Gangsta King

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'Gangsta King' is a term originally coined by Haz in a livestream that took place February 3rd 2023, titled "My GROUNDBREAKING political theory".[1]

The term refers to rulers and leaders in the 21st century who — by their form of exercising authority, statehood, and sovereignty — go against universal enlightenment liberalism. The term is meant to invoke names such as Gaddafi, Maduro, Putin, Xi, Assad or Kim Jong Un.

Theoretical underpinnings

Premodern sovereignty

Mandate from Heaven. Divine right of Kings. Right by inheritance.

The break from premodern sovereignty

Mercantile banks of Italy. Challengers of premodern rulers by change in material conditions. 'Paradise Lost' by John Milton. Hegelian/Zizekian concept of the fall.

Machiavelli and Us, by Luis Althusser.

Enlightenment and the Universal state. Open societies.

Malign sovereignty - The so called tyranny and authoritarianism

After this break, it was no longer politically viable to go back to old forms of sovereignty in the eyes of liberalism.

The term is also meant to invoke a critique of the established view on tyranny.

Draconic law. Julius Caesar, book by Parenti.

Dialectic between oligarchy and tyrant. Cultural revolution. The red terror.