Europa: The Last Battle

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Europa: The Last Battle is a ten-part series made by swedish neonazi Tobias Bratt. It is focused on Nazi apologia, historical revisionism and conspiracy theories about jews and communism. It's composed of wholly unfounded and sourceless claims mixed in with known historical facts, which makes it hard for the average person to seperate truth from falsehood. Normally, sourceless claims can be dissmissed without investigation, but since it's widely cited by neonazis on the internet, we have taken it upon ourselfs to take every claim seriously, and investigate it as if it were true.

All good propaganda contains a grain of truth. To lie is very easy, but the truth requires close study. We in the infrared collective are commited to the final and most complete truth. This page will serve as a master page for debunking Europa: The Last Battle. This time, with real sources.

Part 1

Claim (02:22): "in the middle of the 19th century Moses Hess formulated the first written principles for communism"

This claim is loosly based on Hess association with Marx and Engels, and Moses view that history will culminate in the introduction of common property,[1] formulated in his Spinozist book Die heilige Geschichte der Menschheit (1837), which had no explicit mention of communism. Hess was, however, not the first person to argue for the abolition of private property, nor the first to formulate a political platform with the word communism, neither was he the first person to use the word communism. It's real origins stem from people and groups arguing for a communal organisation of society in France and England during the mid 19th century, Commun, Communion and community. It can not be pinned to one person.[2] First attested in writing - meaning first record of political principles - by John Goodwin Barmby in 1841, founder of the utopian, christian, London Communist Propaganda Society.[3] People arguing for the abolition of private property (as Engels put it, the meaning of communism in one sentence), predated the 19th century. For example the French Catholic abbé Jean Meslier's Testament (1729) Verdict: False

Claim (03:09): "Hess argued that the international jewish bankers will help in his realisation of stealing the land of the palestinians"
Claims (04:08): "Hess was a close friend and collaborator of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels"

He was indeed a close associate, together with other young hegelians, and they corresponded an influenced eachother in early writings. Verdict: True!

"Karl Marx and Engels were Jewish"

Engels was not Jewish, his lineage is accessible here.[4] The father of Karl Marx was a jew by birth, however he converted to christianity to pursue a law career. Marx, at the time 6 years old, was also converted. Simultaneously, Marx has been accused of antisemitism for his writings on the jewish question, which shows the complete retardation of speculative, non-material ideology. Verdict: False

"Karl Marx real name was Mordechai Levy"

His fathers, Heschel Lewy, changed his own family name before Marx was born. Not once in his life did Karl Marx use his fathers birth name in writing. Verdict: False

"Hess converted them to communism and assisted them with their work The Communist Manifesto"

Hess first came into contact with Marx in 1942 - working together on a newspaper in the intellectual, communist enviroment of Paris - and their relationship was quite the opposite, Marx was the teacher of Hess.[5] Marx early writings are available here,[6] where he slowely lands in the conclusion of communism, from an entirely different angle, a materialist one, than Hess. Marx writes that he was influenced not only by Hess, but by French and English socialists which were utopian christians, furthermore by Weitling and Engels - who together with Hess were the only Germans to translate French communist ideas into German.[7] While Hess definetly influenced both on the subject of money and alienation by loss of communal property, the narrative is deeply missconstrued. Hess came to his conclusion from a theological perspective, money as seperation from god, while Marx and Engels where materialists. Furthermore, when Marx and Engels wrote the communist manifesto, they would critique Hess's utopian form of communism. Verdict: False

Claim (06:40): Marx openly encouraged genocide against slavs, referring to them as "racial trash".

There is absolutely zero record of this. He would routinely critique precisely such racial incitements.[8] We can nonetheless note that Marx and Engels were both racist, antisemitic and sexist in private communication. Verdict: False.

Claim (06:45): "Marx said that [slavs] must perish in a revolutionary holocaust (in 1856)"

The quote shown on screen is as follows: "the classes and races too weak to master the new conditions of life must give away... They must perish in a revolutionary holocaust." The first part is a real quote, from 1853, not 1856. So close! Marx is commenting on the refugee crisis of poor farmers from Ireland due to the negative effects off industrialisation. He sees these negative effects as an inevitable part of capitalist modernisation, so he is, in his own mind, not arguing for anything.[9] The second part is completely fictional, perhaps it was revealed to Tobias B. in a dream. Verdict: False

Claim (08:36): A quote by zionist Josef Herzl is shown on the screen, where he claims that wealthy jews rule the world and start the wars in europe.

The quote on screen reads as follows: "The wealthy jews rule the world; the fate of the governments lies in their hands. They start wars between countries, and when they wish, the governments make peace. When the wealthy jews sing, the nations and their leaders dance along, and meanwhile the jews get richer!". It is not found in his complete diaries,[10] it's well known that the zionist entity ("Israel") required banker assistance to get set up. We can't find the quote, but it really doesn't matter that much. Verdict: Possibly true? We don't care.

Claim: Marx was related to the Rothschilds

Let's investigate the lineage. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744 – 1812) was the founder of the banking dynasty. He does not have a common ancestor with Marx. One of his five children however - Nathan Mayer Rothschild - married Hannah Barent Cohen. Hannah's Grandfather, Barent Cohen, was the Grand-Grand-Grand father of Marx. Verdict: True

Claim (14:07): In november 1910, 7 of the worlds richest jewish men held a secret meeting on jekyll island (forming the federal reserve)
Claim (16:10): Jewish bankers and their RABBIS celebrated the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
Claim (16:46): "The adoption of the debt based financial system preached by Marx in the communist manifesto, had been accomplished"
Claim (17:47): The Federal Reserve was now controlled by jews, Warburg, Schiff and the Rothschilds
Claim (17:50): Every federal reserve chairman since 1980 has been jewish

Verdict: Pretty sure this is true

Claim (17:58): The Rothschild family owns 57% of the stock of the privately owned federal reserve bank.
Claim (18:34): An alleged quote by Harold Wallace Rosenthal, were he claims jewish control of the FRB system for the purpose of world domination.

The source for this quote is very sketchy. It was first published in 1978, 18 months after Rosenthal's death, by a Walter White Jr. under the name of The Hidden Tyranny. Thomas Metzger, famous nazi and klansman has dismissed it as false, claiming: "Walter White operated free and loose on some subjects, like this one...That interview is bogus. There is plenty of valid material to use against the Jews."[11] But even if we don't dismiss it on those terms alone, there is plenty of ridiculous claims in the text itself, such as Soviet Russia being controlled by a secret jewish government during the cold war: "There are about six to seven million Communists in Soviet Russia. 50% are Jews and about 50% gentile — but the gentiles are not trusted."... This is of course just a complete fabrication, there is not a single statistic to support it, and it creates a whole slew of contradictions. At the same time, the document claims that the US government has been completely controlled by jews since Roosevelt, which would mean that things like the red scare by Mcarthy was orchestrated by communist jews. Or that CIA anti-communism in the middle east were battleing their own attempt to take power. Why would the jews need to scare away communism, if communism is a tool for jews to take control of governments? Who knows, right. Retard. Verdict: False.

The bolshevik revolution (20:05)

We have already spent a significant amount of time debunking this. Resources for editors:

Judeo-Bolshevism: Fact from Fiction | Judeo-Bolshevism | THE MYTH OF “JEWISH” BOLSHEVISM DESTROYED - MASTER THREAD

Claim (20:20): According to state department documents, a group of jews, including Jacob Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto [Hermann] Kahn, Mortimer L. Schiff, Issac Zeelman, already planned the overthrow of the russian tsar in 1916. They decided that Russia should be destroyed, and a communist slave regime should be implemented
Claim (20:51): [Communism was] funded by jewish bankers... and manifested by jewish bolsheviks: Vladimir Lenin, Trotsky, Kaganovich, Yagoda.
Claim (21:50): the Bolsheviks forced the Tsar to abdicate

Claim: Schiff, Warburg, and other bankers, decided that the russian state would be destroyed, and a communist regime would be implemented. Truth: They supported Kerensky and the februari revolution, because of the Tsars pogroms, but never supported the bolsheviks. Claim: The romanovs represented everything good about a traditional family. Truth: Tsarist Russia had legalized, pedophilic prostitution. The royal balls were filled with affairs and degeneracy. Claim: Kerensky was given a million dollars from the wall street banker Jacob Schiff (True) to free all political prisoners and permit them to return to Russia (False). Claim: Secret jewish postcards were sold of the tsar being depicted as a chicken, signifying a traditional jewish sacrifice. Truth: A reverse image search on google reveals that it is in fact a real historical postcard, ca 1917.[12] The added commentary is unfalsifiable speculation. Claim: The civil war was "the christian whites" versus the "jewish reds" Truth: Jewish capitalist, like all capitalists, funded the white army.

On the nature of Jacob Schiffs relationship to the Russian revolutions:

Schiff's gripe against Russia had been its anti-Semitism. At home Schiff had never shown any sympathy for socialism, not even the milder Morris Hillquit variety. Schiff had declared victory for his purposes in Russia after the tsar was toppled in March 1917 and Alexander Kerensky, representing the new provisional government, had declared Jews to be equal citizens. In addition to repeated public statements of support, he used both his personal wealth and the resources of Kuhn Loeb to float large loans to Kerensky's regime. When Lenin and Trotsky seized power for themselves in November 1917, Schiff immediately rejected them, cut off further loans, started funding anti-Bolshevist groups, and even demanded that the Bolsheviks pay back some of the money he'd loaned Kerensky. Schiff also joined a British-backed effort to appeal to fellow Jews in Russia to continue the fight against Germany."

  • Ackerman, Kenneth (2016). Trotsky in New York, 1917: A Radical on the Eve of Revolution.

Jacob Schiff once donated $100 000 to a set up a war relief hospital in Russia,[13] before the October revolution had occured, which has falsely been claimed[14] to have been a donation of $10 million to the bolsheviks.

The White Terrorists and anti-semitism

During the Denikin regime, the press regularly urged violence against Jews. A proclamation by one of Denikin's generals incited people to "arm themselves" to extirpate "the evil force which lives in the hearts of Jew-communists." In the small town of Fastov alone, Denikin's Volunteer Army murdered over 1,500 Jews, mostly the elderly, women, and children. An estimated 100,000 to 200,000 Jews in Ukraine and southern Russia were killed in pogroms perpetrated by Denikin's forces and Symon Petliura's Ukrainian nationalists [1]. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were left homeless and tens of thousands became victims of serious illness [1]. In 1918-1919, over 1,200 pogroms took place in Ukraine, over a third of them attributed to the Ukrainian nationalists [2], while half by the White army [3]. Sources: [1] Pipes, Richard (1994). Russia Under the Bolshevik Regime [1st edition]. pp. 111-112 [2] Gitelman, Z.Y. (2001) [1988]. A Century of Ambivalence: The Jews of Russia and the Soviet Union. Indiana University Press. pp. 65 [3] Budnitskii, Oleg (2012). Russian Jews Between the Reds and the Whites, 1917-1920. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 216–273.

Part 7

Claim ( ): A supposed quote from Winston Churchill

"Germany's unforgivable crime before the second world war was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world's trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit." - Propaganda in the Next War (foreword to the second edition 2001), originally published in 1938.

Problems: There is no second edition to this book. Second problem, it doesn't exist anywhere in churchill digital archives.[15] Verdict: False

  1."Our era strives towards equality – this cannot be denied; but [does this imply] that it is headed immediately towards the community of property? Let this happen one day in the future, let it be the last goal of ageing mankind."
  5. "[Marx] goes beyond Strauss and even beyond Feuerbach . . . Such a man I always wanted to have as my teacher in philosophy. Only now do I feel what an idiot in philosophy have I been. But patience! I will still learn something. Dr Marx – this is the name of my idol" - A letter to Berthold Auerbach by Moses Hess
  7. Manuscripts (1844) "It goes without saying that besided the French and English socialists, I have also used German socialist works. The only original German works of substance in this science, however, - other than Weitling's writings - are the essays by Hess... and Engels"
  8. This was done not in order to reconcile us with the other provinces, but to stir up hatred between the provinces and to exploit the national enmity between the Germans and Slavs, and the regional hatred of every petty German province against all the neighboring provinces, in the interests of patriarchal feudal despotism. Divide et impera!
  9."Society is undergoing a silent revolution, which must be submitted to, and which takes no more notice of the human existences it breaks down than an earthquake regards the houses it subverts. The classes and the races, too weak to master the new conditions of life, must give way."
  11. Archived from a neonazi paper.
  14.,Schiff,-spent%20millions%20toThe claim: "Schiff spent millions to overthrow the Czar and more millions to overthrow Kerensky. He was sending money to Russia long after the true character of the Bolsheviks was known to the world. Schiff raised $10 million, supposedly for Jewish war relief in Russia, but later events revealed it to be a good business investment. (Forbes , B.C., Men Who Are Making America, pp. 334-5.)"