Jehu Eaves

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Jehu Eaves, typically referred to as Jehu, is a communist and author of the blog The Real Movement.[1]

Jehu's ideas are based in the superfluity of labor in the world market and thus the need for a shorter work-week. A reduction in the work-week would mitigate the social ills of capitalism, such as poverty, climate change, inequality, unemployment and stagnation, and a lack of democracy.[2] This superfluity is caused by the fascist state stalling the reduction of labor hours in order to artifically produce more labor and prevent deflation from occurring. He critiqued FDR and the New Deal as the source of this, as FDR enacted the Agricultural Adjustment Act, which was designed to boost agricultural prices by destroying crops and reducing surplus during the Great Depression. His ideas can be summed up in the simple aphorism: "Communism is free time and nothing else!".

Jehu has received criticism from members of the Infrared community, mainly due to his foreign policy and geopolitical stances. He believes in "full-spectrum dominance" of the United States, dollarization, and Unipolarity to weaken U.S. hegemony and achieve communism rather than through a Multipolar front.[3] He also is in favor of abolishing the state and has been accused of being an anarchist.

Jehu supports the Zionist Javier Milei because of his libertarian policies.