
From InfraWiki
Revision as of 14:26, 7 January 2023 by Euneos Unruhe (talk | contribs) (Summarised origin of the term in reality and it's application within Infrared ideology.)
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Taqiya is a practice and art of shrouding one's personal belief under conditions of direct persecution that was developed by shia muslims. After the schism over the succession to the Prophet, Shias were often persecuted for their beliefs under Sunni governance. Taqiya, as distinct from 'lying' is the art of preserving inner faith while being asked to formally denounce it and encourages to still speak truth cloaked in dissimulated terminology that cannot be directly challenged as heresy.

The term was introduced to the Infrared community by Haz during his formal announcement of the CPUSA 2036 takeover campaign.[1] In this context it is recommended by Haz for Infrared disciples in the party to develop the following abilities:

  • Denouncing Infrared if it is asked you
  • Following orders from leadership and preserving formal party discipline
  • Mimicing the rethoric of Leftoids convincingly
  • Formally reasoning within the enemy's logic in a sound manner
  • Applying the esssence of Infrared's ideological insights in praxis without direct encyclopedic reference to their aesthetic form on the Internet as we have developed it
  • Cultivating the caution and prudence to push for this essence without giving the enemy a formal cause for disciplinary action