MAGA Communism

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MAGA Communism is a meme that Infrared used to demonstrate its position relative to the political spectrum. The concept is initially confusing due to the seeming contradiction between right-wing MAGA and left-wing Communism. The confusion is intentional, as Infrared maintains that real political difference exists outside of the traditional political spectrum, in the realm of the partisan.[1][2]

Infrared community members caused #MAGACommunism to trend on Twitter. This caused a great coping of leftists who claimed that anyone who mentioned communism to a MAGA supporter would be considered a "freak" and ridiculed. [3] [4] Haz Al-Din of Infrared disproved this theory by speaking at a MAGA rally to a mostly positive reception. [5] This form of meme warfare is an example of a hyperstition.

According to Haz, "MAGA is an incipient form of American socialism."[2][6] He also claims MAGA is an empty signifier -- something that hasn't been given a concrete form or meaning yet.

On March 1st, 2023, Ben Burgis and Haz debated MAGA Communism.[7]

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