Democratic People's Republic of Korea

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The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), colloquially referred to as North Korea, is a socialist state in the northern part of the Korean nation. The southern half of the nation is occupied by a US-backed anti-communist regime known as the Republic of Korea or South Korea.

Despite crushing sanctions against the country, its culture is still able to flourish based on an autarkic economic system.[1] On top of this, they also obtain an impressive healthcare system which proved to be efficient during the COVID-19 Pandemic[2], a life expectancy akin to that of richer Asian countries such as the Russian Federation[3], Malnutrition levels lower than that of low-income pacific countries[4], and other feats that show it has been largely resilient to the sanctions it faces.


The DPRK was founded in the aftermath of the Second World War (WW2) by korean nationalists, socialists, and communists, under the leadership of Kim Il Sung, a korean communist guerrilla leader who had earned a big following and reputation for his resistance against japanese imperialism.

See also
