Katyn Massacre

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The Katyn Massacre was a series of massacres carried out by Nazi Germany between September-December of 1941. Gay revisionist historians and works of retarded Polish nationalist historiography have falsely blamed the USSR for the massacres.

Grover Furr has compiled and summarized new evidence from primary sources and secondary literature which effectively refute the primary arguments in favour of the revisionist theory of the massacre.[1] The evidence even includes German casings and ammunition found in the area and in the bodies of the massacred prisoners. In addition, the so-called “Packet no.1,” which contains the documents related to the Stalin and Beria’s “orders” to execute Polish prisoners of war, is fake. Viktor Ilyukhin, a Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, conducted a forensic analysis of Packet no.1 in 2010. The conclusion of the investigation was that the “Central Committee” stamp on Packet no.1 was a forgery, thereby invalidating the official validity of the documents.

While the Soviets used German weapons and ammunition in some cases, it is unlikely that these weapons were available on a large scale for use by Soviet authorities. In addition, many bodies were killed via machine gun fire, which is contradictory to NKVD of rifle or pistol execution. In many of the graves there was found alongside dead Polish aristocrats, Soviet soldiers, hence it follows the stereotypical claim... "the Soviet or Russians simply did it to themselves" an argument everyone up to date on the SMO is aware of.

  1. Grover Furr, “The ‘Official’ Version of the Katyn Massacre Disproven? Discoveries at a German Mass Murder Site in Ukraine,” Socialism and Democracy 27. no. 2 (2013): 96-126.