Jewish Question

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The Jewish Question, often abbreviated as JQ, is a popular talking point/conspiracy theory among the "dissident" right; however the usage of the term itself precedes the current wignat usage by over a hundred years. A quite prominent example is "Die Judenfrage" by Bruno Bauer, which Marx made a well known critique of in his "On the Jewish Question. The current day usage by wignats, however refers to a real or perceived overrepresentation of Jews in political, economic, or industrial positions, almost entirely ignorant of the original meaning of the term.

The Historical JQ & Marx's critique of it

Historically speaking, the Jewish Question referred to the inability of the Jews to integrate into secularized European society, because for most of history, the Jews were actually marked by an EXCLUSION from the main state, be it in the form of privileges rights , duties and so forth, & many Jews had an agreement with the country that the resided in that they would live in Jewish ghettos that were to be governed by Mosiac Law. In comes the French Revolution, the secularization of society and the legal code and there becomes an actual question on what is to be done with the Jews, to let Jews continue to abide by Mosaic Law would betray the principles of the revolution, but so would to secularize them forceibly. Bruno Bauer wrote that the Jews must become Atheists like the Christians in order to be free. Marx made a critique of this premise in that it failed to realize that on a material level, there was no difference between the Christain and the Jew anymore hence the meaning of "What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money." which many low IQ anti communists have taken out of context to imply Marx was some kind of Anti-Semite

The Jewish Question today

While Marx's criticism is objectively true, for a very long time suspicion of the Jews has lasted to the present day, in almost every society. When the internet first came around, questioning the Holocaust, talking about the Kabbalah, & fabricating or taking out of context Talmud quotes were fairly popular, as well as many infographics showing the large amount of Jews in Media and Banking companies. Around the 2010s, many websites like Google, Facebook and Youtube, began to crack down on this form of content, partially due to pressure from the ADL. During this time, the JQ discourse got more empowered & solidified on Alt-Media sites like Bitchute , & then like the Angel releasing the locusts from the Abyss, Elon allowed "freedom of speech" on Twitter and JQ discourse became almost the main topic of discussion for nearly three months, stopping until Palestine became the main news topic.

The Wignat understanding of the Jewish Question however is completely retarded, for starters it fails to get that the large scale presence of Jews in "Goy" Companies, simply proves that the Jews have almost completely integrated into Gentile Society. Of particular importance the Wignats like to give focus to is the ADL, however it must be understood that the ADL isn't simply some rights organization like the NAACP or even ACLU, but is actually an intelligence front on behalf of Zionism, & they also have a long history of bullying anti Zionist Jews as well. The wignats almost completely ignore that majority of American Jews are secular, & among the secular Jews they have a 72% intermarriage rate with other communities ( The one actual exception to the Traditional JQ not being applicable is the large visibly Orthodox Jewish community of New York & the greater Northeast Area. There is a reason why so many JQers are often from New York, & that is because they deal with the medieval age Jewish community, that does indeed throw its weight around in NY politics, and many do get involved with many anti-social enterprises such as welfare fraud, organ harvesting, & many other schemes; as well as a large social animosity in that the majority of these Jews speak Yiddish as their first language rather than English. However what many Wignats fail to realize, such as Nick Fuentes or John Zherka, is that their programme of a "Traditional Catholic America" would necessarily enable this form of Judaism, as the NY Hasidic Jews represent the Jewish people during the historical majority. Infact it was very common for Jewish Secularists & Socialists to embrace Zionism and the State of Israel to break free of what they called "Rabbanic Tyranny".

Relation to Zionism

Zionism, like Nazism, ironically emerged as an "answer" to the "Jewish Question" the idea is that if Europeans were to have a Universal State based on some national identity, then the Jews must create their own state somewhere. Many Zionists originally advocated settlement to Uganda, or Australia or even Antarctica, but they all finalized on Palestine, which actually became controversial among Religious Jews because the Torah forbids resettlement to Israel after the exile. Zionism, like nationalism, seeks to reduce Judaism into a identity of a national-state, bottling up all the 4000 year history into a passport. Many Nazis actually considered it okay to deport Jews to Israel, really showing us the real agenda of this plan.

Anti-Semitism also serves Zionism. Zionist propagandists frequently point to online anti-Semitic rhetoric to justify the illegitimate State of Israel and its criminal actions.
