List of American Political Parties

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Revision as of 09:02, 13 January 2023 by Based tranny (talk | contribs) (Added Libertarian Party and Green Party)

Here is a list of the current political parties in the United States of America

List of Active Political Parties

Active Parties
Party Ideology Position on the

Anglo Spectrum

Position on the Infrared Spectrum Year


CPUSA Communist Party USA Far-Left Currently Anti-Partisan, soon to be Revolutionary Partisan 1919 In the IMCWP
PCUSA Party of Communists USA Far-Left Revolutionary Partisan 2014 In the IMCWP
ACB American Council of Bolsheviks Far-Left Anti-Partisan
BHP Black Hammer Far-Left Revolutionary Partisan
DSA Democratic Socialists of America Left Anti-Partisan 1982 Formerly a member of the Socialist International (SI)

Has various caucuses that represent different leftist viewpoints

SPA Socialist Party of America Left Anti-Partisan Has nothing in common with the original Socialist Party of America lead by Eugene Debs
SI Schiller Institute Syncretic Partisan 1984
ASP American Solidarity Party Syncretic Non-Partisan 2011 Applying for membership in the Christian Democrat Organization of America
PLP Progressive Labor Party Far-Left Non-Partisan 1962 Believes in one world communist party as part of it's programme.
PSL Party for Socialism and Liberation Far-Left Non-Partisan 2004
FRSO Freedom Road Socialist Organization Far-Left Anti-Partisan 1985 Formerly a member of the now defunct International Communist Seminar (ICS)

Merger of a bunch of former Maoist parties from the 1970s, now tails Democratic Party NGOs

Has its origins in the New Left

APL American Party of Labor Far-Left Non-Partisan 2008 Observer Member of the International Conference of Marxist Leninist Parties and Organizations (ICMLPO)
RCP Revolutionary Communist Party USA Far-Left Anti-Partisan 1975 Formerly a member of the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement (RIM)
SPUSA Socialist Party USA Left Anti-Partisan 1973
SWP Socialist Workers Party Far-Left Non-Partisan 1938
Dem Democratic Party
  • Social liberalism
Big Tent Anti-Partisan 1828
Rep Republican Party
  • Social conservatism
Big Tent Anti-Partisan with some Partisan factions. 1854 MAGA faction also present
WFP Working Famlies Party Center-Left Anti-Partisan 1998 Not a political party in practice, but a political machine for the Democratic Party
PF Patriot Front
  • White supremacy
  • Neo-Nazism
  • Neo-fascism
  • American nationalism
  • Nativism
Far-Right Anti-Partisan Well known to be Feds
LP Libertarian Party Center-left to Center-right 1971
GP Green Party Left Anti-Partisan 2001