Force the vote

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Force the vote was a failed attempt by American political activists in December 2020 to "force a vote" on medicare for all by urging the Squad to withhold their confirmation vote for the then-Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, a neoliberal named Nancy Pelosi, as leverage.[1] The failure of the attempt exposed the Squad as false adherents to progressivism and ultimately revealed their lack of faith in populism, angering the proletariat. Ultimately, the Squad earned the nickname "Fraud Squad."[2]

Similar strategies

MAGA v. McCarthy

In January 2023, the Make America Great Again (MAGA) faction within the Republican Party weaponized a "force the vote"-like strategy to delay Kevin McCarthy's election as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.[3] The goal of the Republican implementation of the strategy was to force McCarthy to make significant concession to the MAGA movement, a strategy that ultimately proved successful and strenghtened the power of populists within the United States Congress.[4]
