The Disturbing Ideology of Avatar 2: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "A youtube stream found here I want to draw you guys attention to a film that I saw: China's film the wandering Earth, which came out in 2019. That movie was based on the giant science fiction novel The Three Body Problem, a really really deep Chinese science fiction novel that’s specifically a kind of implicit commentary on the Cultural revolution's Legacy, but it's not obvious how. The basic message of China's wander...")
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I want to draw you guys attention to a film that I saw: China's film the wandering Earth, which came out in 2019. That movie was based on the giant science fiction novel The Three Body Problem, a really really deep Chinese science fiction novel that’s specifically a kind of implicit commentary on the Cultural revolution's Legacy, but it's not obvious how. The basic message of China's wandering Earth was this first of all it was a film that I believe was devoid of villains I'm pretty sure I recall there are no human villains in that film and I think the film was basically just about repairing so the Earth is on this 5 000 year Journey or some shit to reach a new sun it's not 5 000 years it's like 500 or something I don't know it's like a hundred I don't know how long it is to reach a new Sun that sun is obviously communism right I mean allegorically it is and you know it's kind of a little bit mundane the process getting there and the I think the film is just about the ability to persevere into the day-to-day necessities of work and of unleashing the productive forces and attending to the productive forces and that in a sense this is a hermeneutic or even mystical kind of sense that is what socialism is socialism is just this way in which Humanity attends to this process that doesn't necessarily have an end point right it's not necessarily you're going to achieve Socialism or you're going to achieve communism communism and socialism is the process by which Humanity attends to its own being and its own necessity and I think that was the takeaway I got from that film right because the villains I I think the film had all the emotions of heroism and tragedy and all that kind of stuff without any human villains that and even nature was not really depicted as a villain either I mean when you think about it there was no anthromorphic Villain at all there were just people dealing with the like the all the tragedies and Necessities that come with being able to withstand and survive in this world right there was anticipation there was drama there were high stakes all that kind of stuff but not necessarily any human villains and I thought that was a very deep deep beautiful movie and then the imagery in that movie was just phenomenal and this is what I'm getting at the depiction of industry in particular in that film the science fiction all these kind of like Thruster reactors the vehicles in the film the construction as it was being depicted it was very much about China's belt and Road initiative and at China's infrastructural based economy but rendered into Science Fiction it's probably my favorite film of the 2010s I think I'm confidently I can say that my favorite films of the 2010s it's a very and and I think the video game version of that film was death stranding to me which has a similar message. But in any case,  after that film wandering Earth, I came to a judgment which I may have done a little bit too prematurely DONO: “wandering Earth was very beautiful I liked how the Earth was represented in a very geological way if that makes sense” yep, I've talked about that before yes it's a geological depiction of nature and this is it's a very deep yeah it's a it's the ultimate Mecca Tanki film 100 percent but after that film I came to a conclusion and this was something that I came to the conclusion of actually right before covet around 2019 which I said basically the American Empire and the American unipolar civilization has no more tricks up its sleeve American soft power is done right American hegemony is like done there's what's the next big American Blockbuster there isn't going to be one all the American movies today are just about some kind of like tragic decline or coping with Nostalgia from the past there's no like forward future oriented kind of visionary American films anymore you have Marvel films these are not that's not what that is though Marvel films are Nostalgia about comic books from the 70s and the 80s and they're playing off of that whole childhood bullshit so this is a conclusion I drew with one ringer then my suspicions temporarily were confirmed covet happened and the response to the covet crisis by the United States was abysmal compared to compared to China which did an excellent job of responding to the covet crisis right so this was the Apex for all of us people who just see okay America's done China's the future I think 2020 in early 2021 it was the Apex right. But today we can't really draw that conclusion anymore, today it seems a little bit different.  
==== Introduction - The wandering earth ====
I want to draw you guys attention to a film that I saw: China's film the wandering Earth, which came out in 2019. That movie was based on the giant science fiction novel The Three Body Problem, a really really deep Chinese science fiction novel that’s specifically a kind of implicit commentary on the Cultural revolution's Legacy, but it's not obvious how. The basic message of China's wandering Earth was this first of all it was a film that I believe was devoid of villains I'm pretty sure I recall there are no human villains in that film and I think the film was basically just about repairing so the Earth is on this 5 000 year Journey or some shit to reach a new sun it's not 5 000 years it's like 500 or something I don't know it's like a hundred I don't know how long it is to reach a new Sun that sun is obviously communism right I mean allegorically it is and you know it's kind of a little bit mundane the process getting there and the I think the film is just about the ability to persevere into the day-to-day necessities of work and of unleashing the productive forces and attending to the productive forces and that in a sense this is a hermeneutic or even mystical kind of sense that is what socialism is socialism is just this way in which Humanity attends to this process that doesn't necessarily have an end point right it's not necessarily you're going to achieve Socialism or you're going to achieve communism communism and socialism is the process by which Humanity attends to its own being and its own necessity and I think that was the takeaway I got from that film right because the villains I I think the film had all the emotions of heroism and tragedy and all that kind of stuff without any human villains that and even nature was not really depicted as a villain either I mean when you think about it there was no anthromorphic Villain at all there were just people dealing with the like the all the tragedies and Necessities that come with being able to withstand and survive in this world right there was anticipation there was drama there were high stakes all that kind of stuff but not necessarily any human villains and I thought that was a very deep deep beautiful movie and then the imagery in that movie was just phenomenal and this is what I'm getting at the depiction of industry in particular in that film the science fiction all these kind of like Thruster reactors the vehicles in the film the construction as it was being depicted it was very much about China's belt and Road initiative and at China's infrastructural based economy but rendered into Science Fiction it's probably my favorite film of the 2010s I think I'm confidently I can say that my favorite films of the 2010s it's a very and and I think the video game version of that film was death stranding to me which has a similar message. But in any case,  after that film wandering Earth, I came to a judgment which I may have done a little bit too prematurely.  

I mean you had Biden get elected to the presidency and you have this kind of unprecedented ideological Revival or whatever you want to call it that's going on in the United States specifically. Also, China and Russia undoubtedly are facing problems right now, no one has ever tried to deny that. So this view that we had in late 2019 or I had in late 2019 and 2020 does not seem so easily defensible anymore, and that requires some evaluation. The way I decide to evaluate that is through this movie by James Cameron Avatar 2.  
Donation: “''wandering Earth was very beautiful I liked how the Earth was represented in a very geological way if that makes sense''” Yep, I've talked about that before yes it's a geological depiction of nature and this is it's a very deep yeah it's a it's the ultimate Mecca Tanki film 100 percent. But after that film I came to a conclusion and this was something that I came to the conclusion of actually right before covet around 2019 which I said basically the American Empire and the American unipolar civilization has no more tricks up its sleeve American soft power is done right American hegemony is like done there's what's the next big American Blockbuster there isn't going to be one all the American movies today are just about some kind of like tragic decline or coping with Nostalgia from the past there's no like forward future oriented kind of visionary American films anymore you have Marvel films these are not that's not what that is though Marvel films are Nostalgia about comic books from the 70s and the 80s and they're playing off of that whole childhood bullshit so this is a conclusion I drew with one ringer then my suspicions temporarily were confirmed covet happened and the response to the covet crisis by the United States was abysmal compared to compared to China which did an excellent job of responding to the covet crisis right so this was the Apex for all of us people who just see okay America's done China's the future I think 2020 in early 2021 it was the Apex right.

I think Avatar 2 is one of the only films I can name since 2019 that has really become a Zeitgeist. It really marks a huge cultural and ideological shift. It's a pop culture phenomena that really epitomizes the ideological Spirit of the era, at least in America. For that reason alone I recommend this film. We have to talk about its ideological message, and I obviously don't identify with that, but it is a great film, visually speaking and I think that's all it really has to be. the the story is I mean it's not meant to be like this extremely deep story it's meant to be a visually Next Level film that's so immersive you're there in a way right and the 3D experience in particular is so important because the film wants to immerse you in that environment so when Martin Score says he calls the Marvel films theme park films this is the ultimate version of that but I think Martin Square says he gets wrong is that this is a form of somehow a form of cinematic art and I think this one in particular in a way that the Marvel ones aren't and there's a lot of depth to this film in terms of what it's able to capture and concentrate and epitomize as far as the spirit of the era is concerned. I've always admired James Cameron’s aesthetic Vision in relation to water, he's a big water guy so obviously this film was like a huge a huge bone to that right overall you know definitely see the film it's it's worth your time and if you don't see yourself thanks so much East you should check out the armored Core trailer looks like it's about some kind of Mecca Civil War infrared aesthetic potential but I think armored Core is a video game so you know there's not much there but I'm not a conservative when it comes to films what I mean by that is that I'm not someone who's like oh I only like Martin's Club says he films right no I'm a forward you know I'm when it comes to films I believe in progress quote unquote right and you know I'm not one of those people who has this inherent suspicion of this new kind of Pop Culture Cinema “DONO: how do we reinvigorate forward momentum?” I'll get to that I'll actually get to that right because the film here is really interesting but I I'm not one of those people who just like likes old dusty films and hates I'm suspicious of all blockbuster movies with a good CG I'm not one of those people this is this film is a cultural phenomenon right now and you know just like I think Batman kind of was but I don't think ideologically I don't think it's going to be as lasting as avatars I think Avatar 2 proves that the American Empire has some more up its sleeve but in what form right well that's what I'm gonna get to so Avatar Two that's so we can't talk about Avatar 2 without talking about Avatar one and I have talked about it before a little bit but I'm basically going to give you a rundown of what Avatar is all about and Alexander Dugan kind of talk epitomized this best in his you know understanding of what he calls post-modernism right verduggan modernism is about this it it looks like what it is on its surface value it's just this Bland standardization atheism you know vulgar materialism lack of tradition lack of anything you know just complete you know uniform mechanical industrial modernity and the jugan says post-modernity is all about simulation and it's about artificially simulating what is traditional and what is eternal and what is natural and that this is what it makes it the job right dejal is the Antichrist who at first pretends to be Christ makes it something much more evil right than a normal modernity classical modernity it's it's almost like it gaslights us about what real tradition is because it artificially simulates tradition examples of this I think would also be like fascism like Nazi Germany and stuff simulating all these ancient Traditions artificially but in any case in a way Avatar one was the ultimate expression of that Avatar one is depicting with through the highest possible means of Technology the most authentic sense of the natural world so we experience this kind of sense of nature right and some for some reason we need the most advanced possible artificiality to experience the innermost and deepest sense of authenticity when it comes to Nature, so this is something you should observe at the outset in order for us to even derive a sense of feeling what is natural and what is authentic we need the very opposite and I think that's interesting I think that's interesting because it leads us to open the question of what nature actually is what is the difference between something that's artificial and that's something that's natural well if we're already marxists here I think that that's a really easy answer and the easy answer is labor right nature just is what is given to us nature is the Garden of Eden Eden it's just everything's on a tree for you to pick and just eat and I know in Avatar they do hunt and they do all these kinds of things but that's not real labor that's the Garden of Eden and because everything that they're doing is at the end of the day enjoyable you never see a depiction of anything equivalent to real labor and Avatar you don't see this daily drudge and Daily Grind of necessity you just have people with bows and arrows and it's just it's almost like they're picking fruits off of trees yeah they're hunting animals but it's the same thing. anyway so it's labor right labor is the thing that separates something that's artificial from something that's natural it's not actually about whether it's been tainted by the touch of humanity as much as it is about whether it's been tainted by human labor that's what separates nature from the natural world now so you never see the Avatar blue people you never see them hungry you never see them suffering you never see them you know on the brink of starvation you don't see any of that so they're living in a Garden of Eden devoid of Labor now devoid of Labor devoid of human labor which we're gonna have to defy but the great thing is that we're going to Define what that is through the film We're not gonna have to really go to some we're gonna make it fun We're not gonna have to talk about this abstract dry Theory we're gonna just use the film to explain the concepts we're going to use to explain the film right so why is there first of all this association between women or the feminine with nature and why are men associated with the artificial or the man-made well it's actually pretty simple because I don't want to go to complex with the lacanian psychoanalysis but I think you guys can all understand without having to consult any Theory when you're a baby you have a mother and she rocks you and she lets you know she feeds you and you know she just takes care of you and then when you grow up you actually have to take care of yourself in some kind of way right well in within a family unit any family unit this is a universal across all of history there's no exceptions the role of men is to introduce the child to that realm of self-constitution right where you have to actually engage in labor now women can nag you your mother can nag you oh get a job you're a fucking need right if you're like Johnny socialism who lives with his mom you know yeah I mean he's getting nagged by her all the time that's fine there's nothing wrong with living with your mom by the way but if you're leeching off of her fucked up but it's only going to be a man who actually shows you how to do it who actually shows you how to do labor right no matter how much your mother shames you and makes you feel bad about being a fucking loser if you don't have a father to show you the way you're never going to learn how to do it well if you just take that and apply that out of the family it's pretty clear what that looks like for an environment nature is what's given to us in the same way that the warmth of a mother is given to us you know you just pick stuff out of the trees and you pick it you know it's just this harmonious all-encompassing mother Gaia whatever and then the man-made world is obviously patriarchical and it's artificial and it's contrived and represents this split from the all right that is the mother that is nature that requires man to somehow constitute himself and make himself out of something and so these associations are dualistically represented in the film but they're never connected in any kind of way in either one or two what we're talking about two right now the man is the villain and woman is the hero mother Gaia is the hero and then humanity is the villain now despite how villainous humanity is portrayed as some things you know is that the first of all I want to say the depiction of man-made technology the depiction of the forces of production the depiction of this man-made City that they were making and all the vehicles and the meccas and that level of Science Fiction I think is unparalleled I think James Cameron who's always been very good at this did just such a incredible job with the human science fiction aspect I think that that is like the top quality of any film I've ever seen because and and there's something very oddly Chinese about James Cameron's depiction of future human technology because you look at Chinese industry today and it literally looks like that right when they build infrastructure or Chinese construction projects I mean it literally looks like that in America it doesn't look like that America is very outdated and their methods are very backward and so on and so forth so that is something really odd in the in the in the movie is that the depiction of Industry although it's represented as the American Marines in America there's nothing American about it because it combines something very rare for films to do nowadays which is a depiction of the rugged kind of more down to earth instruction and Industry but also in a way that is futuristic and not just representative of the past and it seemed like for a long time only Chinese films really depict this and this is only really seen today in China because America's a de-industrializing nation and China is an ascending industrial country but yeah it looks like Shenzhen or something it looks yeah very but it's futuristic is the point right usually science fiction doesn't actually depict American Science Fiction is just too over the top a lot of the times it's like it's like almost like it's magic right like Marvel movies it's just fucking oh quantum mechanics so it's fucking magic but this film did it I mean yeah it it depicted a grounded science fiction which is also not like you know corroded metal and fucking rusted it's futuristic and it's glossy and it's aerodynamic in a lot of ways so I that was very I really like that the visuals for that were just right. First of all speaking about Avatar in general I think people should take note that this film is really an unparalleled kind of perversion of the ruling Elites a James Cameron has made films for a long time right and when he made Avatar that was his coming out you know imagine someone you would have least expected was a furry and they just like came out oh I love wearing this costume man that's what Avatar is as far as the actual unironic fantasies our ruling Elita has if you remember that episode of South Park where the depict science a church of Scientology and at the end they just like revealed to see oh it's the Xenu the alien god and all this like stuff about whatever I think this is something similar as Falls like the occult beliefs of the ruling class is concerned because for all as enigmatic and like you know mysterious as it seems as far as what they believe what their planning is concerned this is really all they have up their sleeve James Cameron's and the ruling Elites in General's vision of a virtuous good or at least morally acceptable humanity is this kind of bizarre animal human hybrid living in the jungle in harmony with nature and it's nothing you could admit in public without being mocked but if you make a film you pour like 500 million dollars into it you're like openly showing everyone what your fantasies are and it's it should be embarrassing but it's so high budget that it's not. but I think everyone should remember this is just like the embarrassing dirty secret of the ruling class just being shown to us all of us right and I think there's something the film is what is called hyper real right which means it's so artificial that it looks real right the blue people like there's something uncannily real about them because they look absurd and and it's not a children's movie mind you in a children's movie anthromorphic anthropomorphic non-human preachers is a normal thing but in this kind of film it's just extremely bizarre right but to say that this is just like a dumb film I think you're just copying out of at least confronting how the aesthetic of our ruling leads because no if you I mean if you look at if you look at like the occult Chambers of the ruling class there probably are some motherfuckers that got surgery like a high depth form of surgery to look like an animal or some shit like you know I don't know to look like some bizarre fucking cat or something and like it's so realistic that it's just shocking that's how you should react when you watch Avatar you should like imagine you went into James Cameron's Mansion you went in the basement and there was just like this person who got like a billions like millions of dollars of worth of surgery to look like a cat and it looks really bizarrely realistic but also uncanny that's what the film to me evokes I'm not gonna make a sub stack on this so I'm just gonna be no it's not worth it I'm gonna be giving you my thoughts though I mean I think there's the whole it's going to be the whole stream is me talking about Avatar 2 because this is there's too much to say right but anyway average now building the what are you smiling what are you smiling see how she distracts me all right first of all right I'll let the woman talk for like two seconds go ahead my favorite part of the film and it was the same part that you clapped I did not quack it was when they were thinking Mother Earth for saving them and you clapped Okay so so the film I want to talk about Pandora actually that's what I'm gonna do I'm just going to talk about Pandora First because I do think Pandora is a depiction of it's the ultimate fantasy I think and but what's different about Pandora is that the fantasy is real it's depicted as science fiction you don't often get that in science fiction right Pandora is a place where our desires and our reality and our environment are seamlessly connected together and that's why Pandora is ruled by a mother goddess, because that's what being in the arms and the warmth of a mother really means, it means all of your desires are immediately satisfied by the external otherness. Which is your mother always attending to your needs and your wants.
=== American Soft Power Revival ===
But today we can't really draw that conclusion anymore, today it seems a little bit different. I mean you had Biden get elected to the presidency and you have this kind of unprecedented ideological Revival or whatever you want to call it that's going on in the United States specifically. Also, China and Russia undoubtedly are facing problems right now, no one has ever tried to deny that. So this view that we had in late 2019 or I had in late 2019 and 2020 does not seem so easily defensible anymore, and that requires some evaluation. The way I decide to evaluate that is through this movie by James Cameron Avatar 2. I think Avatar 2 is one of the only films I can name since 2019 that has really become a Zeitgeist. It really marks a huge cultural and ideological shift. It's a pop culture phenomena that really epitomizes the ideological Spirit of the era, at least in America.  

There's just this seamless Unity which gets abruptly cut off by the castrative presence of the father, this Association is not difficult to draw. In the Avatar of Pandora, The Avatar Series in general, I think there's something about this which is depicting the role of what we call technology today. Pandora is really just this giant Smart City, and if you think about digital culture - Internet culture, cyber culture, whatever you want to call it - I think that's what it is. Cyber culture is post-oedipal. What post-oedipal means is that it's post-patriarchal: it's post-father, post castration, it's constant satisfaction of our immediate desires.  
===== Is avatar 2 art? =====
For that reason alone I recommend this film. We have to talk about its ideological message, and I obviously don't identify with that, but it is a great film, visually speaking and I think that's all it really has to be. the the story is I mean it's not meant to be like this extremely deep story it's meant to be a visually Next Level film that's so immersive you're there in a way right and the 3D experience in particular is so important because the film wants to immerse you in that environment so when Martin Score says he calls the Marvel films theme park films this is the ultimate version of that but I think Martin Square says he gets wrong is that this is a form of somehow a form of cinematic art and I think this one in particular in a way that the Marvel ones aren't and there's a lot of depth to this film in terms of what it's able to capture and concentrate and epitomize as far as the spirit of the era is concerned. I've always admired James Cameron’s aesthetic Vision in relation to water, he's a big water guy so obviously this film was like a huge a huge bone to that right overall you know definitely see the film it's it's worth your time and if you don't see yourself thanks so much East you should check out the armored Core trailer looks like it's about some kind of Mecca Civil War infrared aesthetic potential but I think armored Core is a video game so you know there's not much there but I'm not a conservative when it comes to films what I mean by that is that I'm not someone who's like oh I only like Martin's Club says he films right no I'm a forward you know I'm when it comes to films I believe in progress quote unquote right and you know I'm not one of those people who has this inherent suspicion of this new kind of Pop Culture Cinema “DONO: how do we reinvigorate forward momentum?” I'll get to that I'll actually get to that right because the film here is really interesting but I I'm not one of those people who just like likes old dusty films and hates I'm suspicious of all blockbuster movies with a good CG I'm not one of those people this is this film is a cultural phenomenon right now and you know just like I think Batman kind of was but I don't think ideologically I don't think it's going to be as lasting as avatars I think Avatar 2 proves that the American Empire has some more up its sleeve but in what form right well that's what I'm gonna get to
=== Intro to avatars Ideology ===
So Avatar Two. We can't talk about Avatar 2 without talking about Avatar one. and I have talked about it before a little bit but I'm basically going to give you a rundown of what Avatar is all about. Alexander Dugin kind of talk epitomized this best in his you know understanding of what he calls post-modernism right. For Dugin modernism is about this it it looks like what it is on its surface value it's just this Bland standardization atheism you know vulgar materialism lack of tradition lack of anything you know just complete you know uniform mechanical industrial modernity and the jugan says post-modernity is all about simulation and it's about artificially simulating what is traditional and what is eternal and what is natural and that this is what it makes it the job right dejal is the Antichrist who at first pretends to be Christ makes it something much more evil right than a normal modernity classical modernity it's it's almost like it gaslights us about what real tradition is because it artificially simulates tradition examples of this I think would also be like fascism like Nazi Germany and stuff simulating all these ancient Traditions artificially but in any case in a way Avatar one was the ultimate expression of that Avatar one is depicting with through the highest possible means of Technology the most authentic sense of the natural world so we experience this kind of sense of nature right and some for some reason we need the most advanced possible artificiality to experience the innermost and deepest sense of authenticity when it comes to Nature, so this is something you should observe at the outset in order for us to even derive a sense of feeling what is natural and what is authentic we need the very opposite and I think that's interesting I think that's interesting because it leads us to open the question of what nature actually is what is the difference between something that's artificial and that's something that's natural well if we're already marxists here I think that that's a really easy answer: labor. Nature just is what is given to us. Nature is the Garden of Eden. Everything's on a tree for you to pick and just eat and I know in Avatar they do hunt and they do all these kinds of things but that's not real labor that's the Garden of Eden and because everything that they're doing is at the end of the day enjoyable. You never see a depiction of anything equivalent to real labor and Avatar you don't see this daily drudge and Daily Grind of necessity. You just have people with bows and arrows and it's just it's almost like they're picking fruits off of trees yeah they're hunting animals but it's the same thing. Anyway so it's labor right labor is the thing that separates something that's artificial from something that's natural it's not actually about whether it's been tainted by the touch of humanity as much as it is about whether it's been tainted by human labor that's what separates nature from the natural world now so you never see the Avatar blue people you never see them hungry you never see them suffering you never see them you know on the brink of starvation you don't see any of that so they're living in a Garden of Eden devoid of Labor now devoid of Labor devoid of human labor which we're gonna have to defy but the great thing is that we're going to Define what that is through the film We're not gonna have to really go to some we're gonna make it fun We're not gonna have to talk about this abstract dry Theory we're gonna just use the film to explain the concepts we're going to use to explain the film right so why is there first of all this association between women or the feminine with nature and why are men associated with the artificial or the man-made well it's actually pretty simple because I don't want to go to complex with the lacanian psychoanalysis but I think you guys can all understand without having to consult any Theory when you're a baby you have a mother and she rocks you and she lets you know she feeds you and you know she just takes care of you and then when you grow up you actually have to take care of yourself in some kind of way right well in within a family unit any family unit this is a universal across all of history there's no exceptions the role of men is to introduce the child to that realm of self-constitution right where you have to actually engage in labor now women can nag you your mother can nag you oh get a job you're a fucking need right if you're like Johnny socialism who lives with his mom you know yeah I mean he's getting nagged by her all the time that's fine there's nothing wrong with living with your mom by the way but if you're leeching off of her fucked up but it's only going to be a man who actually shows you how to do it who actually shows you how to do labor right no matter how much your mother shames you and makes you feel bad about being a fucking loser if you don't have a father to show you the way you're never going to learn how to do it well if you just take that and apply that out of the family it's pretty clear what that looks like for an environment nature is what's given to us in the same way that the warmth of a mother is given to us you know you just pick stuff out of the trees and you pick it you know it's just this harmonious all-encompassing mother Gaia whatever and then the man-made world is obviously patriarchical and it's artificial and it's contrived and represents this split from the all right that is the mother that is nature that requires man to somehow constitute himself and make himself out of something and so these associations are dualistically represented in the film but they're never connected in any kind of way in either one or two what we're talking about two right now the man is the villain and woman is the hero mother Gaia is the hero and then humanity is the villain now despite how villainous humanity is portrayed as some things you know is that the first of all I want to say the depiction of man-made technology the depiction of the forces of production the depiction of this man-made City that they were making and all the vehicles and the meccas and that level of Science Fiction I think is unparalleled I think James Cameron who's always been very good at this did just such a incredible job with the human science fiction aspect I think that that is like the top quality of any film I've ever seen because and and there's something very oddly Chinese about James Cameron's depiction of future human technology because you look at Chinese industry today and it literally looks like that right when they build infrastructure or Chinese construction projects I mean it literally looks like that in America it doesn't look like that America is very outdated and their methods are very backward and so on and so forth so that is something really odd in the in the in the movie is that the depiction of Industry although it's represented as the American Marines in America there's nothing American about it because it combines something very rare for films to do nowadays which is a depiction of the rugged kind of more down to earth instruction and Industry but also in a way that is futuristic and not just representative of the past and it seemed like for a long time only Chinese films really depict this and this is only really seen today in China because America's a de-industrializing nation and China is an ascending industrial country but yeah it looks like Shenzhen or something it looks yeah very but it's futuristic is the point right usually science fiction doesn't actually depict American Science Fiction is just too over the top a lot of the times it's like it's like almost like it's magic right like Marvel movies it's just fucking oh quantum mechanics so it's fucking magic but this film did it I mean yeah it it depicted a grounded science fiction which is also not like you know corroded metal and fucking rusted it's futuristic and it's glossy and it's aerodynamic in a lot of ways so I that was very I really like that the visuals for that were just right.
===== Ruling Class Fantasies Exposed =====
First of all speaking about Avatar in general I think people should take note that this film is really an unparalleled kind of perversion of the ruling Elites a James Cameron has made films for a long time right and when he made Avatar that was his coming out you know imagine someone you would have least expected was a furry and they just like came out oh I love wearing this costume man that's what Avatar is as far as the actual unironic fantasies our ruling Elita has if you remember that episode of South Park where the depict science a church of Scientology and at the end they just like revealed to see oh it's the Xenu the alien god and all this like stuff about whatever I think this is something similar as Falls like the occult beliefs of the ruling class is concerned because for all as enigmatic and like you know mysterious as it seems as far as what they believe what their planning is concerned this is really all they have up their sleeve James Cameron's and the ruling Elites in General's vision of a virtuous good or at least morally acceptable humanity is this kind of bizarre animal human hybrid living in the jungle in harmony with nature and it's nothing you could admit in public without being mocked but if you make a film you pour like 500 million dollars into it you're like openly showing everyone what your fantasies are and it's it should be embarrassing but it's so high budget that it's not. but I think everyone should remember this is just like the embarrassing dirty secret of the ruling class just being shown to us all of us right and I think there's something the film is what is called hyper real right which means it's so artificial that it looks real right the blue people like there's something uncannily real about them because they look absurd and and it's not a children's movie mind you in a children's movie anthromorphic anthropomorphic non-human preachers is a normal thing but in this kind of film it's just extremely bizarre right but to say that this is just like a dumb film I think you're just copying out of at least confronting how the aesthetic of our ruling leads because no if you I mean if you look at if you look at like the occult Chambers of the ruling class there probably are some motherfuckers that got surgery like a high depth form of surgery to look like an animal or some shit like you know I don't know to look like some bizarre fucking cat or something and like it's so realistic that it's just shocking that's how you should react when you watch Avatar you should like imagine you went into James Cameron's Mansion you went in the basement and there was just like this person who got like a billions like millions of dollars of worth of surgery to look like a cat and it looks really bizarrely realistic but also uncanny that's what the film to me evokes I'm not gonna make a sub stack on this so I'm just gonna be no it's not worth it I'm gonna be giving you my thoughts though I mean I think there's the whole it's going to be the whole stream is me talking about Avatar 2 because this is there's too much to say right but anyway average now building the what are you smiling what are you smiling see how she distracts me all right first of all right I'll let the woman talk for like two seconds go ahead my favorite part of the film and it was the same part that you clapped I did not quack it was when they were thinking Mother Earth for saving them and you clapped Okay so so the film
===== Pandora the beautiful =====
I want to talk about Pandora actually that's what I'm gonna do I'm just going to talk about Pandora First because I do think Pandora is a depiction of it's the ultimate fantasy I think and but what's different about Pandora is that the fantasy is real it's depicted as science fiction you don't often get that in science fiction right. Pandora is a place where our desires and our reality and our environment are seamlessly connected together, and that's why Pandora is ruled by a mother goddess. Because that's what being in the arms and the warmth of a mother really means, it means all of your desires are immediately satisfied by the external otherness. Which is your mother always attending to your needs and your wants.
There's just this seamless Unity which gets abruptly cut off by the castrative presence of the father. This Association is not difficult to draw. In The Avatar Series in general, I think there's something about this which is depicting the role of what we call technology today. Pandora is really just this giant Smart City, and if you think about digital culture - Internet culture, cyber culture, whatever you want to call it - I think that's what it is. Cyber culture is post-oedipal. What post-oedipal means is that it's post-patriarchal: it's post-father, post castration, it's constant satisfaction of our immediate desires.  

You go on fucking Tick Tock you'll find something you like, you browse the internet you'll find something like, you go on Discord, you're going on Twitter, you're tweeting, you're fucking watching me on stream right now. You're doing all these things on the internet to immediately gratify your desires, with no castrative effect. And there's something about Andrew Tate here that's fascinating, because Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate represent the first emergence of some kind of patriarchy, trying to claw its way out of this post-oedipal, rhizomatic cyber culture. I think that is what Avatar is, it's the ultimate Smart City, and it's the ultimate theme park. So the first thing you should think about in your head, is that Avatar/Pandora is a land of tick-tockers. It's a land of tick-tockers and YouTubers and influencers and Hollywood celebrities and dreamers really. It's a land of people who dream and aspire to become famous and who are famous and when you think about it in that way it's like they're all they're blue well they all have a blue check mark right. All the blue monkeys all have a blue check mark, and they all represent this basically in a kind of implicit way and when you get to the Crux of it that is honestly what the whole environmentalist ideology comes down to. Now my attack on environmentalism and my attack on the whole climate bullshit.
You go on fucking Tick Tock you'll find something you like, you browse the internet you'll find something like, you go on Discord, you're going on Twitter, you're tweeting, you're fucking watching me on stream right now. You're doing all these things on the internet to immediately gratify your desires, with no castrative effect. And there's something about Andrew Tate here that's fascinating, because Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate represent the first emergence of some kind of patriarchy, trying to claw its way out of this post-oedipal, rhizomatic cyber culture. I think that is what Avatar is, it's the ultimate Smart City, and it's the ultimate theme park. So the first thing you should think about in your head, is that Avatar/Pandora is a land of tick-tockers. It's a land of tick-tockers and YouTubers and influencers and Hollywood celebrities and dreamers really. It's a land of people who dream and aspire to become famous and who are famous and when you think about it in that way it's like they're all they're blue well they all have a blue check mark right. All the blue monkeys all have a blue check mark, and they all represent this basically in a kind of implicit way and when you get to the Crux of it that is honestly what the whole environmentalist ideology comes down to. Now my attack on environmentalism and my attack on the whole climate bullshit.

I don't really care about what the science is, the reason I don't need to care about what the science is, is because I'm aware of how within the realm of ideology there is clearly a pathological attachment

Latest revision as of 22:33, 22 February 2024

A youtube stream found [here]

TRANSCRIPT[edit | edit source]

Introduction - The wandering earth[edit | edit source]

I want to draw you guys attention to a film that I saw: China's film the wandering Earth, which came out in 2019. That movie was based on the giant science fiction novel The Three Body Problem, a really really deep Chinese science fiction novel that’s specifically a kind of implicit commentary on the Cultural revolution's Legacy, but it's not obvious how. The basic message of China's wandering Earth was this first of all it was a film that I believe was devoid of villains I'm pretty sure I recall there are no human villains in that film and I think the film was basically just about repairing so the Earth is on this 5 000 year Journey or some shit to reach a new sun it's not 5 000 years it's like 500 or something I don't know it's like a hundred I don't know how long it is to reach a new Sun that sun is obviously communism right I mean allegorically it is and you know it's kind of a little bit mundane the process getting there and the I think the film is just about the ability to persevere into the day-to-day necessities of work and of unleashing the productive forces and attending to the productive forces and that in a sense this is a hermeneutic or even mystical kind of sense that is what socialism is socialism is just this way in which Humanity attends to this process that doesn't necessarily have an end point right it's not necessarily you're going to achieve Socialism or you're going to achieve communism communism and socialism is the process by which Humanity attends to its own being and its own necessity and I think that was the takeaway I got from that film right because the villains I I think the film had all the emotions of heroism and tragedy and all that kind of stuff without any human villains that and even nature was not really depicted as a villain either I mean when you think about it there was no anthromorphic Villain at all there were just people dealing with the like the all the tragedies and Necessities that come with being able to withstand and survive in this world right there was anticipation there was drama there were high stakes all that kind of stuff but not necessarily any human villains and I thought that was a very deep deep beautiful movie and then the imagery in that movie was just phenomenal and this is what I'm getting at the depiction of industry in particular in that film the science fiction all these kind of like Thruster reactors the vehicles in the film the construction as it was being depicted it was very much about China's belt and Road initiative and at China's infrastructural based economy but rendered into Science Fiction it's probably my favorite film of the 2010s I think I'm confidently I can say that my favorite films of the 2010s it's a very and and I think the video game version of that film was death stranding to me which has a similar message. But in any case,  after that film wandering Earth, I came to a judgment which I may have done a little bit too prematurely.

Donation: “wandering Earth was very beautiful I liked how the Earth was represented in a very geological way if that makes sense” Yep, I've talked about that before yes it's a geological depiction of nature and this is it's a very deep yeah it's a it's the ultimate Mecca Tanki film 100 percent. But after that film I came to a conclusion and this was something that I came to the conclusion of actually right before covet around 2019 which I said basically the American Empire and the American unipolar civilization has no more tricks up its sleeve American soft power is done right American hegemony is like done there's what's the next big American Blockbuster there isn't going to be one all the American movies today are just about some kind of like tragic decline or coping with Nostalgia from the past there's no like forward future oriented kind of visionary American films anymore you have Marvel films these are not that's not what that is though Marvel films are Nostalgia about comic books from the 70s and the 80s and they're playing off of that whole childhood bullshit so this is a conclusion I drew with one ringer then my suspicions temporarily were confirmed covet happened and the response to the covet crisis by the United States was abysmal compared to compared to China which did an excellent job of responding to the covet crisis right so this was the Apex for all of us people who just see okay America's done China's the future I think 2020 in early 2021 it was the Apex right.

American Soft Power Revival[edit | edit source]

But today we can't really draw that conclusion anymore, today it seems a little bit different. I mean you had Biden get elected to the presidency and you have this kind of unprecedented ideological Revival or whatever you want to call it that's going on in the United States specifically. Also, China and Russia undoubtedly are facing problems right now, no one has ever tried to deny that. So this view that we had in late 2019 or I had in late 2019 and 2020 does not seem so easily defensible anymore, and that requires some evaluation. The way I decide to evaluate that is through this movie by James Cameron Avatar 2. I think Avatar 2 is one of the only films I can name since 2019 that has really become a Zeitgeist. It really marks a huge cultural and ideological shift. It's a pop culture phenomena that really epitomizes the ideological Spirit of the era, at least in America.

Is avatar 2 art?[edit | edit source]

For that reason alone I recommend this film. We have to talk about its ideological message, and I obviously don't identify with that, but it is a great film, visually speaking and I think that's all it really has to be. the the story is I mean it's not meant to be like this extremely deep story it's meant to be a visually Next Level film that's so immersive you're there in a way right and the 3D experience in particular is so important because the film wants to immerse you in that environment so when Martin Score says he calls the Marvel films theme park films this is the ultimate version of that but I think Martin Square says he gets wrong is that this is a form of somehow a form of cinematic art and I think this one in particular in a way that the Marvel ones aren't and there's a lot of depth to this film in terms of what it's able to capture and concentrate and epitomize as far as the spirit of the era is concerned. I've always admired James Cameron’s aesthetic Vision in relation to water, he's a big water guy so obviously this film was like a huge a huge bone to that right overall you know definitely see the film it's it's worth your time and if you don't see yourself thanks so much East you should check out the armored Core trailer looks like it's about some kind of Mecca Civil War infrared aesthetic potential but I think armored Core is a video game so you know there's not much there but I'm not a conservative when it comes to films what I mean by that is that I'm not someone who's like oh I only like Martin's Club says he films right no I'm a forward you know I'm when it comes to films I believe in progress quote unquote right and you know I'm not one of those people who has this inherent suspicion of this new kind of Pop Culture Cinema “DONO: how do we reinvigorate forward momentum?” I'll get to that I'll actually get to that right because the film here is really interesting but I I'm not one of those people who just like likes old dusty films and hates I'm suspicious of all blockbuster movies with a good CG I'm not one of those people this is this film is a cultural phenomenon right now and you know just like I think Batman kind of was but I don't think ideologically I don't think it's going to be as lasting as avatars I think Avatar 2 proves that the American Empire has some more up its sleeve but in what form right well that's what I'm gonna get to

Intro to avatars Ideology[edit | edit source]

So Avatar Two. We can't talk about Avatar 2 without talking about Avatar one. and I have talked about it before a little bit but I'm basically going to give you a rundown of what Avatar is all about. Alexander Dugin kind of talk epitomized this best in his you know understanding of what he calls post-modernism right. For Dugin modernism is about this it it looks like what it is on its surface value it's just this Bland standardization atheism you know vulgar materialism lack of tradition lack of anything you know just complete you know uniform mechanical industrial modernity and the jugan says post-modernity is all about simulation and it's about artificially simulating what is traditional and what is eternal and what is natural and that this is what it makes it the job right dejal is the Antichrist who at first pretends to be Christ makes it something much more evil right than a normal modernity classical modernity it's it's almost like it gaslights us about what real tradition is because it artificially simulates tradition examples of this I think would also be like fascism like Nazi Germany and stuff simulating all these ancient Traditions artificially but in any case in a way Avatar one was the ultimate expression of that Avatar one is depicting with through the highest possible means of Technology the most authentic sense of the natural world so we experience this kind of sense of nature right and some for some reason we need the most advanced possible artificiality to experience the innermost and deepest sense of authenticity when it comes to Nature, so this is something you should observe at the outset in order for us to even derive a sense of feeling what is natural and what is authentic we need the very opposite and I think that's interesting I think that's interesting because it leads us to open the question of what nature actually is what is the difference between something that's artificial and that's something that's natural well if we're already marxists here I think that that's a really easy answer: labor. Nature just is what is given to us. Nature is the Garden of Eden. Everything's on a tree for you to pick and just eat and I know in Avatar they do hunt and they do all these kinds of things but that's not real labor that's the Garden of Eden and because everything that they're doing is at the end of the day enjoyable. You never see a depiction of anything equivalent to real labor and Avatar you don't see this daily drudge and Daily Grind of necessity. You just have people with bows and arrows and it's just it's almost like they're picking fruits off of trees yeah they're hunting animals but it's the same thing. Anyway so it's labor right labor is the thing that separates something that's artificial from something that's natural it's not actually about whether it's been tainted by the touch of humanity as much as it is about whether it's been tainted by human labor that's what separates nature from the natural world now so you never see the Avatar blue people you never see them hungry you never see them suffering you never see them you know on the brink of starvation you don't see any of that so they're living in a Garden of Eden devoid of Labor now devoid of Labor devoid of human labor which we're gonna have to defy but the great thing is that we're going to Define what that is through the film We're not gonna have to really go to some we're gonna make it fun We're not gonna have to talk about this abstract dry Theory we're gonna just use the film to explain the concepts we're going to use to explain the film right so why is there first of all this association between women or the feminine with nature and why are men associated with the artificial or the man-made well it's actually pretty simple because I don't want to go to complex with the lacanian psychoanalysis but I think you guys can all understand without having to consult any Theory when you're a baby you have a mother and she rocks you and she lets you know she feeds you and you know she just takes care of you and then when you grow up you actually have to take care of yourself in some kind of way right well in within a family unit any family unit this is a universal across all of history there's no exceptions the role of men is to introduce the child to that realm of self-constitution right where you have to actually engage in labor now women can nag you your mother can nag you oh get a job you're a fucking need right if you're like Johnny socialism who lives with his mom you know yeah I mean he's getting nagged by her all the time that's fine there's nothing wrong with living with your mom by the way but if you're leeching off of her fucked up but it's only going to be a man who actually shows you how to do it who actually shows you how to do labor right no matter how much your mother shames you and makes you feel bad about being a fucking loser if you don't have a father to show you the way you're never going to learn how to do it well if you just take that and apply that out of the family it's pretty clear what that looks like for an environment nature is what's given to us in the same way that the warmth of a mother is given to us you know you just pick stuff out of the trees and you pick it you know it's just this harmonious all-encompassing mother Gaia whatever and then the man-made world is obviously patriarchical and it's artificial and it's contrived and represents this split from the all right that is the mother that is nature that requires man to somehow constitute himself and make himself out of something and so these associations are dualistically represented in the film but they're never connected in any kind of way in either one or two what we're talking about two right now the man is the villain and woman is the hero mother Gaia is the hero and then humanity is the villain now despite how villainous humanity is portrayed as some things you know is that the first of all I want to say the depiction of man-made technology the depiction of the forces of production the depiction of this man-made City that they were making and all the vehicles and the meccas and that level of Science Fiction I think is unparalleled I think James Cameron who's always been very good at this did just such a incredible job with the human science fiction aspect I think that that is like the top quality of any film I've ever seen because and and there's something very oddly Chinese about James Cameron's depiction of future human technology because you look at Chinese industry today and it literally looks like that right when they build infrastructure or Chinese construction projects I mean it literally looks like that in America it doesn't look like that America is very outdated and their methods are very backward and so on and so forth so that is something really odd in the in the in the movie is that the depiction of Industry although it's represented as the American Marines in America there's nothing American about it because it combines something very rare for films to do nowadays which is a depiction of the rugged kind of more down to earth instruction and Industry but also in a way that is futuristic and not just representative of the past and it seemed like for a long time only Chinese films really depict this and this is only really seen today in China because America's a de-industrializing nation and China is an ascending industrial country but yeah it looks like Shenzhen or something it looks yeah very but it's futuristic is the point right usually science fiction doesn't actually depict American Science Fiction is just too over the top a lot of the times it's like it's like almost like it's magic right like Marvel movies it's just fucking oh quantum mechanics so it's fucking magic but this film did it I mean yeah it it depicted a grounded science fiction which is also not like you know corroded metal and fucking rusted it's futuristic and it's glossy and it's aerodynamic in a lot of ways so I that was very I really like that the visuals for that were just right.

Ruling Class Fantasies Exposed[edit | edit source]

First of all speaking about Avatar in general I think people should take note that this film is really an unparalleled kind of perversion of the ruling Elites a James Cameron has made films for a long time right and when he made Avatar that was his coming out you know imagine someone you would have least expected was a furry and they just like came out oh I love wearing this costume man that's what Avatar is as far as the actual unironic fantasies our ruling Elita has if you remember that episode of South Park where the depict science a church of Scientology and at the end they just like revealed to see oh it's the Xenu the alien god and all this like stuff about whatever I think this is something similar as Falls like the occult beliefs of the ruling class is concerned because for all as enigmatic and like you know mysterious as it seems as far as what they believe what their planning is concerned this is really all they have up their sleeve James Cameron's and the ruling Elites in General's vision of a virtuous good or at least morally acceptable humanity is this kind of bizarre animal human hybrid living in the jungle in harmony with nature and it's nothing you could admit in public without being mocked but if you make a film you pour like 500 million dollars into it you're like openly showing everyone what your fantasies are and it's it should be embarrassing but it's so high budget that it's not. but I think everyone should remember this is just like the embarrassing dirty secret of the ruling class just being shown to us all of us right and I think there's something the film is what is called hyper real right which means it's so artificial that it looks real right the blue people like there's something uncannily real about them because they look absurd and and it's not a children's movie mind you in a children's movie anthromorphic anthropomorphic non-human preachers is a normal thing but in this kind of film it's just extremely bizarre right but to say that this is just like a dumb film I think you're just copying out of at least confronting how the aesthetic of our ruling leads because no if you I mean if you look at if you look at like the occult Chambers of the ruling class there probably are some motherfuckers that got surgery like a high depth form of surgery to look like an animal or some shit like you know I don't know to look like some bizarre fucking cat or something and like it's so realistic that it's just shocking that's how you should react when you watch Avatar you should like imagine you went into James Cameron's Mansion you went in the basement and there was just like this person who got like a billions like millions of dollars of worth of surgery to look like a cat and it looks really bizarrely realistic but also uncanny that's what the film to me evokes I'm not gonna make a sub stack on this so I'm just gonna be no it's not worth it I'm gonna be giving you my thoughts though I mean I think there's the whole it's going to be the whole stream is me talking about Avatar 2 because this is there's too much to say right but anyway average now building the what are you smiling what are you smiling see how she distracts me all right first of all right I'll let the woman talk for like two seconds go ahead my favorite part of the film and it was the same part that you clapped I did not quack it was when they were thinking Mother Earth for saving them and you clapped Okay so so the film

Pandora the beautiful[edit | edit source]

I want to talk about Pandora actually that's what I'm gonna do I'm just going to talk about Pandora First because I do think Pandora is a depiction of it's the ultimate fantasy I think and but what's different about Pandora is that the fantasy is real it's depicted as science fiction you don't often get that in science fiction right. Pandora is a place where our desires and our reality and our environment are seamlessly connected together, and that's why Pandora is ruled by a mother goddess. Because that's what being in the arms and the warmth of a mother really means, it means all of your desires are immediately satisfied by the external otherness. Which is your mother always attending to your needs and your wants.

There's just this seamless Unity which gets abruptly cut off by the castrative presence of the father. This Association is not difficult to draw. In The Avatar Series in general, I think there's something about this which is depicting the role of what we call technology today. Pandora is really just this giant Smart City, and if you think about digital culture - Internet culture, cyber culture, whatever you want to call it - I think that's what it is. Cyber culture is post-oedipal. What post-oedipal means is that it's post-patriarchal: it's post-father, post castration, it's constant satisfaction of our immediate desires.

You go on fucking Tick Tock you'll find something you like, you browse the internet you'll find something like, you go on Discord, you're going on Twitter, you're tweeting, you're fucking watching me on stream right now. You're doing all these things on the internet to immediately gratify your desires, with no castrative effect. And there's something about Andrew Tate here that's fascinating, because Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate represent the first emergence of some kind of patriarchy, trying to claw its way out of this post-oedipal, rhizomatic cyber culture. I think that is what Avatar is, it's the ultimate Smart City, and it's the ultimate theme park. So the first thing you should think about in your head, is that Avatar/Pandora is a land of tick-tockers. It's a land of tick-tockers and YouTubers and influencers and Hollywood celebrities and dreamers really. It's a land of people who dream and aspire to become famous and who are famous and when you think about it in that way it's like they're all they're blue well they all have a blue check mark right. All the blue monkeys all have a blue check mark, and they all represent this basically in a kind of implicit way and when you get to the Crux of it that is honestly what the whole environmentalist ideology comes down to. Now my attack on environmentalism and my attack on the whole climate bullshit.

I don't really care about what the science is, the reason I don't need to care about what the science is, is because I'm aware of how within the realm of ideology there is clearly a pathological attachment to the idea of the environment, that goes above and beyond anything science is saying. There's some kind of ideological fantasy people use to cope with their lives about the environment and about nature, that they would have regardless of the science. Just using some basic reasoning I think that makes the probability of all of the environmentalist science and climate science being true probably very slim, if there's this pathological need to have this idea of: “oh my God there's a mother nature and there's a harmonious mother Gaia that the indigenous people are all seamlessly connected to and yada yada”. That idea is somehow attractive to Americans and to people living in the West in general and they would probably have no problem twisting the facts in order to conform to that ideology because there's something ideological ideologically necessary about that and one of my interpretations of the ideological necessity of that view is that I see nature as this within Pandora and within the environmentalist or climate science kind of paradigm I see nature as this kind of this realm of aesthetic and scientific perfection right nature is scientifically perfect which means it regulates itself it takes care of itself it knows itself that's the most important thing it's an object that knows itself it's also an object which is not just itself beautiful but which is always evoking some kind of higher Beauty than itself when people say nature is beautiful I think they're lying I think when people say nature is beautiful they're saying that nature reminds them of something potentially beautiful but an actual beautiful object brings you to the Limit experience the threshold of something like death right a truly beautiful object also is tragic and also encompasses the whole range and threshold of human emotion but when you were at when you were in awe of the natural world I think that is just a part of an experience of beauty but that's not the experience of beauty itself and in an era I've talked about this the kind of parable of the good and the Beautiful and era devoid of any sense of the good which is basically the kind of authority of American patriarchy right the Constitution and American Republic and you know the military and all this kind of stuff this is gone right there's no real sense of the good anymore all there All That Remains is the beautiful so instead of Uncle Sam just pointing at you saying we want you you now have Ariana Grande people standing Ariana Grande's and K-pop so we live in the era of the beautiful but it's not it's not that the beautiful is something people actually experience it's that it's a transcendental object which is the object of all morality and the object of all experience which is always evading and elusive to us Avatar 2 in particular does get close to depicting what the sublime beautiful object is maybe when I mention it this way you're going to understand what I'm saying DONO: “the Aztecs were one of the few natives that believed in conquering nature their capital city was a huge Fu to Mother Nature” regarding the Aztecs I'm not really talking about conquering nature I think we have to break down we're talking about first and then we can talk about you know because I think that's just another form of one-sided dualism it's not about conquering nature and it's not about destroying human technology it's about actually understanding what these things are because you can't I mean this is all kind of infantile view as well right to be honest so the only time Avatar gets close to calling the bluff about the beauty of Pandora is when we're brought to those limit experiences when they tap into the the mother Gaia Consciousness the blue people have these things on their hair which they use to plug into the roots of the planet or whatever either in the water or in the tree or the big mother tree and then this brings them to the universal consciousness of the mother Gaia now the character who's like a half human half Avatar hybrid, who has a seizure upon doing this, that is actually where the beauty is. That's the beautiful object but everything before then all the green stuff and that's not actually beautiful it just reminds you of something beautiful right but it's not itself actually what beauty is and that's an important thing to emphasize here because the era of the beautiful doesn't mean Everything Is Beautiful it means actually nothing is beautiful because beauty is something Transcendent beauty is something that is made outside of our grasp and impossible to experience it's quite literally impossible to experience the half human half blue hybrid had a seizure and could not experience it right

Ariana Grande Cult[edit | edit source]

so it's similar when it came when it comes to someone like Ariana Grande. If you ask Ariana Grande fans okay what is the beauty of Ariana Grande they will say “oh my God you would have a seizure just like that” that little girl in the movie it's impossible to Fathom we have to keep making fan cam reels we have to dedicate our whole life to oh my God we have to be it's a cult right because she's not actually fucking beautiful it's just she's evokes the semblance of this Perfection that you know exists you're virtually related to it but it you the bluff is never actually fucking called you never actually fucking experience it right the same thing is true for K-pop and all these obsessive K-pop whatever stands it's the same exact fucking thing okay so this is Avatar this is Avatar's big Bluff about what the beautiful actually is and Avatar's nature is a you know oral stage whatever kind of Freudian oral stage nature right it's it's a Garden of Eden and it's also cyber culture and it's a smart City now interestingly this is something I also want to point out and this was true for both this film and the previous film

Science and the Sublime[edit | edit source]

The scientific expert is always a force of moral agency because the era of the beautiful is also corresponding to what lacan will call the era of the discourse of the University where pure impersonal scientific and technocratic knowledge Reigns and these films always have I'm a marine biologist or I'm a natural biologist whatever and these characters are always portrayed in a sympathetic light where you have some big masculine you know Soldier always ordering them around but these are Meek glasses wearing scientists well I'm simply reporting the facts and the facts show me is that what you're doing is morally wrong but obviously there's no morality in science and there's no morality in cold hard facts so what this actually represents is this corrupt understanding the scientific institutions have come to have with the prevailing ideological aesthetic of Europe which is about this unattainability of beauty because there's something similar when it comes to modern science only instead of beauty it's they call it truth in modern science there's a fundamental unattainability of Truth in science truth is the same Sublime object that beauty is so what does a scientist and an Ariana Grande stand have in common they are both seeking something they will never actually have a scientist wants to infinitesimally approximate truth but never actually experience truth never actually arrive at truth Ariana Grande's Stan wants to infinitesimally approximate a Sublime Beauty of Ariana Grande but they'll never get there. So there is a complete overlap between these two sublimes and these two Aesthetics or these two discourses as Lacon would call them. So the two sublimes that overlap that Avatar gives to us in the sublime limit experience of that young you have to watch the film to understand what I'm talking about by the way of the young girl this is the limit experience of both attaining the ultimate Beauty which is the mystical secret of Pandora and also the ultimate scientific truth this is why the aesthetic of modern science and the aesthetic of popular culture are one and the same thing scientists when you call their Bluff okay how do you have an outlook on being and on the universe that is ultimately coherent or at least elegant or at least somehow meaningful and you basically get the whole thing up there are millions of stars and everything so I'll be able to fall and everything so fast it's like the the the unattainability of Truth is something scientists use as their conduit in order to experience is Sublime because truth is so unattainable that there's something Sublime about it why is this Sublime because all the object of beauty is is the realization of the absolute human beings and human senses are actually quite simple to us what's beautiful is what's true what's beautiful is what actually realizes the truth of being or being itself absolute being that's all beauty is there's no secret to Beauty is just absolute being realizing itself to us whatever absolute being so happens to be and

The Truth of the Climate Crisis[edit | edit source]

The question of how to experience absolute being how to experience Beauty as an object coincidentally is also the same question whose founding premise which is the founding premise of human labor. This is where the analysis is going to get interesting. The question of, when is the bluff called as far as the object of the sciences and the object of a beautiful aesthetic or the hegelian Beautiful Soul. Where is the bluff actually called? The Bluff is called in the founding gesture, the founding moment, that gives rise to human labor. Because human labor does not afford any question of perfection. Human labor is fail again fail better that's what labor means. When you're toiling away you have no assumption that you're creating something inherently absolute or anything like that. The absolute lies in the very founding discontinuity the very founding torsion out of which the necessity arises that man acts upon the world that kind of object is not an object awaiting you behind something given to you it's an object that is the your cause it's the object that's your cause it's the object of an ottoman Soldier ready to die for his fucking caliphate it's a cause that compels the stakanovites in the Soviet Union to work harder and harder than ever before it's your cause quite literally to be in this world that is what it means to call the bluff now what does this mean for nature because to me the climate crisis and the ideology of environmentalism has nothing to do with anything actually going on in the environment and it has everything to do with the inability or the essence of Labor the essence of masculinity and the essence of patriarchy these are all the same thing by the way to disclose Itself by phenomenal means and therefore to be related to in a way that human beings today find sensible

Andrew Tate Cameo in Avatar[edit | edit source]

There's something actually related about the news of Andrew Tate's arrest with Avatar. Because they're both about the same crisis the crisis of being unable to refound something that cannot be represented through images and through some kind of givenness which is labor or masculinity or manhood something like that. the lacanian phallus it can't be reduced to an image and yet it's only through images that we can relate to it so this is very troubling right nowhere in the internet nowhere online can you find out how to become a man Andrew Tate tries to do that I don't know how successful he's been but with that crisis comes the inability to derive the compulsion out of which the ability to have the motivation to do work is grounded and founded it in a sense it is kind of like a DOT sign right but that sign is just a question now we go from da sign which is a question of what a being is a being for who's being itself is a question to the answer which is the object right.

The Secret of Pandora - Geology[edit | edit source]

What is the secret of Pandora that James Cameron is hiding from us? I argue that within Avatar 2 The Secret of Pandora - and this will radically change your whole view of the film, I am going to radically change it - The Secret of Pandora is geology. There is no geology of Pandora if you notice there are just beautiful forests and beautiful trees and then there's beautiful oceans and there's beautiful water I have to talk specifically about the significance of the water stuff and I will there are no plate tectonics there are no earthquakes and there are no volcanoes and there are there's no semblance of any distress within nature at all actually there's no plagues there's no hunger there's no tsunamis or anything of that nature there's just an idyllic Perfect Harmony between desire and fantasy but it's it's funny there's I remember there's a scene where someone from the tribe dies and they go down into the water and then what those plants whatever those yellow golden plants that connect all of the beings of Pandora to the mother Gaia Consciousness kind of just like flash or whatever and then it's just this kind of sublime it's the same when she plugged into the it's so hard to fucking explain this like they have these things in their hair that they plug into these plants or whatever any plants connect them to like the Central Intelligence of Pandora right and it's always a Sublime limit experience and it's the one that gives her a seizure and it's the one people go to after they die now what is the secret of that and it's also the secret of the scientists who can only infinitesimally approximate it like that bitch from the first movie oh my God I'm reading and the thing about Pandora is, it's almost like a super intelligence. All of the animals and plants and they all harmoniously work together, and they all coincide. They're I'm so amazed by this okay well you're amazed and what's the truth of this. I'll tell you, the truth is geology, the truth is plate tectonics, it's this fucking magma, that is underneath the surface and which is popping out through thermal vents and violently asserting itself in volcanoes and earthquakes and these violent abruptions of the natural world. The ones which notably be patriarchical abrahamic religion in the Old Testament describes barrier when the forest people are just entering the fishing Village that was made of branches, are we really supposed to accept that as natural? I mean it's science fiction, you have to have a deeper for the time but this is not what I'm not here to just be like oh this fucking fantasy science fiction film was not realistic I want to talk about why they make the Thematic choices they do within the film. not so much Sadie talk about the implausability of Pandora is actually something real. I mean of course it's not. Anyway, the patriarchical abrahamic religion of Judaism. You read the Old Testament and it describes a god engaging in an intervention in the world, it is very similar to this kind of geological under sub-terrestrial reality you know fire and brimstone and you know volcanoes and floods and all this kind of stuff very much abruption in the so-called natural Harmony of the world. But what the nature Gaia worshipers get wrong, is that this kind of abruption is actually real. I mean it actually happens, it's not true that nature is a harmonious place you could be living for thousands of years in harmony with nature and some apparently meaningless natural disasters just fucking happens which rocks your whole fucking world a volcano happens or something irregular happens that doesn't happen for a million years right will happen and then what? How do you fit that within your view of the harmony of nature? You can't, there's no way you can incorporate that within the Pagan logic of cyclical wisdom. You have to accept some kind of reality that there is an abruption, there is a discontinuity, there is a difference in the fabric of being which is imminent. The being which speaks to something real.

Labor and Plate Tectonics[edit | edit source]

That difference is labor that difference is what labor is founded upon because if we lived in the Garden of Eden everything was given to us by Nature we would not be laboring beings I am actually going to do something unprecedented and rolling back women's rights by thousands of years stop oh my God what the fuck this is assault I didn't agree to this okay all right I'm I'm I'm rolling back women's rights I I'm still doing it when women in hunter-gatherers societies are picking berries they're not engaging in labor that's not labor picking berries from the bushes is not labor it's not labor but this is because labor is not an individual activity labor is object causal labor is just a process by which man acts in relation to an abrupt discontinuity that the Celsius of man is self-founded upon so for example when man drives a species in extinct okay and upsets the ecology or somehow whose presence Alters the world around them in some kind of fundamental way labor is just the way man's activity responds to his own violent imposition upon the world before there is any individual form of Labor where one individual person is expending energy there is a founding patriarchical cut in the fabric of being that is the foundation of the socius the human Community itself and all activity which attests to this radical discontinuity in relation to the outside world that is what labor is the Soviet or Russian I don't know if it was in the Soviet era the idea of K waves are contratious Cycles confirms this view of Labor this idea that Marx's crisis with his labor theory of value the falling rate of profit is reset with these new technological revolutions and the forces of production because these technological revolutions happen first and then social labor realizes itself in response to that object cause it's not that individual labor is what builds it individual labor realizes something that has already happened because when a natural disaster happens for example a volcano or something of that nature right that is where the necessity of Labor is called upon in order for a human Community to survive it has to somehow respond to the fact of this radical discontinuity in the fabric of natural being by imposing its own discontinuity with the natural surroundings I think the first form of these were great migrations right if you drive a species Instinct There's a Great Migration let's say the thousands of miles somewhere else you settle somewhere else to my knowledge those migrations are patriarchal migrations the process of migration that's led by the men right why because the feminine dwelling and harmony with being is radically upset so the truth of Pandora is under the surface it's pla it's geology that's the truth the film does not depict any volcanoes or nothing right not naturally at least

Real Colonialists are Blue Kulaks[edit | edit source]

So how does fire come to Pandora? It comes through a quite literally Promethean people right big the sky people that's what they're called in the film. These are Promethean kind of Angelic forces of humanity the first film in Avatar Two when they're landing on the film sorry they're landing on the planet and it like Burns forests within like a hundred mile vicinity or something it's not 100 miles like a 10-mile vicinity that is the way the thing below the surface manifests itself to Pandora from the sky and there's something really beautifully dialectical about that and what it means is this it means the narrative that you have these European colonizers coming to colonize the indigenous people and that's the encounter that Avatar is depicting is bullshit it's actually the blue people the cats people that are the oppressors and what they're doing is that they're oppressing some dirty secret below the surface I propose the possibility I'm introducing my own science fiction into Avatar my own trust me this is the truth this is going to be an avatar 3. I'm making sure it happens China and Russia are going to do a joint film to expose this the truth the navi the blue people in Avatar are actually a parasitic cast they're an upper parasitic cast who are sucking the life force and the energy of these cave dwellers that live below that are the dalits and The Untouchables of Pandora and these dalits are human that's the origin of humanity Humanity began in Pandora as these dalit Untouchables below the surface and these dalits these humans are exposed to the harshness of nature they're they have to fucking they're like Minecraft caves with lava everywhere and they have to deal with harsh storms and all this kind of things and they're kept completely hidden and out of sight the navi don't even mention them because they're Untouchable and they're unspeakable lower caste even below the great mothers whatever tendrils right these humans mankind had to deal with the fact that mother nature was a bitch right so what happened is that by some accident a meteor left Pandora and brought them to Earth or something I don't fucking all figure out how they left that place and came to Earth but then the beautiful poetic justice is that Humanity returned to Pandora the wage class Warfare against the kulak blue cool locks the wage to wage a guerrilla war against them right a war of human liberation against the fascist nazi upper caste blue people and Humanity took all of its suffering that it experienced in Tartarus the Tartarus of Avatar right which is below the thermal vents and it used this to wield and and to become laboring beings and on Earth it learned how to build massive ships and steal ships and meccas and all those fucking things and guns and it's coming back to Pandora as this with this Promethean fire and also Promethean Vengeance to liberate the dalit humans that are still trapped in the in the caverns below Pandora's surface to liberate them and show them the light that their suffering is also the key to their Liberation why because when they bear the full brunt of the bitch that is Mother Nature volcanoes and all this shit they say you can harness this power and found yourself upon this this power you can found you can create great things if you harness the power of fire for example you can create steel and iron and all this kind of cool stuff right so this is the truth of Avatar now when you watch Avatar it's not the Europeans coming to colonize all the indigenous that's stupid right I'll tell you the truth right now Americans love Avatar too you every American loves Avatar too all of them love it they always love to Avatar right and they say oh this is just like the Iraq War this is just like European colonization no it's fucking not Europeans never went to some fucking the matriarchal society at peace with everything itself and then just decided to fuck it up for no reason that was very rare that's not what scares the Europeans which scares the Europeans is when man is in communion with the irreducible violence has found the community remember when Humanity were originally meant to be the forerunners they were the reclaimers just like the humans in Avatar so here's the thing right the thing that upsets Europeans that the see that the colonial encounter the violence of the colonial encounters not about the fact that there's a there's this split between nature and technology that happens that's not true that's the European fantasy actually the colonial fantasy imposes upon the savages the idyllic fantasy of nature but that is not what grounds the violence of the colonial encounter if you read Fanon actually who drew a loss from Lacon and kojev the violence of the colonial encounter is the exposure to an alternative patriarchical phallic Authority when the European realizes they're not the only fucking man on Earth and they see that the same constitutive violence of their own patriarchy can be reflected back upon them and others that's what they don't fucking like they don't like the humanness when I say humanists I mean the aspect of this violent break and torsion from nature in the harmony of nature that is what propels the Europeans to have to put down the the Red Man or the yellow man or the brown man or the black man they gotta put you down first because holy shit there's a little too much toxic masculinity you see the Europeans go to Africa or they go to America oh we gotta put down these motherfuckers these are mean motherfuckers with a little too much toxic masculinity so let's put them down on the fucking barrel of a gun and then once they're pacified right once they're pacified now you can write beautiful stories about how they're so ant in tune with nature and they're so they worship the feminine they're so in tune with nature but that's because you pacified them first what about the Revolutionary violence of the anti-colonial and Anti-Imperialist struggle that Fannin so often emphasized you don't get any of that in the film Bannon defended the burqa in Algeria the Algerian revolutionary said oh fine and we're Progressive we don't want this shit he said no this burqa means the imperceptibility of your woman to the French colonizer this burqa means your woman is inaccessible to them they're not fully transparent and they all encompassing scientific and rationalistic worldview of the French imperialists and colonizers everything has to be categorized everything has to be classified everything has to be assimilated and made transparent it's the opposite of fucking Pandora right he said this burqa is your Liberation because you're shutting yourself from their gaze you're not letting them see you Pandora's the total opposite everything is seen everything is seamlessly accessible to us oh it's so beautiful this is exactly the colonial perspective there's nothing about this film which betrays any parable about the encounter between colonizers and Indigenous people or whatever it's after it's a fantasy that only is possible after the colonialism has happened is something to emphasize so these blue people think of the blue people in Avatar not as the native indigenous Americans or tribes in the Amazon no they're more like white or what do you don't have to pick out white people but mostly white Coachella goers right they're tripping on acid and LSD and they're these elitist Rich motherfuckers at Coachella they're all doing that shit and then below them in charteris that's where the real Humanity the real proletariat is fighting the elements right that's how you should see Avatar that's how you should view that film. Now another interesting thing is to look at the Iraq War. If the Iraqis - or if the people in Afghanistan - were like these fucking blue people, you think there would be any violence from the U.S military? No the thing that gets consent for war is when we see how they're treating their women like shit: they're all covered up in burkas and they can't go to school and then the men are bearded and they're very patriarchal and violent. That's what gets consensus for war. That's the imperialist mentality. This stupid fucking idea that Twitter people have that “oh the Europeans just went to these Villages where everyone was in harmony with nature” no they weren't, they were patriarchies. That's what bothers them. if Afghanistan you think Afghanistan the U.S would have to bring guns to Afghanistan if they were just me wouldn't it real motherfuckers in Afghanistan right how what is the number one met weapon of war in popular imagination in from the Middle Eastern resistance who are supposed to be the blue people it's bombs it's fire it's guns it's things that an avatar are depicted as elementally villainous right. The truth is, it's the blue people who are the imperialist colonizers, and it's the humans that represent the colonized and the oppressed. That's the truth.

Avatar 2 is disturbing[edit | edit source]

But this film was the way of water because a lot of what I'm talking about is applicable to Avatar one the way of water. Avatar 2. I mean superficially it's just a clear Parable or it's a clear raise awareness about the coral wheat reefs guys and whatever right. But I thought this film was a little disturbing because it depicts so much killing of humans, and their arms are getting ripped off when they're hunting whales. I think it's kind of disturbing how there's so much viciousness. I think in the film James Cameron did something kind of interesting which is that the first film elementally was about Earth versus the sky. This one was about water as something even more closely related to Nature which I appreciate. it is correct right but in addition there's also something kind of Twisted I found about the film which is that I'm not sure if this was first true for the first one but to me the way of water perfectly aligns with some recent comments by Cameron where he was like “testosterone is a toxin that men if they know what's good for them have to purge from their body”. He said something kind of weirdly along the lines of that, and what I find a little disturbing about that is that in the film you can see how that's what the way of water always is. The way of water is pretty much give up any patriarchical memory and simply give in. If you give in all the water will take you and “oh the orcas and the whales and you just gotta give in to your surroundings” and that's how you survive on Pandora in general. You see James the good human guy, he's struggling to raise his family. And you can clearly see he brought over a lot of his parenting techniques from Earth and he's always kind of wrong to have those techniques and the the power of the moral of the film is just kind of like you know he this is just the kind of cope of the forest people and the tree people and that the water people are more about going with the flow I guess right.

Theme of Water[edit | edit source]

But I think there's something contemporary about the theme of water today when you look at the state of atlanticism, which is quickly turning into a kind of pacificism. The indo-pacific shift toward containing China with the Navy: it's the last source of American hegemony and American Powers stopped the belt and Road initiative, that's important. But I think it's just a weird mysticism of atlanticism or the openness of “the open society and water and learn how to just be open and Purge the toxin of your masculinity and the testosterone from your body.”

Gen a Going Feral[edit | edit source]

What I found so disturbing about that kind of giving in thing is, that also it implies the opposite in some kind of way which is this extreme aggressiveness of the male blue people characters which is like depicted as cute or whatever but it's like generation a which is the next generation is already kind of like acting like that right and all this is just see there's so I'm gonna tell you something if you think we're living in a toxic masculine era sorry. If you think “we're going to be entering the mother Gaia era” just means men are going to be pacified, they're not going to be violent and dangerous anymore, no. No men are going to be more violent aggressive and dangerous than ever before in the matriarchy, because in a matriarchy what man doesn't have is accountability. He just has his feeling. So when man just gives in to his feeling his natural feeling he's you know what is he going to do he's going to rape and he's going to kill and he's going to murder people and somehow and it's not a world shaking thing to do because you're always in the embrace of the matriarchical mother Gaia and you guys don't know what I'm talking about if you're you know if you witness how many of you have witnessed the impotence of female Authority over a wild aggressive and angry like adolescent or teenage son I've seen that a lot myself right and it gets scary how fucking aggressive they can get it can get fucking scary right and I think the film kind of depicts that as just like this cute thing or whatever like when they're making these faces and sounds with their face and there's kind of impotent lashing out kind of anger and so on and so on so I think it's a it's it's a very scary ominous thing I mean they're depicting violence in the film very that's the part where the the Gory arm gets ripped are we supposed to be happy that a guy's arm got ripped off because he's fucking killing whales who gives a fuck about whales just for a second pause your fucking dumb stupid ideology shit that's a human being no it's all right every day oh kill him I'm so enamored by the beauty of the whales kill him he's taking the whale oil which hurts it doesn't matter he didn't deserve to die and gorily have his arm chopped off because of a fucking whale that's stupid right.

Avatar 2 is hinting at a Chilling Future[edit | edit source]

People are now getting to the point where, listen: this is the scary thing about the future that I think Avatar too is hinting at right. It's like the bluff of the sublime will never be attained but people have somehow gotten this idea of like okay you're the one preventing me from having it you're the one preventing me from attaining the beautiful object so I need to kill you and cut you out so that my gaze can be toward this Ariana Grande Beauty like look at who are the most vicious violent fucking people on the internet stands aren't they that's for a fucking reason right because even those stands don't even have a specific ideology and they don't have this kind of like political they just care about the Beauty and the Sublimity of the celebrity violence somehow comes so easy to them because this it's so easy to hate it's so easy to fucking hate others when you feel like they are the source of your inability to be human or like experience or attain the human Unity with the otherness right with the perfect object like it's so easy to have hatred genocidal hatred of someone when you feel they are the source of your inability to complete yourself right and in the same way that Stan cultures for whatever bizarre fucking reason so violent right for whatever reason that is that same thing will inevitably translate into politics.

Avatar 2’s woke Imperialism[edit | edit source]

The political form of that - and this is where I'm going to talk about the kind of geopolitical significance of Avatar 2 - is leftism leftism is an ideology of the Transcendent beauty or the Transcendent perfection of modern politics. A political modernity where everyone is the premise of complete equality right? Or complete emptiness of substantive content where for example: there is a difference between me and Nadia right? With leftist view there's nothing substantive about that difference, it's just a result of Oppression for example. So this is the ideology the extremely potent ideology of leftism that is like stand culture but much worse because they're not just standing a specific person anymore they are standing the ultimate and unattainable object of morality and beauty and Truth in the world right and the bluff by the way you'll never achieve communism you'll never achieve the socialism you'll never achieve the revolution but what you will fucking have is antifa bashing people's fucking head in for the smallest promise that this person is getting in the way of complete perfect Justice in the world it's R2 I think is part of this aesthetic of what I would just vaguely call leftism or volkism or environmentalism or whatever you want to fucking call it and I think that is fully in line with the geopolitical stakes of the film in both form and in content now geopolitically, geopolitically I think the way of water you can look at it as the indo-pacific right that's the most obvious one there's an in the shift to the indo-pacific environmentalism is sure to be a weapon it's in the Arsenal conservationism of American imperialism in order to hold back and stop see look environmentalism and conservation and indigenism are three weapons that are sure to be an already are being weaponized by the state department defend by the state department in order to kind of attack China and Russia. It's an ideological worldview that motivates people to be opposed to China and Russia and it also happens to be something that is directly weaponized against them like for example trying to impose and new in international environmental regulations to stop the industry of developing countries you could you saw Putin's response to Greta thundberg and that's what we're dealing with and then there's also the kind of indigenism all we have to free the indigenous Siberians from Putin's colonialism we have to free the indigenous Chinese I mean there's people on Twitter I think you know who she's called Kissinger or something she's called Teresa or some shit it's called Theresa I don't know what she's called she directly talks about oh China's a Colonial Country she's like a maoist right she talks about Oh Land back for the indigenous people in China and Russia and so on that is the new state department ideology it's it's in James Cameron's Avatar too and the proof is in the pudding if you think Avatar 2 is some revolutionary fucking film that's critiquing the U.S Empire ask yourself why it's the most popular fucking film in the US Empire right now ask yourself that question why is it the most pop why if you if you're a space alien so it's trying to rush America what are the what's the film that all the Americans are watching and loving it's Avatar too huh I guess we're upon the verge of a revolution and this is great right no this is already the ideology of the state department and the American Empire I don't know how to break this to people but Hollywood films do not get hundreds of millions of dollars to be made if they don't conform and execute the ideology of the ruling class every Hollywood movie you ever watched that you thought was making a critical commentary on the status quo completely deceived you like you are so wrong about it being critical in any capacity there's no way you see an American Hollywood film it gets the backing and funding like James Cameron's Avatar that isn't somehow enforcing the ideology of the status quo including the religious blind kind of worship of Science and scientific expertise that you see in the film where scientific knowledge and scientific expertise Blends seamlessly with the beauty of Pandora the mystical kind of infinite beauty of nature as depicted in Pandora so that's important to bear in mind additionally geopolitically speaking the film is very clear in form and content what we're talking about as I mentioned before the human industry that you see in Avatar do there's nothing American about it it's very Chinese and then what are the what does Pandora represent as I just said it's the cyberspace culture right it's social media culture the seamless blending of fantasy with reality LGBT identities furries all that kind of that's the blue people are the epitome of that they attain that in a way right okay so it's very clear that the two sides of this right it's China's industrial civilization versus the American civilization of soft power woke ideology and influencer culture and Tick Tock and YouTubers and Hollywood and Disney and Disney Disney Fantasies right because that's what America still has going for it America's not an industrial civilization anymore would it still somehow manages to lead the way in is the realm of Desire really the realm of people's fantasies what do people find desirable and beautiful I mean when it comes to Disney it's soft power seems Marvel and all that that's that's still alive and running right so America still rules Dreamland and Pandora is Dreamland and China may have an edge when it comes to Industrial civilization but America has the edge when it comes to the realm of our dreams and our you know desires tick-tockers versus industrial civilization who is going to win?

Rise of blue Hitler[edit | edit source]

Well I will say don't underestimate the power of Dreams. In the case of our Pandora which is the United States may be a de-industrializing country but we still do have the strongest military on Earth and we also have the most powerful nuclear Arsenal on Earth so in those dreams and that wokeism that environmentalism becomes weaponized which we're already starting to see by the way it can be a very very dangerous thing it's like an avatar when you know the blue people became dangerous and the whales were cutting people's arms off and shit that that's where you could really see. America does has no more wealth to offer the world materially speaking. But what it does have is this kind of enthralling fantastical fantasy that it's somehow also weaponized with the most powerful military on Earth. Now by the way what does that remind you of because to me it reminds me of the first Disney bide political leader in the world which was Adolf Hitler. Hitler didn't offer the German civilization. He didn't offer them a an industrial civilization or a new kind of revolution in the productive forces and all this Innovation and stuff. He offered them a dream and War Fantasy A Fantastical kind of semblance where he supposedly hypnotized the German nation and he was this Sensational media personality. He was a star basically who also kick-started the industrial rearmament of Germany in order to invade and declare war on everything to his East. That was a very dangerous combination. I can confidently say, that the first blue Navi that's what they're called the navi the first Navi first Blue Monkey in history was none other than Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler was the first blue guy in the world. So when you watch Avatar I want you to think of these blue people and put a Hitler mustache on them because that's what you're dealing with. They're blue Hitler rights that is quite literally what they are blue hitlerites.

The economy of Pandora[edit | edit source]

I went from an analysis of kind of ontology I went to geopolitics now I want to talk about economy. I think Avatar is also interesting when it comes to the understanding of Labor we should have because although I mentioned how when the navi are hunting I was kind of it's not labor right it's just taking from what already exists our advanced economy here in the United States and the Western world seems to be resembling that and the the structure of a smart City the political economy of the fourth Industrial Revolution resembles that when things are mostly automated and it seems like whole economies are driven by attention and consumerism and there's Ubi around the corner and then you have Trump's checks during covid it seems to be a new threshold in the productive forces where you know Society is becoming kind of like Pandora where you just kind of can take but as batai will teach us there's an economy of consumption there's an economy of wasting and there's a economy of taking such that even when you're doing something passively just consuming like a infant suckling their mother's teeth there is an economy to this somehow there's a order there's a rational structure it's not just some totally perfect thing there's still some discontinuity that emerges here so where does labor re -emerge as a meaningful category of political economy in an age of total automation or from the very opposite perspective in a Pandora fantasy where all of your wants and wishes are already immediately around you in some perfect Garden of Eden right I think labor must be re examined and a political economy should be re-examined because as misogynistic as I am the feminine element is eternal it is eternity actually that's what the way of watch the Eternal other chaos the Waters of the womb right and despite every historical revolution in the productive forces the feminine eternity of givenness just deepens in its infinity and it's an eternity so this is a dialectic right that's why I did not initially speak so easily about did I think Michael passed. I didn't speak so easily about just conquering nature because it's really not possible nature also has a history so the more man deepens the history of Labor the more the history of nature is deepened which is what is so beautiful about theology.

Ariana Tate before the Apocalypse[edit | edit source]

I think labor will seriously reassert itself as a category of political economy after something like what happened in debt stranding which is an apocalypse is like I said before Labor founds itself and grounds itself in an apocalypse in an Abrupt discontinuity with the givenness of nature and whether that apocalypse has already happened in the form of covid or whether it's going to be some future natural disaster we have yet to see but the era of Labor immunities of Labor is upon us maybe Andrew Tate represents that in a way people like him and Jordan Peterson maybe they represent this Reawakening to the reality of Labor in an era of pure consumption and whatever through this return of Paige but I don't know if Andrew Tate I made this critique initially I don't know if he is patriarchy because where does Andrew Tate and Ariande Grande begin and end you know what I'm saying where does his role as an actual patriarch begin and his role as a embodiment of sublime Perfection like Ariana Grande and and that much is not clear to me and it's very it's very strange there's some there I think there's different Andrew Tates some of them can be based but another kind can be the DeSantis deception and a hermaphrodite combination like a false Revival like this is what DeSantis represents the neoconservatism of DeSantis the Revival of Western Civilization artificial kind of salvation from The Crisis crisis we face an artificial return to Traditional Values and so on and so on which really represents its opposite this may be upon us.