Library:We're going to WAR

From InfraWiki
Revision as of 18:22, 26 October 2022 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs) (updated message)

We're going to WAR is an Infrared livestream from Monday, Oct 24, 2022.[1] Hopefully these outlines will make it easier for people to clip VODs or make TikTok clips of important pieces. Please consider donating to InfraWiki to support this work.


  • 23:31 Start of stream
  • 26:33 @MAGACommunism, a prominent voice within the framework of Operation RedAnon on Twitter is shadow banned
  • 28:37 is the CPUSA using NAFO-adjacent bots and troll farms to fight Infrared?
  • 48:38 Joe Sims has two options to choose from: The Communist Party will either be revived or destroyed.
  • 1:04:43 Brace Belden of TrueAnon is connected to Taryn Fivek
  • 1:05:40 The CPUSA_NY account hasn't confirmed its authenticity, and has "glowingly" come out against Mar, the Head Rabbi of the Infrared community

This outline is unfinished. Please contribute using the same format established above.
