Communist Views on Gender Relations

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Communist Views on Gender Relations is a YouTube live stream by Infrared on Sat, Jan 21, 2023.[1][2]

Stream thumbnail

Video description[edit | edit source]

For whatever bizarre reason, Low T Leftist males love to point out that Mao said "woman uphold half the sky" as if that somehow justifies the absolute lack of manhood permeating all 'Communist' organizations in the West. Walk into any DSA, CPUSA, or PSL meeting, and make an educated guess about the average testosterone levels. Effeminate and estrogenic males constantly hide behind the Communist legacy of granting women basic human recognition as if that is somehow a parallel to the overly socialized and overly feminized state of Western society, let alone the outrageously bizarre demands of 'feminists' to uproot any semblance of masculinity.

Communist countries emerged from the context of women not having any legally human status, genuinely oppressed by prostitution, slavery, foot binding practices, as well as forced marriage at a young age. Women did not have the right to acquire any education, and had no opportunities to contribute to society in a way that reflected latent human abilities, from industrial labor to scientific research. When Communist leaders spoke of 'woman's rights,' they were therefore not talking about upholding effeminate Western leftist males' Mother Gaia simp fantasies, nor their disgusting lack of basic masculine virtues such as honesty, integrity, courage, responsibility and sacrifice.

Feminism is anti-Communist. Communists, while resolving the woman's question, never allowed it to come at the expense of their basic sense of manhood. In this stream, I will decisively prove that feminism and Marxism are FUNDAMENTALLY INCOMPATIBLE.

Outline / notes[edit | edit source]

  • Communism is rooted in a metaphysics of trust, whereas liberalism, anarchism, and feminism is rooted in distrust
  • A woman's distrust of men is understandable on a personal level, but feminism's distrust of man
  • "Sociality as a whole is feminine" is an idea taken from Sophiology
  • Sophiology posits that the Sophia is humanity, which is a feminine "fourth hypostasis" of the Trinity
  • "You can't be a man in the DSA, everything you do will be a micro-aggression"
  • Haz doesn't believe feminists challenge male power, he believes that feminists challenge the male youth from challenging the old wealthy men who control our world
  • State power operates beyond the visible cultural level
  • "Feminism is counter-revolutionary"
  • "The affliction of males is to become porn-addicted, the affliction of females is to become hoes"
  • Men and women process the world differently, both perspectives are necessary
  • Women in STEM (China) is far more empowering than OnlyFans (America)
  • Gender relations can (and will) change, but they won't change on the basis of the rabid liberal paranoia against "the patriarchy," rather relations will change following a genuine and organic interactions between men and women
  • Women have played immense roles in revolutions, wars, etc. but the argument is that these women could not have done so without the overwhelmingly masculine basis of revolution and state-building
  • In fact, many of these women played these heroic roles often at the expense of their own femininity (in terms of society's conception of femininity)

References[edit | edit source]