Anarchism is a political ideology which rejects all authority, hierarchy, and centrality of organization in the name of total freedom, individuality, and the ego.
Anarchism is the ideological and organizational breeding ground for fascism, since fascism is the open military dictatorship of finance capital and anarchists typically entrench themselves in the lumpenproletariat, the most opportunist class.
It is inherently self-contradictory thought and behavior, where the opportunism and rejection of authority come into an illogical conflict with each other. Thus, anarchists are only willing to give up their individual authority for the sake of usefulness to finance capital against authentic forms of authority. To the anarchist, any authority which is the enemy of another is an ally, even if it is against an authentic and sovereign people's authority.
Infrared thus regards anarchism to be a launching point for fascism, nestled between liberalism and fascism; Anarchism is the arrival of liberalism at it's breaking point, when liberal values require illiberal means to secure themselves, and fascism can thus take up the torch by taking this illiberalism to the extreme.
History[edit | edit source]
Anarchism has taken many sporadic and disjointed forms throughout history, resembling the disjointedness and chaos of the outlook itself. It's modern origins lie in individualist egoism, a la Max Stirner, a Young Hegelian whom Marx criticized heavily. Stirner wrote and thought dogmatically as an individualist, a vulgar materialist, and an egoist edgelord. Stirner's work inspired the syndicalist "Communists" of the First International, such as Pyotr Kropotkin and Mikhail Bakunin, who held the same dogmas and edgy attitude of Stirner but as openly degenerate pedophiles of the lumpenproletariat.
Bakunin and the syndicalists thus split from the Communist International because the dominant Marxist faction of the International did not want these people running things.
Anarchists historically attempted to take power wherever possible and for individual ends. The syndicalists believed they could ride the European revolutionary communist movement to power on the Stirnerite dogma of total skepticism, in the Hegelian sense, without sublating the ruthless critique of all; Marx and the Marxists, on the other hand, saw traditional and "normal" ways of life being eroded by class society, and aimed to return to a more simple, harmonious, and pragmatic way of life which inclided religious practice and other sensible, progressive forms of hierarchical organization. Engels wrote the scathing pamphlet "On Authority", which has not been refuted by anarchists to this day (though they claim it's been "debunked over and over"). Throughout the French Revolution and the rest of the 19th century multiple anarchist groups have attempted to establish themselves, but failed due to (don't laugh!) lack of public appeal and organizational ineptitude.
During the early 20th century, anarchists began to really take power. Their lumpen lifestyles would never be accepted by the masses, so they cloaked them or used their power swiftly while they had it.
In Ukraine, Nestor Makhno led a peasant-bandit army of 50,000 who fought all authorities, White and Red, and carried out bloody pogroms on Jewish civilians following the first world war. Just two years later, in 1921, more Jew-hating anarchists rebelled against Soviet authority in the Kronstadt Rebellion and were similarly put down. Trotsky, with power over the Red Army during the Russian civil war, ordered the mass murder of Christians, and he later would be exiled, when he assisted fascist Italy, Germany, and Japan as an agent of British intelligence.
By the 1930s, anarchists led movements which successfully took power in multiple nations.
In 1922, Benito Mussolini took over Italy as dictator, imprisoned his opposition, and instituted syndicalist reforms. A lifelong anarchist taking after his father Alessandro, Benito enjoyed Stirner's writing as well as other anarchists such as Errico Malatesta. Prior to leading fascist Italy, Mussolini led an anarchist group of street brawlers and other lumpenproles. During this time, he wrote in a newspaper defending anarchist bombings of public buildings.
In Spain, 1936, Francisco Franco's syndicalists established a military dictatorship, instituting concentration camps, forced labor, and executions, ultimately killing 1-200,000 (including 50-60,000 civilians).
In Germany, Hitler's forces – who during the Weimar years were degenerate anarchist pedophiles, criminals, and drug-addicted sex pests who met at a gay bar – slaughtered millions of Jews, Poles, Roma, Christians, and others. They did so with the finance and production assistance of American monopolies and bankers such as J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller Jr., Henry Ford, Prescott Bush, General Motors, IBM, and Chase Bank among others, through Hjalmar Schacht. These German anarchists were built up as a bulwark against the Soviet Union, but, in true anarchist fashion, they turned even against the British and Americans, which led to a public severance of ties.
In Ukraine, the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN), and specifically the OUN-B led by Stepan Bandera, led pogroms killing tens of thousands of Jews, Slavs, Roma, Poles, and others while openly allying with Nazi Germany against the Soviets. The OUN-B was deemed useful by the CIA, MI6, and SS, to the extent that it had operational support from all three (See PROJECT AERODYNAMIC).
In Palestine, multiple anarchist terror groups converged to found the state of Israel. The Zionist terror group Haganah was responsible for terror attacks against Arabs as well as the bombing of the British administration building; the Irgun were responsible for terror attacks on Palestinian civilians, and allied with Nazi Germany to ship Jews from Europe to Palestine; and the Lehi, which killed hundreds of Arabs in the name of Zionism, attempted to ally itself with Nazi Germany. In the 1930s, the CIA forced the creation of an army, the Palestinian Holy Army, under Amin al-Husseini. Later, Israel would invite Adolph Eichmann for a visit, and mint a coin to commemorate the occasion. Israel would go on to be responsible for the facilitation and coordination of many terror attacks carried out by opportunists, who may be something else in name yet are anarchists through and through.
The history of anarchism is thus nothing but the history of the filth, the degeneracy, the terror, the opportunism, the dogmatism, the faithlessness, the nihilism, and the inhumanity of humanity as an inherently social being.