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Flag of the PCUSA


The Party of Communists USA (PCUSA) is a Marxist Leninist political party within the United States of America founded in 2015. PCUSA is a Marxist-Leninist party which upholds the legacy of the CPUSA of old.


The PCUSA had its origins in the National Council of Communists USA (NCCUSA). The PCUSA was founded in 2015 by members of the National Council of Communists USA (NCCUSA) in 2015. The origins of the PCUSA lie in clubs expelled from the Communist Party USA during the Sam Webb Era. These clubs included ones located in NYC, Los Angeles, Houston, Staten Island, and many other places. These clubs were expelled for standing true to the Marxist Leninist traditions of William Z Foster, Gus Hall, Henry Winston, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn among others. The PCUSA is led by former CPUSA member Angelo D'Angelo a former student activist at Wagner College and a teachers union organizer. The leadership of the PCUSA is almost exclusively made up of former CPUSA members.

Ideological Orientation

PCUSA in many respects is unique to the left in America. PCUSA continues almost alone to uphold the American revolution as progressive and upholds American patriotism as the CPUSA of old once did. PCUSA alongside the Communist Party of Ukraine and Communist Party of the Russian Federation support the SMO, standing out amongst American communist organizations.


PCUSA is active across the USA. The Party has run candidates for office such as Christopher Helali in 2020 for Vermont's single House seat. The PCUSA was one of the few communist organizations to attend the 2023 February 19th "Rage Against the War Machine" protest. PCUSA alongside its affiliates, the American Student Union (ASU), Movement for People's Democracy (MPD), and Women for Racial and Economic Equality (WREE) attended February 19th.
