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Revision as of 16:04, 21 August 2024 by MaGCommuniST (talk | contribs) (I will add sources in the near future. Even this article can sound like a bad joke, all this things happend.)
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Benjamin Williams or called PraxBen is a famous american libertarian on TikTok, that makes anti-communist TikTok's, were he mostly "debunks" western marxists.

Membership of Capitalist organisation's:

He is a member of the Mises Institute and write articles for it, he is also a member of the FEE, which is another capitalist organization. 

Views on Socialism, Communism and Fascism:

PraxBen sees social democrats (kirchnerists) as socialists, perónists and facists as "leftist socialists" like he said it in his TikTok video about Fascism and Javier Milei. He calls Communism a "Cult of death" and an ideology that want's to kill almost everything and anyone, like he claims in one of his TikTok videos. PraxBen also sees Epstein as a friend of the dead cuban communist leader Fidel Castro.

PraxBen's personal views:

PraxBen sees himself as a hoppean libertarian and a anti-communist. Besides his hate for Communism, he also hates Fascism, Nazism. PraxBen is a huge fan of the paleolibertarian Hans-Hermann Hoppe and the anarcho-capitalist Javier Milei.

Debunked claim of PraxBen:

On TikTok PraxBen claimed that Stalin had a relationship with a 13 years old girl, which got debunked by a stalinist and "Tsarist Socialist" TikToker. PraxBen also blocked two communists that debunked him.

Escape from a debate with Haz:

On X many Infrared supporter wanted PraxBen to debate Haz, it even got a video uploaded of an Infrared supporter that debunked PraxBen in an Discord debate. After this PraxBen denies that he even know Haz and even heard of him.