Center for Political Innovation

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The Center for Political Innovation (CPI) is a LARP group founded by Caleb Maupin.[1]

Ideological line

The CPI claimed to be focused on the construction of "Socialism with American Characteristics" and is one of the reasons for the growth of the stupid Patriotic Socialism meme spread by libtards. Primarily focused on distributing pamphlets on the sidewalk, marching in small numbers, and selling Caleb's books, CPI synthesizes Marcyite Trotskyism with some of the Schiller Institute's ideas.

What does CPI do?

CPI spends much of its time, money, and energy going into the woods for forest retreats led by Caleb Maupin. It remains a mystery what exactly this accomplishes or how it could possibly be an effective use of resources.


The CPI has held various conferences throughout its existence, some with notable guests.

Austin: Free America From the Neoliberal Empire

On March 12th 2022, CPI held a conference in Austin, Texas. Guests included Jackson Hinkle, Haz of Infrared, Daniel Burke, Peter Coffin & Ms. ACD, Nick Brana of the Movement for a People's Party

Chicago: Unite Against the Imperialists

On August 6th, 2022, CPI held a conference in a suburb of Chicago. Guests included Kalambayi Andenet of the Uhuru Movement, Tara Reade, Garland Nixon, Dust James, Stansfield Smith from the Free Alex Saab Committee, Chris Helali of the PCUSA, and Nick Brana of the Movement for a People's Party.[2]

Washington DC: Summit Against Hypocrisy

On March 25-26, 2023, CPI held a conference in Washington DC. Guests included Scott Ritter, Peter Coffin, Garland Nixon and Dr. Wilmur Leon of Radio Sputnik, Daniel Burke and Space LaRouche of Schiller Institute, and Joti Brar of CPGB-ML.[3]


On November 6th, 2022, Caleb Maupin announced his return[4], addressing the past allegations and announcing the re-foundation of CPI.

External Links
