Congress for Cultural Freedom

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The Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) was a CIA program designed to create an An anti-Soviet "left" in the United States of America to serve interests of imperialism. [1][2]




  1. Congress for Cultural Freedom by Spartacus Educational
  2. Pullin, E. (2013). The Culture of Funding Culture: The CIA and the Congress for Cultural Freedom. In C. Moran & C. Murphy (Eds.), Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US: Historiography since 1945 (pp. 47-64). Edinburgh University Press.
  3. Congress for Cultural Freedom by Spartacus Educational
  4. Pullin, E. (2013). The Culture of Funding Culture: The CIA and the Congress for Cultural Freedom. In C. Moran & C. Murphy (Eds.), Intelligence Studies in Britain and the US: Historiography since 1945 (pp. 47-64). Edinburgh University Press.