Patriotic Socialism

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Revision as of 17:40, 3 February 2024 by ComradeBanana (talk | contribs) (I am moving haz's description of Socialist Patriotism to the page of the corresponding title. This is to differentiate the two further.)
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Patriotic Socialism, or PatSoc in short, is not a real thing, but libtards think it is for some reason. It emerged as a libtard pejorative against those who subscribed to and seek to apply the most basic Marxist-Leninist principle of 'Socialist Patriotism.' The term was coined by liberals because it bares resemblance to 'National Socialism,' in an attempt to associate Communists with Nazism. For many years, left-liberals discovered that if they call people who disagree with them Nazis, they will simply disappear. But this no longer works, which now explains their extreme butthurt.

Recently, left-liberals started adopting 'Marxist-Leninist' aesthetics as the fulfillment of a liberal power fantasy, due to Right-Wing retards associating left-liberal idols like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and Joe Biden with Communism. This was started by a BDSM gimp pervert named 'BayArea415' who pretended to adopt pro-China views just to spite Republicans who demonized China. They attempted to transform Marxism-Leninism into a rebellious form of 'political Satanism' just to spite their own retarded and superficially 'anti-communist' boomer parents.

See Also[edit | edit source]

Red Liberals

References[edit | edit source]