Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

From InfraWiki

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, frequently referred to by her acronym, AOC, is a representative in the US House of Representatives.

She is closely aligned with the congressional clique called The Squad, which claims itself to be a progressive voting bloc, but has since disappointed voters repeatedly by showing their opportunism and ineffectiveness. Her record in congress has been a disappointment.[1][2]

Thankfully her terrible record is increasingly coming under fire by ex-supporters.[3]

A little known fact is that AOC is Goth.[4]

Criticisms[edit | edit source]

  • AOC Lines Up with Pelosi, Bolton and Trump in Support of Coup Attempt in Venezuela[5]
  • AOC praises corrupt oligarch billionaire Nancy Pelosi[6]
  • AOC changed her vote from "nay" to "present" on the Israel funding vote and was unable to sufficiently defend her vote.[7]
  • In 2021, AOC transferred $160k of her own campaign funds to right-wing "CIA Democrats"[8]
  • Did not support force the vote to demand Medicare for All[9]
  • Voted to expand NATO[10]

References[edit | edit source]