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**** 2. Malign  sovereignty  
**** 2. Malign  sovereignty  
***** after modern politics the 'ancien regime' seen as a malign sovereignty, 'tyranny of the dark ages' according to enlightened sentiment but paradoxically... REIGN OF TERROR (Robespierre)
***** after modern politics the 'ancien regime' seen as a malign sovereignty, 'tyranny of the dark ages' according to enlightened sentiment but paradoxically... REIGN OF TERROR (Robespierre)
***** every form of sovereignty that cannot be legitimated by or within modern politics. EXCESS over the complete 'moderniztion' of politics = there is an aspect statehood that continues to exist as an INDIVISIBLE REMAINDER - **_The Gangsta King_** resists being domesticated (not the european kings after the renaissance, but Genghis Khan and the 'Oriental' dynasties of gunpowder land empires) (Contemporary examples; Assad, Kim Jong Un, Xi, Putin, Maduro, Chavez, Gaddafi, Khameini, Saddam, Castro, Ortega, Mugabe, Lukashenko, **Robespierre**,  _MAGA Trump symbol_  )
***** every form of sovereignty that cannot be legitimated by or within modern politics. EXCESS over the complete 'moderniztion' of politics = there is an aspect statehood that continues to exist as an INDIVISIBLE REMAINDER - **The [[Gangsta Kings]]** resists being domesticated (not the european kings after the renaissance, but Genghis Khan and the 'Oriental' dynasties of gunpowder land empires) (Contemporary examples; Assad, Kim Jong Un, Xi, Putin, Maduro, Chavez, Gaddafi, Khameini, Saddam, Castro, Ortega, Mugabe, Lukashenko, **Robespierre**,  _MAGA Trump symbol_  )
***Robespierre 'resurrects' the 'malign sovereignty' of the 'tyrannical dark ages' - in response to Robespierre - REACTIONISM which has ZERO ORIGINS  in the actual ancien regime/feudalism, but in the modern bourgeoisie/modern politics - CYNICS who did not believe in the sacral reality of tradition - the RIGHT WING of modern universal politics - critiqued the French Revolution, but took for granted events like the Glorious Revolution - 'reacting' against the 'malign', they were against a perceived 'excess' that 'perverted' the purity of modern political form - They were not really against constitutionalism, formalism, etc
***Robespierre 'resurrects' the 'malign sovereignty' of the 'tyrannical dark ages' - in response to Robespierre - REACTIONISM which has ZERO ORIGINS  in the actual ancien regime/feudalism, but in the modern bourgeoisie/modern politics - CYNICS who did not believe in the sacral reality of tradition - the RIGHT WING of modern universal politics - critiqued the French Revolution, but took for granted events like the Glorious Revolution - 'reacting' against the 'malign', they were against a perceived 'excess' that 'perverted' the purity of modern political form - They were not really against constitutionalism, formalism, etc
***French Revolution is the ORIGIN OF RIGHT-WING and LEFT-WING aka the POLITICAL SPECTRUM - A SPECTRUM OF MODERN UNIVERSAL STATEHOOD/POLITICS - _Left_ = revolutionary change brought about by the ONE UNIVERSAL STATE - _Right_ = The INTERNAL order of the ONE UNIVERSAL STATE
***French Revolution is the ORIGIN OF RIGHT-WING and LEFT-WING aka the POLITICAL SPECTRUM - A SPECTRUM OF MODERN UNIVERSAL STATEHOOD/POLITICS - _Left_ = revolutionary change brought about by the ONE UNIVERSAL STATE - _Right_ = The INTERNAL order of the ONE UNIVERSAL STATE

Revision as of 22:00, 18 January 2024

My GROUNDBREAKING Political Theory is an Infrared livestream which began on Thursday, Feb 2, 2023.[1]


If you didn't know, I'm actually a political theorist, and not a single person has taken note of the significance of the groundbreaking political theory articulated in my essay: THE RISE OF MAGA COMMUNISM. This is partially my fault, as I drew from a series of references and notions the average reader may not be familiar with.

I will explain a 'Dummy's guide MAGA Communism,' to help in allowing readers understand just what is so groundbreaking and unprecedented about the text.

Video outline / timestamps

  • 13:25 Intro, Updates, Itinerary[2]
  • 27:50 What Is Modern Politics?[2]
  • 38:50 Metaphysics[2]
  • 50:30 Transition From Pre-modern To Modern Politics[2]
  • 1:15:00 Modern Universal Statehood, Malign Sovereignty, Reactionism[2]
  • 1:49:15 The Political Spectrum, Political Difference[2]
  • 2:11:10 Modern Political Metaphysics[2]
  • 2:35:00 'Post-modern' Political Metaphysics[2]
  • 2:39:50 Quantum Physics[2]
  • 2:49:20 Retrocausality[2]
    • Retrocausality brings determinism to quantum physics and postmodern "nothing can be known" bullshit
    • The communist manifesto is a hyperstition, "this 'thing' from the future has come to change everything"
    • Superchat from theblackpack: mentioning AdS/CFT correspondence
    • Emergence
    • Hegel's "cunning of Reason"
  • 3:05:00 Malign Sovereignty[2]
    • The malign sovereign is the new category of criminality for "the leviathan"
    • For globalist liberals, all countries that oppose the Liberal World Order are "fascist" and "nazis" ... Syria, North Korea, China, Russia, etc.
    • The Open Society liberals hate these Closed Societies


Not a synthesis of left with the right but interrogating the foundations of modern politics, and the implications of MAGA and what it means for Communism.

Politics during Middle Ages

  • During the middle ages 'divine right of kings'
  • Most of history, politics is a matter of chance, pure will of fate, coming from God, etc...
  • Politics was 'Not that deep', the sovereign is 'ontologically passive' (the sovereign is natural, like plants, animals)
  • Cosmological/Metaphysical/Astroligcal/Etc.. hierarchy - politics is seamlessly part of it

Modern Politics

  • state is universal and abstract
  • Metaphysically, there is no 'hierarchy' or 'great chain'. Indiscrimnate (scientifically understood) state power, no distinction between any particular things at all. The STATE is an object of SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE (Althusser considered Machiavelli to be the first materialist because he tried to develop a science of state power)
    • What is metaphysics -  deeper reality, not accessible through empirical study, related to ontology
    • Marxism has a different but related definition of metaphysics, something is metaphysical when it is not based in anything knowable by scientific or practical means.  Reification of thought into a form of reality.
    • BUT, metaphysics can also loosely refer to any type of 'ontological' quality
  • Transition from pre-modern to modern politics
    • material factors
    • Cartesian metaphysics, 'I think therefore I am' - Reality is reducible to the way it can be known, accessed, thought of, etc.
      • Descartes radical doubt stems from the distrust of the institution of the Church
    • Transition from pre-modernity to modernity - Bruno Latour will say that the origins of modernity lie in Western Christian, heretical gnosticism  (conspiritatorial, occult mysticim, John Dee, Francis Bacon)
    • Understanding the transition is a specific 'schism' resulting from 'the fall' - John Milton, Paradise Lost - 'enlightenment' is a response to 'the fall' - example of the fall in the MAGA Communism substack; legitimate form of sovereignity, English civil war, turns into malign sovereignty. Sovereign monarch nno longer legitimate according to the logic of feudalism itself. ('the fall' a type of fundamental inconsistency or contradiction)
    • INFRARED canon, theory of 'lost enlightenment' - Mongol factor, finalized the dialectic of sedentary and nomadicis - true origin of western modernity. First universal state (in Hegels sense) is the Mongol state. - Mongols materially laid the foundation for modernity, while the West merely subjectively articulated what the Mongols did in material reality. The west drew out the consequences of the Mongol revolution. (Venetian connection - Italian city states)
    • TRANSFORMATION of TRADITIONAL sovereignty into MALIGN sovereignty
      • Internal inconsistency (reformation, English civil war, etc)
      • Inconsistency with modern subjectivity (Rousseau, Locke, etc.; notion of 'rights of man', general will, social contract theory, mans right to liberty, french revolution)
      • Two forms of statehood / schism of state power
        • 1. Modern universal formalist statehood (French Republic, liberal democracy, culminating in American unipolar 'human rights' new world order)
          • ONE UNIVERSAL STATE divides into 'left-wing' and 'right-wing' politcal orientations, the political spectrum = spectrum of the SAME MODERN UNIVERSAL STATE (western logos?)
          • modern universal state is abstractly universal, formalistic, rule of law, indiscriminate before partiular citizens - corresponding to Marx's universal labor, exchange-value (indifferent to use value, universal, share same object of modernity), accompanying modern capitalism.
        • 2. Malign  sovereignty
          • after modern politics the 'ancien regime' seen as a malign sovereignty, 'tyranny of the dark ages' according to enlightened sentiment but paradoxically... REIGN OF TERROR (Robespierre)
          • every form of sovereignty that cannot be legitimated by or within modern politics. EXCESS over the complete 'moderniztion' of politics = there is an aspect statehood that continues to exist as an INDIVISIBLE REMAINDER - **The Gangsta Kings** resists being domesticated (not the european kings after the renaissance, but Genghis Khan and the 'Oriental' dynasties of gunpowder land empires) (Contemporary examples; Assad, Kim Jong Un, Xi, Putin, Maduro, Chavez, Gaddafi, Khameini, Saddam, Castro, Ortega, Mugabe, Lukashenko, **Robespierre**,  _MAGA Trump symbol_  )
      • Robespierre 'resurrects' the 'malign sovereignty' of the 'tyrannical dark ages' - in response to Robespierre - REACTIONISM which has ZERO ORIGINS  in the actual ancien regime/feudalism, but in the modern bourgeoisie/modern politics - CYNICS who did not believe in the sacral reality of tradition - the RIGHT WING of modern universal politics - critiqued the French Revolution, but took for granted events like the Glorious Revolution - 'reacting' against the 'malign', they were against a perceived 'excess' that 'perverted' the purity of modern political form - They were not really against constitutionalism, formalism, etc
      • French Revolution is the ORIGIN OF RIGHT-WING and LEFT-WING aka the POLITICAL SPECTRUM - A SPECTRUM OF MODERN UNIVERSAL STATEHOOD/POLITICS - _Left_ = revolutionary change brought about by the ONE UNIVERSAL STATE - _Right_ = The INTERNAL order of the ONE UNIVERSAL STATE
      • _On the one hand_ the universal state continually 'overthrows' established orders, smoothing them over into one universal reality, _on the other hand_, it assimilates them into a new order - left and right wing emerge immanently from the same **PARADOXICAL OBJECT** - THEY SHARE the same object, that object is NOT EACH OTHER, it is a THIRD thing BOTH form in RESPONSE to

Political Difference

  • The 'French turn' in the 20th century - Idea of the 'primacy of difference before identity' - Deleuze, Lacan and Zizek today
    • In any given 'binary difference', the difference itself precedes its terms.
    • Zizek on sexual difference: 'Sexual difference' is what is itself objective, material, etc. -whereas 'man' and 'woman' are both failed responses to this primary difference. The DIFFERENCE between the terms, precedes the terms themselves. In fact, the terms just form in response to it.
    • Mao - one divides into two - if ONE is contradictory, is inherently contradictory, it 'splits' into two, to give form to that contradiction.
    • Quantum turn - 'atoms' no longer really exist as primary substances. Primary substances are inherently contradictory, etc.
  • Political difference precedes Left and Right - political difference is the 'paradoxical object' of modern political statehood - It  is ONE object, and the 'left' and 'right' are a result of the contradictions internal to this ONE object - this ONE impossible paradox
  • European enlightenment or modernity proper - emerges in reaction to this paradoxical object. _Infrared_'s thesis: this 'paradoxical object' is Mongol universalism (hypothetical Russian logos)
  • the 'repressed origins' of Western political modernity, which it 'responds' to via the 'left' and 'right - is Repressed because it's imposible, no way to  make sense of it consitsently - the west authentically responds to mongol universalism  - the west is not actually evil - it is 'doing its best' to try and articulate subjectively what had 'happened' objectively in the East
  • How do you reconcile order with change? - 'Heraclitus the Dark' - since everything is always changing, does anything even exist? - BEING = the identity of difference
  • Left and Right are METAPHYSICALLY equal responses to the same problem - none is more true or correct than the other - they attest to a central metaphysical paradox

Modern Political Metaphysics

  • Hobbes  - a 'reactionist' trying to understand the deeper order - 'materialist' looking 'bellow' for what 'makes a state'
    • Baconian metaphysical materialism - reductionism, all reality reducible to 'substances' or 'atoms', indivisible, self-same 'things' that are indifferent to the wealth of content in reality. - these 'things' are primary before reality, the world of appearences.
    • Interesting - 'materialist platonism' inherent in English materialism.
      • How can we know the world with certainty? Through our senses. - senses give an imperfect impression of the REAL object. - The REAL object is base, vulgar, antecedent (preexisting), but too perfect, too sublime, too real to be sensed. - Satanic inversion of 'platonic forms' - _**not like Kant's Thing**_ because 'Thing in Itself' is an object of trascendental knowledge, not the senses.  
    • For Hobbes, the foundation of modern politics lies in simple, self-interest - the 'substance' of the state, is the atomic individual - their 'rational self interest' precedes the state and therefore is the truth of the state - emerges out of some aggregation of 'individual self interest'
      • Locke somewhat similar
    • Hobbes is not an ideologist. IT is not an ideology or a political idea. It is a METAPHYSICAL assumption about the nature of politics, that corresponds with the reality of the emergence of the capitalist mode of production.
    • the basic metaphysics  of modern statehood
    • primordial, metaphysical distrust of individuals toward one and another, absolute state of distrust - individuals have conflicting self-interests
    • Hobbes articulates the origin of the state IN THIS CONFLICT - presocratic 'repulsion of the atoms'
    • Seperation of individuals between each other is an un-bridgable gulf. Nothing INHERENTLY 'unites' individuals. No 'organic sociality' or 'social whole' - metaphysical SATANISM based in radical doubt after heartbreak (distrust iof the authenticity of all traditions)
    • We can only be 'certain' in the Cartesian sense that individuals exist. Society, and the state, has no prior, ancetedent existence. Must be something that is the RESULT of individuals - since, for example, individuals and their self-interest empirically appear to preexist these 'abstractions'  | Thatcher - "Society doesn't exist, only individuals"
    • according to Hobbes a sovereign emerges in the WAR OF ALL AGAINST ALL - individuals consider it in their self-interest to just kill each other over differing interests BUT THEN  they realize it is in their rational self-interest to submit to 'the biggest and most powerful guy' who makes a deal with them to safeguard a bare minimum of their self-interest (rights) and protect them.
    • Repulsion of the atoms, leads to an outcome, chaos of micro atoms conflicting to each other, leads to some 'general macro tendency', basic dialectics, ...
    • For Hobbes malignity remains in the form of those individuals who do not obey the law of the sovereign - the criminal - they're 'un-aligned' with sovereignity - represent 'atoms' that do not 'culminate' into being a part of the Leviathan's body - the Leviathan must either punish them to align them, or exterminate them.
      • Crime is the FOUNDATION of the Leviathan - naked, bare, antisocial self interest - the leviathan labels who remind it of its foundation 'criminals' - Crime is the foundation of every state (according to Hobbesian metaphysics)

'Post-Modern' (in the most vague sense) Political Metaphysics

  • In the era of Globality (triumph of the socialist mode of production under capitalist superstructure) sovereigns are NOT the be-all end-all of political power.
    • DEEP STATE - American sovereignty is the FORM of the constitution, the deep state is a higher form of political power than the constitution - The deep state is radically EXTIMATE - it is the EXTERNAL NETWORK of Philanthropic foundations, Intelligence agencies, policy-making institutions, think-tanks, NGOs, Universities, Corporations - not a 'secret cabal' but a PATTERN of POWER, a NETWORK
      • Does not destroy the sovereign, the sovereign seems to be 'assimilated' into a reality larger than itself - Leviathan being controlled by something bigger.
    • Quantum physics
      • era of 'atoms', 'monads', 'simple substances', or individuated particles as 'primary building blocks of reality' is basically over even scientifically - the radical logic of 'post-modernity'
      • wave/particle duality, superposition, spooky action, contingency, wave function collapse, decoherence, entalgment - cannot discern the outcome of a given superposition or quantum oscillation before measuring it. Once measured it bares the outcome of a 'single particle' - 'Decherence' of waves occur to reflect just a single outcome out of manuy possibilities
      • Many stupid ways of interpreting - Copenhagen Copium (ignore it), Many worlds Marvel Superhero verse
      • Zizek interprets quantum physics through the lens of dialectics - should foce us to change view of what reality is - develop a new ontology
      • Retrocausality
        • reality is still in a sense 'deterministic' - 'quantum superposition' is not immanently random or chaotic. The outcome 'determines' the decoherence of the waves FROM THE FUTURE - The OUTCOME in a sense, 'influences' the beginning - hyperstition
          • COMMUNIST MANIFESTO! - This 'thing' from the future has arrived to come and change everything - everyone is going to turn into proletariat or bourgeoisie, the final confrontatation is already here -from the future
          • Terminator 2
        • basic idea of retrocausality is that all substances and things in reality are 'oriented' virtually toward 'something from the future' - the future is influencing the past, basically, 'creating itself' from the future
        • This is not some obscurantist or mystical point, key element is 'virtuality' - that something is ORIENTED in a certain direction but not necessarily 'there' - things emerge already latent with their own outcome - outcome 'exist' before it is fully determined
          • for example, human individual can't be reduced to their specific features to understand them, in order to understand you need to understand their DREAMS, their GOALS, their AMBITIONS, what keeps them MOTIVATED to wake up every day.  That is their virtual orientation
          • Hegel's 'cunning of Reason' - The Hegelian universal state is as retrocausal state. Via history, which culminates in it, the motivations, the actions, the details of individuals and their self-interests, the hither and thither of conflicts, etc. - are all being 'manipulated' by the 'cunning of Reason' which is merely realizing itself from the futurem, to culminate in the Universal State which is the basis of Absolute Knowing
            • Phenomenology of Spirit is written this way - beginning from simple substances , to animals, to humans, to state, to religion, and then to Absolute Knowing - the end of hegels book is 'realizing itself' from the future, each time it gets to a new chapter. This is what is driving the book to its conclusion
            • Also logic of Marx's Capital 3 volumes - transformation of values to prices and vice versa, how 'individual labor power' translates into 'social labor', how the price of individual commodities translates into 'general labor value', finally how differing relative rates of profit translate into aggregate profits - all retrocausal
  • Anglo-Saxon metaphysics - primacy of substance
  • Chinese' metaphysics - primacy of the 'virtual object' - thing that is animating all reality, 'comes from the future' retrocausally, and it becomes 'determinate only as a unity of opposites. Not some vulgar substance that preexists spirit

Malign Sovereignty

  • parallel with Hobbesian individual criminal (modern metaphysics) - malign sovereign (postmodern metaphysics) new category of 'criminality'
    • transition from classical physics to modern physics parallel to the transition from Hobbes to 'Hegel' (or Haz)
    • Malign sovereignty implies that individual substances are 'polarized'. - Hobbes individual substance is just the 'self-interested' individual - a perfect atom, a simple substance - Malign sovereignty 'polarizes' the actions thoughts behaviors, ideas, language, etc. of individuals such that you can no longer explain their motivations in terms of self-interest.
      • EXAMPLE: Russiagate, Russia is responsible for an entire series and network of actions, behaviors, tendencies, language, ideas, consciousness, etc. on part of multiple individuals. Not the result of some 'criminal self interest', It is a Malign soreignty which is 'polarizing' individuals (with 'fake news') to BECOME 'criminals' - Trump is a criminal BECAUSE he is being bribed blackmailed by russia
      • retrocausal logic that is consistent with the quantum turn, instead of Hobbes 'self-interest' individuals you now have 'polarities' which somehow not only preexist bet even polarize 'self-interested' motivation
    • Malign sovereignty is referring to this 'socialized criminality' - entire states are criminal
  • Theory of Alignment
    • The 'modern universal state' should be thought of as a 'continuum' - 'continuum' of modern universal formalism - uninterrupted, pure universal from - (Marxist view) 'uninterrupted flow of exchange-value'
      • culminated in a 'globality' - Popper's 'open society'
    • The idea that because of the experience of 'Totalitarianism' (Hannah Ardent), the Hobbesian sovereign can become 'bad' leading to 'Totalitarianism' - like the 'horrible evils of Communism and Fascism'
      • For Popper 'sovereigns' must be kept in check just like sovereigns must keep criminals in check - different from 'social contract' because open society factors - instead of 'the people' keeping the sovereign in check, society's institutions have to do it by keeping society 'institutional open' - by being 'open' societies can be __ALIGNED__ with the 'global unipolar world order', allowing the FREE proliferation of information, commodities, people, money, trade, culture, ideas, whatever...
        • 'Paradox of tolerance' means that all those forces conducive to 'closing' society CANNOT be tolerated and must be esterminated somehow
  • Theory of Political Gravity
    • Instead of the 'war of all against all', you have the 'chaos' of 'malign sovereignty' / 'totalitarianism' (NAZISM/FASCISM) - like the 'natural state' for Hobbes is the war of all against all, today's globalist liberals following from Popper, Nazism is the natural state of globality. - Vaush's "Nazbol Vortex"
      • For globalist liberals all unaligned states are 'malign sovereigns' and are therefore fascist (Syria, North Korea, China, Russia, etc.)
        • Why? because they are not kept 'artificially open', 'fallen into the vortex', 'closed society' - because without enlightened institutions, people are too backward, ignorant, lost, impassioned, emotional, etc. to be allowed to express their own 'general will' (paradox of tolerance)
        • The problem with 'malign sovereigns' or 'gangsta monarchies' is not that they are 'too controlled' but that they are too wild
    • Politics naturally 'pulls' in the direction of Nazism according to globalist liberalism.  Why?
      • Globalism is based in the legacy of Nazism. The institutions of NATO, EU, even to an extent Bretton Woods, universal human rights, the UN- either formed IN RESPONSE to Nazism after the 'war to end all wars' OR - directly inherited the Nazi 'legacy'
      • Nazism, in terms of international relations, was the arbitrary violation of another countries sovereignty and 'plunging the world into chaos' as a result of Hitlers manaical crazy ambitions.... -But also, it was this 'natural' evolution of modern bourgeois order that liberals secretly find tempting, or at least fascinating.
        • it resolved the contradiction between 'left and right' from the perspective of the bourgeoisie. Preserving the 'dynamical change' of industrial capitalism with 'rigid political order' of dictatorship (reactionary modernism (Jeffrey Herf?))
          • False sublation, false reconcilation, false hegelian 'universal state' (but none the less some kind of version of it)
    • The Repressed Founding sin of globalist unipolarity is nazism - used as a wild rabid dog on a leash by globalist liberalism, 'state of emergency' - tool of liberals to do the dirty work they cannot do in the light of day
      • globalist liberals throughout the cold war employed Nazi mercenaries to fight Communism, also using Azov neo nazis today
      • Liberals secretly think Nazis are right metaphysically,  but find their consequences to be distasteful and icky

Universal state

  • TLDR; Modern politics has this paradoxical contradiction between movement and order.
    • Hegel elects to resolve this contradiction, the turmoil of the french revolution in the 'universal state' of constitutional monarchy
      • He resolves it in the form of the unity between the particular substantive reality and the universal state, such that its universality is no longer abstractly set against its real, determinate content, but itself becomes the determinate representation
      • that's why hegel is pro monarchy, the monarch cannot be 'justified' by any legal form.  The monarch stands as the point of exception in the order of the universal state, which represents its harmonious reconciliation with the 'prior' and 'particular' reality of people, civil society, etc.
      • Universal state - unity of the particular and the universal as the resolution of modernity's contradiction
    • Marx rejects Hegels solution. For Marx, the universality of the modern state, is set against the real particular reality of the PROLETARIAT, i.e. the class of LABORERS . Labor is the particular, material reality which can only be united with the universality of human community via COMMUNISM.
    • Kojeve - Hegelian universal state begins with the resolution of the 'master slave dialectic'
      • Master slave dialectic begins with something 'similar' as Hobbes war of all against all - strong beats the weak, weak can either fight to the death or submit to slavery - proving your life is to earn recognition, if you can prove you have something to die for you can be recognized by the other as a fully constituted human subject
      • Kojeve's idea of the universal state is the post WWII international order, which is founded on 'universal human rights' - universal recognition, freedom, and the unity of the particular with the universal in the form of the welfare state that takes care of its citizens, etc.
    • Haz critique of Kojeve & Hegel
      • The universal state is not 'one state'. The universal state is in reality the civilization-state, it is a determinate universality based in a specific civilization.
      • Civilization states, not 'abstract liberal universal state' are the resolution of modern political antagonism


  • outside political spectrum
    • 'left wing' because revolutionary change, coded 'right wing' because forcing 'modern order' to adjust to the real, telluric material order of rural life - changing the 'overton window'
    • Partisan is animated by a 'malign sovereignty' which, while unaligned with unipolar globalism, is in fact aligned with a determinate civilizational POLARITY - retrocausally creates itself via the partisan irregular warrior.
    • resists the 'smooth continuum' of modern politics, REPRESENTING and EMBODYING the difference itself (rather than the ways modern bourgeoisie copes with it)
    • Partisan is part of greater emergence of the 'Partisan Empire' - the determinate, telluric land empires of lost mongol modernity, the ultimate malign sovereignty as a polarity or determinate globality
    • Partisanship = partiality = polarity. The partisan entails a 'polar charge'
      • MAGA is American partisan politics - anticipating or established as the fertile soil of a 'mailgn sovereignty' and ultimately a uniquely universal American civilization state - Lost history of America, the 'other' America whose history is parallel with the official one. MAGA is the 'other' America, the one that has developed under the nose of globalist unipolarity

Left wing vs leftist

  • Left Wing just refers to an objective orientation of political revolutionary change
  • Leftism is the ideology of change, which does not correspond to real change but in fact preserve the bourgeois status quo (because the 'changes' that occur via Rockefeller progressivism are superfluous to capitalism )
Final Conclusion

A new Nazism will emerge similar to what we see in Ukraine. The 'political spectrum' itself is shaped like a swastika. Ultimately whether via desantis, meghan markle or something else, 'leftism' which is the hegemonic ideology for modern  politics itself.

being the 'theory' of political change becomes hegemonic after WWI in tandem with Rockefellar 'progressivism'. The oil monopolies reign comes to establish politics as something subject to 'permanent' change and updating, and the modern universal state - change becomes superfuous rather than revolutionary.

Real revolutionaries come from the 'deep order' of the countryside, i.e. Mao or Khomeini. Aka Partisan politics.

Left Wing just refers to an objective orientation of political revolutionary change

Leftism is the ideology of change, which does not correspond to real change but in fact preserve the bourgeois status quo (because the 'changes' that occur via Rockefeller progressivism are superfluous to capitalism )


VOD Sources

  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Madao's pinned comment on "My GROUNDBREAKING Political Theory"
    Screenshot of YouTube comment