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Benjamin Williams, aka PraxBen, is an American libertarian with a large following on TikTok. He makes anti-Communist Tiktok videos, where he mostly "debunks" Western Marxists.

Membership in libertarian organisations

He is a member of the libertarian Mises Institute, for whom he writes articles. He is also a member of the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE).

Views on Socialism, Communism and Fascism

PraxBen equates socialism with fascism, as he said in his TikTok video about fascism and Javier Milei. He calls Communism a "cult of death" and an ideology that wants to kill almost everything and anyone. PraxBen also thinks Jeffrey Epstein was a friend of Fidel Castro.

PraxBen's personal views

PraxBen sees himself as a libertarian and an anti-communist. Besides his hate for Communism, he also claims to hate fascism, even though he serves fascism by using retarded anti-Communist rhetoric. PraxBen is a huge fan of the paleolibertarian Hans-Hermann Hoppe and the fascist Javier Milei.

Debunked claims of PraxBen

PraxBen claimed that Stalin had a relationship with a 13 years old girl, a claim which has been traced to its source and debunked numerous times. PraxBen also blocked two communists that debunked him.

Escape from a debate with Haz

Many Infrared supporters wanted PraxBen to debate Haz on X, which culminated in a video uploaded of an Infrared supporter that debunked PraxBen in an Discord debate. After this PraxBen denied that he even knew Haz or ever heard of him.