Wiki Editor Guidelines

From InfraWiki
Revision as of 01:54, 24 December 2024 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The following are guidelines for editing InfraWiki # Entries should have some historical, political, theoretical, scientific, or community-based significance that is related to the Infrared project or defending the integrity of Communist history. # Entries may focus on unique and original theoretical insights of Infrared or provide objective information about what Infrared is, basic descriptions of where Infrared stands on various issues or what Infrared's relationship...")
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The following are guidelines for editing InfraWiki

  1. Entries should have some historical, political, theoretical, scientific, or community-based significance that is related to the Infrared project or defending the integrity of Communist history.
  2. Entries may focus on unique and original theoretical insights of Infrared or provide objective information about what Infrared is, basic descriptions of where Infrared stands on various issues or what Infrared's relationship is to various figures.
  3. No sloganeering, no overly-ideological edits, no entries promoting individuals or movements unrelated to Infrared.