BREAKING: How "Adam Tahir" DESTROYED International Magazine

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BREAKING: How "Adam Tahir" DESTROYED International Magazine is an Infrared live stream from Sat Apr 15, 2023.[1]


  • Reacting to Dawn Harjau's "Online Pseudoleft" article on The International Magazine[2]
  • Steven Hassan and Hasan Piker try to "Blue Pill" the conservatives
  • "Right-wingers" in America simply have false consciousness, we must reach them and educate them with the science of Marxism-Leninism
  • "Left-wingers" in America are functionally aligned with the hegemony, and are thus the enemy of the working class
  • The article maligns the "streamer left" for talking to the right, but we have to. It's not tailism, it's a class-based understanding of the friend-enemy distinction. Lenin sent people to subvert the Tsar's Black Hundreds; surely lefties can at least talk to MAGA
  • The woke nonsense isn't Marxism, it's all from the ruling class and their NGOs
  • Haz theorizes that Dawn Harjau is actually Taryn Fivek based on the article's writing style[3]
  • Infrared has always pushed back against the Patriotic Socialist label, Haz created the "Mecha Tankie" meme to distinguish Infrared from so-called "PatSocs"
  • The article says these people aim "to reinforce the demonization of Marxist-Leninists as inherently socially regressive" ... social conservatism is popular among the broad masses of people; just not with the pink-haired college liberals
