Global elite

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The global elite are those who hold immense sociopolitical power over world affairs, usually through their accumulation of wealth and the subsequent influence that wealth is able to buy them. They are referred to by many names, such as the bourgeoisie (in Marxian terminology) and The Establishment.

The Anglo financial sector (the axis of Wall Street and the City of London) is typically seen as the zenith of these elites.

imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, represents the current monopoly-form of capitalism, which is in contrast to the free market capitalism of entrepreneurialism and primitive accumulation of past centuries.

False narratives

The elites, through their ownership of the media, are able to distract the people from who they really are. This can be seen in Nazi Germany, when the British Royal Family financed anti-semitism and the rise of Nazism in order to prevent a Bolshevik-style revolution against the financial establishment.[1]

Further reading
