Exposing the Real Fascists is an Infrared livestream from Tue Nov 1, 2022.[1]
- 24:30 Hype
- 27:09 Updates & banter
- 47:05 Stream topic start
- 1:08:28 Muslims are a pre-modern pre-liberal force
- 1:14:46 Christian America is realizing that Muslims could be an ally against the WEF Liberal World Order ... an "Abrahamic Alliance" as Sameera Khan calls it
- 1:16:03 Islamophobia will likely be brought back by the Democrats and the Liberals
- 1:16:47 the DeSantis Deception
- 2:08:40 Hater in chat
- 2:49:20 Hater gets in Voice Chat
- 3:35:25 Hater apologizes
- 3:41:52 Patreon Q&A
Thanks to amiriothegreat for creating the initial outline.