Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinism

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Revision as of 04:34, 31 January 2023 by SullivanGLavish (talk | contribs) (Spelling errors and grammar fixed)

Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinism is a concept coined by the Infrared community.[1] The idea can be explained as follows: Marxism-Leninism (Stalinism) raises the productive forces of society (Deng Xiaoping) and is a reflection of the deep reservoir of the people's collective force, no matter how "cancellable" (in the eyes of the Anglo-American Liberal World Order) the people might be. (This "cancelability" being what "Taliban" represents).


  1. "Deng Xiaoping Taliban Stalinist thought will flourish like never before." in the description of NEW YEARS RESOLUTION: My Plans for 2023 by Infrared