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DESTROYING Ben Norton is a VOD by Infrared discussing the journalist Ben Norton and his opposition to Patriotic Socialism.


  • 0:00 Intro
  • 1:02 Start of clip, Norton mentions that "the left" is Synthetic Left progressive organizations like DSA and FRSO
  • 1:24 These Syntehtic Leftoids are basically fronts for the Democratic Party and the NGO complex
  • 2:28 The progressive wing of the Democratic Party and The Squad are the vanguard of U.S. imperialism, something that The Grayzone is cognizant of
  • 3:50 Without evidence, Norton offhandedly jeers that the Patriotic Socialists are actually akin to Nazis.
  • 4:22 Haz goes nuclear and confronts this insane claim of Ben's
    • Are PatSocs being funded by the Military-Industrial Complex? Funded by the Industrialists? Funded by the imperialist bourgeoisie?
    • Are PatSocs fighting against a real communist movement in America? is DSA a real communist movement?
  • 6:23 Back to Ben
  • 6:58 The Republican Party is posturing as a counter-hegemonic force (although this is a deception, the RINOs in charge of the party are pro-hegemony, and anti-MAGA)
  • 12:02 Apparently we're not allowed to support correct positions if they're being promoted for the wrong reasons. So when the masses are anti-FBI, we're not allowed to lead the masses in that, we must instead complain that the masses are in it for the wrong reasons. The same criticism ought to be waged against the CPUSA.

Not finished with this outline, please help finish it
