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Revision as of 23:08, 24 March 2023 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)

BREAKING: MASSIVE UNREST IN FRANCE AGAINST GLOBALIST DICTATORSHIP! is an Infrared live stream from Friday March 24, 2023.[1] This issue is also being simultaneously covered by the Jimmy Dore Show.[2]


  • More than 1M people protested against Macron's proposed pension reforms which increase the retirement age
  • The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) in South Africa were the inspiration for Infrared
  • The EFF correctly identifies monopoly capital as the enemy in South Africa
  • The way to address inflation is to increase production, according to Khomeini in Iran[citation needed]
  • Macron says he wants to increase productivity, but isn't focusing on industrial growth, he's focusing on tech startups and bullshit jobs like baristas. These startups are a front for financial speculation. France is ruled by monopoly capital, the banks.
  • Hilarious clip of Macron removing his 80k watch during an interview after he realizes it might be unpopular to flaunt wealth while discussing impoverishing the French people
  • Macron blames the crisis on the people, this will soon become the narrative of the US government. (e.g. "we need to reduce consumption to protect the environment")
  • Macron was only elected because of fearmongering against Le Pen, kinda like how America installed fascist Joe Biden to prevent Trump's election
  • Jean-Luc Mélenchon told people to vote for Macron instead of Le Pen, similar to how Bernie was sheepdogging his supporters into voting for the corrupt Democratic Party.
  • It's uncertain if popular unrest will translate to actual political change, since the commoners lack any sort of institutional power or Dual Power apparatus.
  • This could be an example of Jehuism in action, the people see an expansion of the productive forces which hasn't corresponded to increase in free time.
