Marcia Ladendorff

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Marcia Ladendorff is a Communications professor at the University of North Florida who was one of the first news anchors on CNN. Ladendorff is the mother of Taryn Fivek and contributes blog posts for the CPUSA under the pseudonym "Rena Weaver".

Education and early career


News anchor for CNN


CPUSA blog posts

Marcia Ladendorff's old author page on compared to that of Rena Weaver
Google search results still contain artifacts of Ladendorff's contributions on

Ladendorff writes blog posts for the CPUSA under the pseudonym "Rena Weaver". The old author page for Ladendorff on can be found using the Wayback Machine, with the most recent snapshots from May 2022. The page describers her as "a journalist, educator, and media critic."[1] This description matches word-for-word with that of Rena Weaver and includes articles that are now attributed to Weaver instead of Ladendorff.[2]


Further reading
