HOW I CRUSHED SOY BOY SEBASTIAN GORKA is an Infrared live stream from Wednesday March 29th, 2023.[1]
- The America that exists is already dead
- We must dust off the old Betsy Ross flag which represents the valiant overthrow of the British-backed confederacy
- Our patriotism comes from the future
- The best we can hope for is to be a great country again, but we're a shithole right now
- China has civilization, stability, norms, America has gender confusion and mass shootings
- There's not a single street in China that's as much of a shithole as downtown Los Angeles or parts of New York
- "Why don't you move to China if you love it so much?" because we're AMERICANS living in AMERICA this is OUR COUNTRY, it's OUR duty to fix it
- This country has been destroyed by the elites and the oligarchs
- America is a fentanyl addict, we need to go cold turkey