United States

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United States of America
Flag of the United States
Coats of arms of the United States
"In God We Trust", "E pluribus unum", "Novus ordo seclorum"
"The Star-Spangled Banner"
Largest city
Washington, D.C.
New York City
National language English
Ethnic group White Americans (50-60%), Latin Americans (25%), Black Americans (12-15%), Native Americans (2-5%), Asian Americans (5%)
Religion Christianity (63%)
Demonym American

President of the United States
Vice President of the United States
Speaker of the United States House of Representatives
Chief Justice of the United States
Bourgeois democracy under fascist military occupation by the Executive Departments and the Director of National Intelligence

Federalism, Bicameralism, English common law

Donald Trump (R)
J.D Vance (R)
Kevin McCarthy (R)
John Roberts (R)
Upper house
Lower house
United States Congress
United States House of Representatives
United States Senate
American Revolution
United States Declaration of Independence
Articles of Confederation
1783 Treaty of Paris
Constitution of the United States
United States Bill of Rights
War of 1812
American Civil War
Emancipation Proclamation
First World War
Great Depression
New Deal
Second World War
Cold War
Deep State color revolution
April 19, 1775
July 4, 1776
March 1, 1781
September 3, 1783
March 4, 1789
December 15, 1791
June 18, 1812
April 12, 1861
January 1, 1863
April 6, 1917
October 24, 1929
March 9, 1933
December 7, 1941
March 12, 1947
November 22, 1963

The United States (US), officially the United States of America (USA) and known commonly as just America, is a sovereign state in North America currently led by the Republican Party.[1] The US is a nation with a significant exo-peasantry that is under the military occupation of the fascist Deep State, a corrupt and unelected ruling class that uses brutal imperialism to exploit the American people and foreign countries.[2]

The US has the largest economy (in GDP) in the world and has since the Second World War, but the vast majority of this wealth is concentrated as finance capital among an elite few bourgeois circles within the Deep State. The unelected State Department and the unelected Federal Reserve have worked together since the 1970s oil crisis to maintain the petrodollar, using the recycling of global oil profits to maintain the dollar as a reserve currency, and the US as the world lender. Commanding shares in the World Bank owned by the US Deep State allow it to profit from the "restructuring" of sovereign economies into debt-addicted resource colonies.[3] This allows the bloated Federal government to run on credit, leading to outsourcing, deinstrialization and degrowth. The Deep State's concentration of wealth is significant on a global level, with under 1% of Americans controlling over 43% of the global wealth.[4] Despite this, China has been rising economically in recent years and is estimated to surpass the US economically by 2030.[5]

References[edit | edit source]