the Bloc existed, but claims it must have disbanded after 1932, because there is no written evidence of it. But there is no evidence of it disbanding.[22]
Moscow Trials[edit | edit source]
In 1934, the opposition killed Sergei Kirov, who was Stalin's best friend[23] and a good communist. Stalin didn't hold back any more, and sent the OGPU (secret police) down the tails of the opposition.
The investigation revealed a conspiracy to kill Kirov, that included the security forces of Moscow. This led to the Zinoviev-Kamenev Trial in 1936.
The second Moscow Trial was the Pyatakov-Radek Trial in January 1937.
Even the leader of the OGPU, Genrikh Yagoda, was exposed. He was put on trial in the Bukharin-Radek Trial in 1938. The OGPU was dissolved and replaced by the NKVD.
Those are the three public Moscow Trials. Because they are public, they are called "show trials" in the West.
General Tukhachevsky was exposed for plotting a military coup. He was put on trial before a secret military tribunal in June 1937. This is also called a "show trial" in the West, despite being private.
All these defendants were guilty of murder or complicity in murder. They were also accused of spying. Thus, they were executed.
Evidence[edit | edit source]
Trotsky went before the Dewey Commission in America to claim that he knew nothing about the Moscow Trials, and they were all a sham. But this was a lie.
J. Arch Getty discovered letter receipts between Trotsky and Soviet opposition leaders. But the contents of the letters were destroyed by the managers of the Trotsky archive at Harvard University.
By this point, the opposition members had clearly learned to avoid written evidence as much as possible. They were Old Bolsheviks, and the Bolsheviks had done the same thing under Tsarism, using only word of mouth. Therefore, the evidence for conspiracy becomes sparse, and Western historians can deny it.
But Grover Furr has unearthed some written evidence that the opposition was plotting terrorist attacks, confirming the allegations made at the Moscow Trials.[24] Grover Furr also proved that they were working with Nazi Germany and Japan.[25]
Torture[edit | edit source]
There is no evidence that torture was used to extract confessions for the Moscow Trials.
Torture was legalized at some point in 1937, according to the "Torture Telegram" of January 1939.[26] It was probably July 1937, the start of the Yezhovshchina. However, before July 1937, the first two Moscow Trials and the Military Trial had already been finished, and Bukharin had already made his first confession.
Jules Humbert Droz from outside the USSR also wrote that Bukharin ordered him to commit acts of terror.[24] Nonetheless, bourgeois historians claim Bukharin was innocent because he said so in a letter to Stalin. He also admitted his guilt in other letters.
Simon Sebag Montefiore used spurious evidence to claim Tukhachevsky was tortured, but this is a myth.
Yezhovshchina (Great Purge)[edit | edit source]
There were Trotskyist spy networks operating in the USSR, and backed by Britain, Nazi Germany, and Japan. The Moscow Trials had proven that. Tukhachevsky had threatened the USSR itself with a military coup.
In 1937, Stalin and the Politburo approved the use of torture in exceptional cases.[26] It was not to extract confessions. It was only to reveal criminal associates before they carried out a crime. In other words, torture could only be used on those already proven guilty.
There were cases of Stalin personally approving the use of torture, such as on a man named Walter. In these cases, the victims had already been proven guilty, and were beaten to reveal other criminals. But what they said under torture was not to be used as solid evidence.
In July 1937, Yezhov met with the Politburo to gain approval for military tribunals to speed up executions of spies.[27] This began the period known in Russia as Yezhovshchina, "the rule of Yezhov", or in the West as the "Great Purge". This lasted until the downfall of Yezhov in October 1938.
In those 15 months, Yezhov and his henchmen in the NKVD executed 680,000 people.
Stalin doubted they were all guilty. He initiated investigations into Yezhov and called him out in the Central Committee in January 1938. He sent Beria to watch over Yezhov in October 1938.
During the Yezhovshchina, the Central Committee repeatedly voted to purge itself of arrested members. As a result, most of its original members ended up dead.
Yezhov was fired from the NKVD in November 1938 and arrested in April 1939. He confessed to treason and framing thousands and was executed in 1940. His trial was in private, and many never even knew what happened to him. There is no evidence he was tortured.
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Mao's Criticism of Khrushchev's Revisionism
- ↑ 75% of Russians Say Soviet Era Was 'Greatest Time' in Country’s History – Poll
- ↑ In Russia, nostalgia for Soviet Union and positive feelings about Stalin
- ↑ Kazakhstan's Soviet Legacy
- ↑ Russian Support for Vladimir Lenin Peaks Ahead of Bolshevik Revolution Centennial
- ↑ Stalin’s Approval Rating Among Russians Hits Record High – Poll
- ↑ Poll Finds Stalin's Popularity High
- ↑ Interview with Mochalov, via Richard Kosolapov "Slovo tovarischu Stalinu", via Grover Furr "Khrushchev Lied" p. 392
- ↑ Operation Unthinkable, "Decisive Defeat of Russian forces" is "most unlikely".
- ↑ Upton Sinclair, The Jungle.
- ↑ Karl Marx, Das Kapital, Chapter 25, Section 5.
- ↑ Stalin's doctrine of price reductions.
- ↑ Stalin, Economic Problems, Letter to Yaroshenko.
- ↑ Ludo Martens, Another View of Stalin.
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Stalin, Dizzy with Success.
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 Sovinform. "American Intelligence: Kulak rebels, not Soviet state, caused famine."
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Grover Furr, The Holodomor and Bitter Harvest are fascist lies.
- ↑
- ↑ Golubev, Genady; Nikolai Dronin (February 2004). "Geography of Droughts and Food Problems in Russia (1900–2000), Report No. A 0401" (PDF). Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel.
- ↑ Stalin, Pravda's Mistakes on the Moscow Trials.
- ↑ Grigori Tokaev, Comrade X.
- ↑ Pierre Broue, The Bloc of Oppositions against Stalin.
- ↑ Alexei Rybin. Stalin's Bodyguard Talks about Stalin.
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Grover Furr, The Moscow Trials as Evidence.
- ↑ Grover Furr, Evidence of Trotsky's Collaboration with Germany and Japan.
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 Grover Furr, Khrushchev Lied.
- ↑ Grover Furr, Stalin and the Struggle for Democratic Reform.