Anglo Box

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The Anglo-Box refers to the mental cage inhabited by westerners who refuse to acknowledge the social, cultural, and psychological depth that underlies objects of sense.[1] At root, the problem is a lack of Dialectics.

Anglo Box.png

In debates, inhabitants of the box definition-monger. They attempt to set up an air-tight, universal, and eternal definition, unaware that language is metonymic and their endeavor is as meaningless as it is fruitless. Debaters like Vaush abuse this by forcing their opponents to formulate a definition which must then hold true in every case. For instance, Vaush asks, "how is China Communist? describe to me what communism is and then tell me how China is that."

Do you see the way Vaush processes information and reasons? He first sets up an essence, and then superimposes that upon the reality. He doesn't derive his essence from the investigation of reality itself. You wanna see the differing perspectives of materialist and idealist view of language? Here it is: Vaush thinks you create prescriptive definitions that you then hold reality to the criterion of, rather than definitions deriving from and being created by things in reality itself. You see the difference?[2]

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