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<nowiki>''We already live in socialism''</nowiki> is a phrase used by [[Infrared]] to signify that the process of achieving [[socialism]] has already begun. The phrase was first introduced during a Twitch stream discussing the controversial tweet by [[Haz Al-Din|Haz]] on the matter.   
<nowiki>''We already live in socialism''</nowiki> is a phrase used by [[Infrared]] to signify that the process of achieving [[socialism]] has already begun. The phrase was first introduced during a Twitch stream discussing the controversial tweet by [[Haz Al-Din|Haz]] on the matter.   
== Class consciousness ==
== Class consciousness ==
The first objective of <nowiki>''</nowiki>We already live in socialism<nowiki>''</nowiki> is a direct clash with the pre-conceived [[Social-democracy|social-democratic]] concept of messianic socialism. Instead of socialism as being something distant, it makes it immediate by an act of [[consciousness]]. The psychological effect of this affirmation is inherently revolutionary, as it propels the worker to understand only his seizing of the means of production is left to start the communist movement.<blockquote>The expansive force of the means of production bursts the bonds that the capitalist mode of production had imposed upon them. Their deliverance from these bonds is the one precondition for an unbroken, constantly-accelerated development of the productive forces, and therewith for a practically unlimited increase of production itself. (...) The possibility of securing for every member of society, by means of socialized production, an existence not only fully sufficient materially, and becoming day-by-day more full, but an existence guaranteeing to all the free development and exercise of their physical and mental faculties — this possibility is now, for the first time, here, but ''it is here''. <ref name=":0">[https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1880/soc-utop/ch03.htm Frederick Engels, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific]</ref></blockquote>
The first objective of <nowiki>''</nowiki>We already live in socialism<nowiki>''</nowiki> is a direct clash with the pre-conceived [[Social-democracy|social-democratic]] concept of messianic socialism. Instead of socialism as being something distant, it makes it immediate by an act of [[consciousness]]. The psychological effect of this affirmation is inherently revolutionary, as it propels the worker to understand only his seizing of the means of production is left to start the communist movement.<blockquote>The expansive force of the means of production bursts the bonds that the capitalist mode of production had imposed upon them. Their deliverance from these bonds is the one precondition for an unbroken, constantly-accelerated development of the productive forces, and therewith for a practically unlimited increase of production itself. (...) The possibility of securing for every member of society, by means of socialized production, an existence not only fully sufficient materially, and becoming day-by-day more full, but an existence guaranteeing to all the free development and exercise of their physical and mental faculties — this possibility is now, for the first time, here, but ''it is here''. <ref name=":0">[https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1880/soc-utop/ch03.htm Frederick Engels, Socialism: Utopian and Scientific]</ref></blockquote>