Haz Al-Din

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Haz Al-Din, a self-described Marxist-Leninist and patriotic socialist based in Detroit, Michigan, USA, is the leader of Infrared. As of 2022, the channel has about 20,000 subscribers and over 2,000,000 views.[1] His community is based on a mixture of Marxism-Leninism, populism, and esotericism.[2]


The Infrared collective is dominated by Haz, in regards to their content. Their youtube channel largely contains entire livestreams, mostly containing Haz, or clips of livestreams, such as notable parts of debates. Such content often includes, on its thumbnail, exaggerated or even fabricated quotes of what the other person in the debate said, along with other attention-giving pictures.[3]

In October 2022, following ProleWiki's purge of patsocs, the Infrared community started InfraWiki to promote MAGA communism and patriotic socialism.[4]

Distortion of Marxism

Haz described feudal countries including the Ottoman Empire, Tsardom of Russia, and Qing dynasty as examples of "actual socialism."[5] On a Twitch stream, he claimed the United States is already a socialist country.[6]


Haz and his community hold many "socially conservative views," upholding the American Revolution as a force of anti-imperialism, and rapidly inherited the vestiges of the empire in the aftermath of WWII, when British capital was used to subvert the American republic through transnational and unconstitutional institutions,[7] and taking a heavily unorthodox approach to disseminating ideology, most commonly adopting esoteric jargon like "mecha-tankies" and "Stalinist Futurism" to distinguish themselves and their positions from what they consider to be the "Baizuo" and the "synthetic left."[8]

Hostility to planned economies

Haz views Mao Zedong's collaboration with the capitalist-imperialist United States of America during the 1970s as a positive thing. He furthermore is highly critical of the Soviet planned economy.


Haz, during an online debate, claimed that attempting to establish a proletarian dictatorship via a revolutionary action was inherently false and undesirable for the simple fact that it is not legal according to a bourgeois government's own laws. He further claimed:

"Here's what you tell the people: You tell the people [that] you follow the laws, and if they, the government [of the United States of America] starts violating its own laws [note 1] and effectively collapses at that point, our bourgeois democracy collapses, then, as our Founding Fathers[note 2] told us, you have a right to [use revolutionary action]."[9]

Infrared, in a video, actively endorsed a USA Senate Candidate by the name of Diane Sare, a reactionary Christian nationalist figure. The justification for this blatant right-opportunist support for bourgeois-liberals being that this Senate Candidate was "rescuing the decaying American economy" and "promoting peace & cooperation with Russia and China".[10]

Settler colonialism

Haz rejected indigenous claims to U.S. land and said there was no dispute for U.S. territory between settlers and indigenous peoples.[11]

Slogans and hastags

#CPUSA 2036

The Infrared community has popularized the Twitter hashtag and internet meme CPUSA 2036 which describes their aim to take control of the CPUSA, remove its Liberal component, and win in the 2036 presidential election.[12]


see main article: MAGACommunism

"MAGACommunism" is a tailist internet slogan commonly promoted by Infrared and other Patriotic socialists. It calls for the political and ideological unification with the highly Anti-communist and reactionary Trumpist movement, which is viewed by Infrared as being, falsely, a "working-class movement" which could aid in defeating the "globalist beast."[13]

External links

See also


  1. Ignoring that the government of the United States of America has, ever since it existed, violated it own legal code, via its many genocides, acts of war, exploitation, mass imprisonment of ethic minorites, ect.
  2. In the context of Statesian ultranationalist parlance, the "founding fathers" refers to a group of wealthy slave owners and plutocrats who staged a Bourgeois revolution which created the United States of America.
