CPUSA 2036

From InfraWiki

CPUSA 2036 is a Twitter spam campain made up by Infrared and his followers in August 2022. Despite its ambitious name, "CPUSA2036" Twitter trolls lack any chance of gaining power over the Communist Party USA, let alone taking any power at all. This "slogan" was adopted by Infrared, along with "MAGA Communism", in a last-ditch attempt by the Infrared collective to maintain popularity, particularly after Caleb Maupin fled the internet after his special "activites" were discovered.


No offline organization exists for the "CPUSA 2036" campain (or even for Patriotic Socialism in general). The only thing that is close to an "organization" with this are a small collection of "CPUSA" impersonator accounts (most of which have already been reported for their abuse, which sometimes includes hate speech, and taken down).