Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinism

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Revision as of 04:06, 6 January 2023 by Neostalinistprop (talk | contribs)

Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinist thought is yet another moronic oxymoron made up by coined by Haz in early 2023.[1]


Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinist Thought, also known as Taliban Stalinism when we don't have time to repeat this extremely long nonsense "ideology", is something we made up in order to gain more views on our six-hour long live streams.

Regarding its meaning, what constitutes its theories, and how a far-right anti-communist and reactionary ideology, with a bourgeois Capitalist ideology, and Stalinism can fuctionally and logically unite, and so on is unknown, but we will nonetheless promote it because Sultan Haz said so, and our critical thinking skills are minimal.


  1. "Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinist thought will flourish like never before." in the description of NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: My Plans for 2023 by Infrared