Party for Socialism and Liberation

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The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is an American self-proclaimed "communist party" which reduces Communism to a mere ideology, disconnected from its objective role in the historical process. In reality, Infrared contends, they are a Trotskyite party funded by the ruling class.

Criticism[edit | edit source]

The PSL (and their affiliates) have taken millions of dollars in financial capital from Goldman-Sachs over nearly a decade, thus destroying its credibility as both a socialist party and more generally as a party representative of the people.[1][2][3]

The PSL has hosted its own form of Drag Queen Story Hour in response to heightened concerns across America. Haz has argued the PSL reduces criticism of Drag Queen Story Hour to being an ideological narrative, ignoring the significance it has for why ordinary Americans oppose it.[4] PSL has also hosted drag shows.[5] The PSL led some of the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests and upholds intersectional theories of race and class as opposed to Marxist class theory. They have been outspoken in favor of degrowth, transgender rights, prostitution, and drug abuse under the guise of "liberation" (of the individual at the expense of the collective).[6][7][8] They have also been accused of covering up sexual assault within their ranks, but publicly deny doing so.[9] These actions and beliefs, in conjunction with their dubious sources of funding, have been the foundation of criticisms that PSL is a Trotskyite organization which upholds/enacts the agenda of the American globalist ruling class and treats the lumpenproletariat as the revolutionary subject. PSL, like Communist Party USA, all but confirms this criticism by executing the modern iteration of Trotsky's theory of Permanent Revolution, as well as the All-People's Front against the "far-right" or "fascist" elements of society, especially Donald Trump and Make America Great Again.

References[edit | edit source]