Orthodox Canonist is a LARPer from Australia who is Saar Nicholas II's number 1 fan. He debated Haz on whether or not Marxism is Satanic in which he was absolutely thrashed [1]. After this, he would dodge any debates from Infrared.
Feud with Infrared[edit | edit source]
Zionist Canonist proceeded to spread lies about Hamas, claiming they were keeping Israeli children in cages [2] which was quickly disproven [3]. He also began to spread the 'Judeo-Bolshevism' lie[4] (which has already been disproven by RTSG[5]).
Haz challenged him to debate on this issue, which he dodged, stating that he would rather debate the REAL leader of the movement which he claims is in fact Jackson Hinkle. Despite not accepting, he proceeded to slander Infrared on X[6]. He would block every X account associated with IGG[7] and continue to slander Bolshevik leaders[8].
He then lied about Haz blocking him first, which was immediately proven false on stream[9].
Discord Saga[edit | edit source]
Rather than actually debate Haz, Orthodox Robloxer proceeded to sit in a Discord call with several other members of IGG and kept himself deafened and muted. During this time, he proceeded to write several paragraphs of LARP poetry, to the amusement of everyone in the call [10].
In the aftermath, he then wrote a post detailing how Haz would supposedly be extradited to Russia[11].
Collected Poetic Works of LARP Canonist[12][edit | edit source]
Entry #1[edit | edit source]
You laught, you jeer, but time will come;
The age of Marx has left;
The end of pride has just begun,
You are not smart, nor deft,
And when in chains, you stand aloft, begging on your knees,
The Tsar will judge your frail form, and hear your final: "Please"
Entry #2[edit | edit source]
Expose I shall, the Hinkle's lies, and face the dragon strong;
Though weak I am, my arguments - are true and sharp in form;
Through skilful Tzadik craft, quite vile, they've preyed on Christians long;
Debate I shall, the Hydra's head, before it can conform;
Degenerates, they prosecture, my Church, it's Holy Saints;
I gather knowledge, all the same, and will accept my fate;
I reinforce the Christian faith, through Hinkle's vile defame;
Talmudic Marxism soon falls and I will be to blame.
Entry #3[edit | edit source]
Orthodox folk, they've seen your lies, your mongrel words, vile enterprise;
We tweet at you: “Debate us now”, avoid in shame, not like the wise.
My witty words will drown the lies, like Max in Fury Road I ride, to beat the people's thirst;
A friend of the demonic Haz. Surprised? I was deceived at first!
Hinkle evades, much like a rat, he runs to lurk in holes;
But find I shall, grab evil hide, and Marxism will fall.
Entry #4[edit | edit source]
You are a sacrilegious, blaspheming, spiritually rotten embarrassment to the entire Middle East.
When I defeat your master in debate, I will challenge you to a boxing fight in real life, we will stream it on Kick.
You will have a broken nose, bruised mouth, and purple cheeks - but at least your vile tongue will not speak evil anti-Russian and anti-Christian things ever again.
I will teach you a lesson. You slanderous dog.
Run along to your master, I call him now 🐕👈🏻
Bonus[edit | edit source]
Face Reveal [13]
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaXkK1OGEgI
- ↑ https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1739852046847873282/photo/1
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgeG0WK8cbI
- ↑ https://twitter.com/OCanonist/status/1744304464302051753
- ↑ https://twitter.com/rtsgtm/status/1739426154065391748
- ↑ https://twitter.com/EurekaMaoist/status/1739177583567315338
- ↑ https://twitter.com/sasquatch_irl/status/1740135329649049862
- ↑ https://twitter.com/PunishedBeter/status/1746418831411773647
- ↑ https://twitter.com/PunishedBeter/status/1746431126405783716
- ↑ https://twitter.com/PunishedBeter/status/1746419163311341917
- ↑ https://twitter.com/InfraDmitriy/status/1740391994961084911
- ↑ https://twitter.com/PunishedBeter/status/1746419163311341917
- ↑ https://twitter.com/PunishedBeter/status/1746419545076846847