Main Page

From InfraWiki
Revision as of 05:47, 6 January 2023 by Neostalinistprop (talk | contribs)


InfraWiki Logo.png

Welcome to InfraWiki. We’re a collaborative hate blog dedicated to the restoration of fascism by putting reactionary and politically backwards workers, and more importantly, the bourgeoisie they support in power and killing gay people. A government for cis white hetero neurotypical land owning men shall engage in moralism and ignore Marxist ideas! This Wiki is run and managed by a singular member of the Haz's clique, but has no formal affiliation (beyond building his cult of personality) to the Haz clique thereof. Please consider giving me money and writing hate speech!

We are hated by actually principled Marxists, we are fascists but we don't like saying that. We are pretending to be Marxists and basically are what Trotskyists think MLs are. We aren't third positionists or sycretics, we just want a third position and literally have an ideological title with far-left and far-right ideas in it.

Death to opportunism. Death to reactionarism. You all can't even set up a wiki permissions system! Thanks for the money, by the way.

Long live the Revolutionary Technical Committee!
For something which is at the least somewhat reasonable, please view ProleWiki, that is, if you can withstand the Dengist propaganda and campism.

Long Live the Revolutionary Technical Committee! In collaboration with ProleWiki.

Recent events

  • Thu Sep 27: Jucheguevara gets banned from ProleWiki for attempting to turn it into a new Metapedia, creates this site to make hateful diatribes and help expand Haz's personality cult (See images on the left).
File:JG traitor patsoc.png
InfraWiki sysop and founder Jucheguevara (Jamie Gray) actively plotting with the Infrared community to attack ProleWiki and inject into it reactionary ideology.
InfraWiki sysop Jucheguevara covertly claiming to reject Patriotic Socialism despite openly and militantly defending every one of their positions.