The Most EVIL Ideology You've NEVER Heard Of!

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The Most EVIL Ideology You've NEVER Heard Of! is an Infrared live stream by Haz from Mon, Apr 10.[1]

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Notes / outline

  • Discussion about Dalai Lama cringe behavior and how Feudal Tibet is America's future if we don't change course
  • It's unsatisfactory to say that the New Left is the reason the leftists are so fucked up
  • Haz argues that Karl Popper is the actual father of leftism and "liberalism in the Information Age"
  • Bourgeois epistemology (theory of truth) and bourgeois politics both begin with blank slates; democracies are empty "forms" filled with the "content" by elections, truth and knowledge is "empty" until proven through scientific method
  • Karl Popper writes Open Societies and its Enemies, which argues against democracy and claims that "the people" are totalitarian etc.
  • Haz mentions that this is really about Information Theory , this will need to be further elaborated
  • Karl Popper rejects democracy which is the will of the people, he instead advocated for "Open Societies" controlled by rigid Institutions which are governed by their own principles
  • This Open Society design is in contrast to populism, majoritarianism, Jeffersonian Democracy, etc.
  • As it relates to epistemology, Popper introduces the idea of falsifiability
  • Popper claims that Marxism is unfalsifiable
  • Haz wishes more Marxists would engage with Popper's writings in order to disprove this claim of his.[2]
  • Popper attacks Plato for positing "The Good" a thing that pre-exists its own content, which is thus unfalsifiable because it does not (yet) exist
    • The Good, The Republic, The People, etc.
    • for Hegel, it was the Prussian State and Prussian Statecraft,
    • for Marxist-Leninists it's the Proletariat,
    • for German Nazi scum, it's racial purity and aryanism.
    • for Americans, it's Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, et al.
  • Popper claims that the notion of The Good is totalitarian, because it's an insistence from the human mind, rather than being proven in a glasses-wearing lab-coat-wearing manner through empirical tests and whatever
  • Book recommendation: Political Platonism by Aleksandr Dugin
  • A village is not an institution, it's an emergent social phenomenon based on actual interaction between people
  • The internet itself is an institutionalizing mechanism, given that all rules are written (code, recommendation algorithms, UX design)
  • The Open Society hates anything which threatens institutions, including small producers and innovators
  • Communism is not when institutions modulate society according to various levers, this is the Karl Popper Open Society situation
  • The Open Society is a Synthetic Society, the true communist path allows The People to build society in their own image, not in some synthetic top-down planned way
  • György Lukács and Popper have in common the ideology of Social Democracy; Institutional socialism, Fabianism, Neo-Kantians
  • The Psychosis of Liberalism; the fascistic tyranny against the intolerant
  • The bourgeoisie wants "Civilization" in opposition to the "Asiatic Hordes" (they thought the Bolsheviks to be Asiatic and uncivilized, despite the towering heights of Soviet Culture which was achieved under communism)
  • Schmittian "State of Exception" to "keep society open" against the "hordes" which are the masses
  • Donation by Hermit: Are SocDems the Open Society Vanguardists?
    • Actually the so-called "communists" these days are, the RedLibs, the Tropical Socialista Ben Norton Synthetic Left et al. what distinguishes Infrared from these folks is that we're MAGA Communists
  • Marxist-Leninist freedom is determinate (Materialist, nationalist) whereas Open Society "freedom" is freedom to do whatever
  • Deng Xiaoping brings forth a new Platonic "openness" in opposition to Popper's Open Society
  • Popper didn't consider that a closed society with a dominant tendency could build exploratory mechanisms for discovering new paths, which is what Deng did.
  • Haz critiques Popper in that the "Open Society" is actually a closed society. The only truly open society is Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinism.
  • Populism obviously threatens all these Open Society aims, as we've seen with the hatred of the Colour Revolutions.
