The Club of Rome is a Malthusian elite organization founded in 1968 by two Bilderbergers, the Italian Aurelio Peccei and the Anglo David King, and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. They're best known for sponsoring the publication of the book The Limits to Growth, which provides a pseudo-scientific basis to justify their genocidal ideas. The book is summed in these three conclusions:
1. If the present growth trends in world population, industrialization, pollution, food production, and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth on this planet will be reached sometime within the next one hundred years. The most probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline in both population and industrial capacity.
2. It is possible to alter these growth trends and to establish a condition of ecological and economic stability that is sustainable far into the future. The state of global equilibrium could be designed so that the basic material needs of each person on earth are satisfied and each person has an equal opportunity to realize his individual human potential.
3. If the world's people decide to strive for this second outcome rather than the first, the sooner they begin working to attain it, the greater will be their chances of success.[1]
Basically, it's the progenitor of modern green fascism and degrowthism. Peccei threatened that if his degrowth ideas weren't implemented, along with widespread birth control and abortion,
some solution will come the hard way. Many hypotheses have been advanced. I will cite three ghastly solutions that are ventilated as belonging to the realm of the possible. One is biological: nature, which maintains so many balances, will see to it that human incontinence will be remedied, through some new germ or virus. Another is constrictive and prophylactic: the day may not be far off when—by grafting of population from one region to another, forced exodus, or mass sterilization, or with the help of other clean methods biochemistry might suggest — a ceiling on population or new births will be enforced, in some nations by due process of law, in others perhaps by international measures. And the third, the harshest, is hinted at in a most pessimistic essay by Professor J. D. Bernal (Enormity or Logic and Hypocrisy in the Ultimate Solution, October 1967) — "there is no limit to human folly and callousness" —in the sense that all will end, as the only compassionate and rational solution left, with the elimination of all surplus humans, who will of course belong to the poor of the world. No comment is necessary.[2]
Lyndon LaRouche directly criticized them and their book in his response There Are No Limits to Growth, a scientific rebuttal of genocidal Malthusianism, which puts it this way:
The study itself was most conspicuously fraudulent on two leading counts. First, in attempting to prove that industrial society was using up its remaining natural resources very rapidly, Meadows and Forrester greatly understated the known quantities of such resources. Second, more important, Meadows and Forrester projected the rate of consumption of natural resources by using systems of simultaneous linear equations. The very use of such linear equations for a computer “model” of that sort, builds into the computer projections the assumption that absolutely no technological progress is occurring in society. In fact, technological progress, including fundamental redefinitions of what “natural resources” means, has been the outstanding feature of European civilization for five hundred years. The Limits to Growth depended upon the assumption that such technological progress had come to a sudden, absolute stop. How could anyone have believed such nonsense?...If we are running out of coal, and we do have about 200 years known supply at present rates of consumption, why not use more abundant nuclear energy, and why not concentrate on speeding up development of almost unlimited resources of thermonuclear fusion? We are not running out of petroleum either; we are discovering vast new petroleum fields faster than we use up the old fields. However, if we are worried about carbon dioxide build-ups and other pollution caused by fossil fuel combustion, why not shift at an accelerating rate into nuclear and thermonuclear generation of process-heat?[3]
But the Malthusians already knew this, "The authors, and at least numerous of their leading backers, knew that the book, Limits to Growth, was fraudulent."[4], they just didn't want to adopt nuclear energy and continue to grow. Probably since they recognized continued growth would undermine their power, which is based on scarcity and impoverishment of the world masses.