Talk:Collapse of CPUSA

Discussion page of Collapse of CPUSA
Revision as of 23:43, 21 October 2022 by American Marxist-Leninist (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is a very inaccurate and falsified version of the history. Gus Hall did not establish Committees of Correspondence. Angela Davis did in order to OPPOSE Gus Hall. Gus Hall did support Khruschev but only out of necessity (due to the new left being aligned with Maoism at the time)")
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This is a very inaccurate and falsified version of the history. Gus Hall did not establish Committees of Correspondence. Angela Davis did in order to OPPOSE Gus Hall. Gus Hall did support Khruschev but only out of necessity (due to the new left being aligned with Maoism at the time)