Orthodox Canonist

From InfraWiki

Orthodox Canonist is a LARPer from Australia who is Saar Nicholas II's number 1 fan. He debated Haz on whether or not Marxism is Satanic in which he was absolutely thrashed [1]. After this, he would dodge any debates from Infrared.

Feud with Infrared

Zionist Canonist proceeded to spread lies about Hamas, claiming they were keeping Israeli children in cages [2] which was quickly disproven [3]. He also began to spread the 'Judeo-Bolshevik' lie[4] (which has already been disproven by RTSG[5]).

Haz challenged him to debate on this issue, which he dodged, stating that he would rather debate the REAL leader of the movement which he claims to be Jackson Hinkle. Despite not accepting, he proceeded to slander Infrared on X[6]. He would block every X account associated with IGG[7] and continue to slander Bolshevik leaders[8].

He then lied about Haz blocking him first, which was quickly proven false with a video [Citation needed].

Discord Saga

Rather than actually debate Haz, Orthodox Robloxer proceeded to sit in a Discord call with several other members of IGG and kept himself deafened and muted. During this time, he proceeded to write several paragraphs of LARP poetry, to the amusement of everyone in the call [9].

In the aftermath, the then wrote a post detailing how Haz would supposedly be extradited to Russia[10].


Face Reveal [11]