Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinism

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Revision as of 22:19, 3 January 2023 by Neostalinistprop (talk | contribs) (Added brief description.)

Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinist thought is a concept coined by the Infrared community in early 2023.[1]

Ideopolitical syndication and dissemination

Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinist Thought, paltry known as Taliban Stalinism, whilst seemingly of a memetic, sardonic, and arcane morphological aspect and likewise nomenclature, assumes an abundantly, literal essence upon broader investigation of historiographical and dialectical concepts which are all but preclusive to the Anglo-Sphere of dialectical augmentation.

Deng Xiaoping Tailiban Stalinist thought represents the negation (or at the most humble outcome: the preparation thereof) of the Anglo-xenophobic currents of the present "Marxian" vassal to the globalist assortment which is omnipresent in the Western world. The contradictions of the materialistic-development and pugnaciousness of the Taliban movement, the advancement of Deng Xiaoping theory, the historically fortuitous socioeconomic conclusions prototypically disseminated by Stalin, result in a dialectical amalgamation of Eurasiatic currents of thought, resonated with their respective peculiarities which are most alien to metaphysical Anglo-"Marxism", throught which they augment the advancement of the historical movements and currents of thought to the present, thus furthering Dialectical Materialism and the attainment of a multipolar world order.


  1. "Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinist thought will flourish like never before." in the description of NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: My Plans for 2023 by Infrared